'A Tale of Two Men: The Basis of Justification' Considering Romans 5:12-21

"No passage is more diffi­cult for a modern mind to understand, and no passage of the NT has had such an influence on theology as this." You will need to put your thinking caps on; you will need to "gird up the loins of your mind." If you snooze, you lose. This passage could seriously enhance your understanding, could change your life, could alter the way you see yourself as a Christian and change your whole outlook.

Right and Wrong Some scholars deny righteousness through Christ — They err

What does the doctrine of justification mean? This article shows that justification by faith in Christ is rooted in understanding the active obedience and passive obedience of Christ. It gives four principles that govern the explanation of Christ's active and passive obedience. To deny one of them is to deny the biblical teaching on justification.

Martin Luther and the Doctrine of Justification by Faith Alone

Martin Luther confessed that the justice of God is that righteousness by which, through grace and sheer mercy, God justifies us through faith. This was the discovery by Luther of justification by faith alone. This article explains how Luther came to this discovery by looking at his life and the battle with the Roman Catholic Church.

Can a Lonely Faith Save?

Did James teach justification by works? This article looks at James 2:14-26 and the question of the relationship between justification and good works. It shows that there is no contradiction between James and Paul. It looks at Luther’s struggle with this text, and shows that James deals with dead faith in contrast to living faith. It also shows how the Reformers dealt with the text.

Theological Guide to Calvin's Institutes – Justification and Union with Christ

Gaffin reflects in Chapter 11 on John Calvin’s view of justification and union with Christ in Book 3 of his Institutes of the Christian Religion. Gaffin gives a brief overview of the treatment of justification in successive editions of the Institutes from 1536 to 1559. Next, he considers what Calvin mean by the “double grace” (duplex gratia) that believers receive by union with Christ.

The Future of Justification – Introduction

In this volume the author confronts the teaching of N. T. Wright on justification by faith. In the Introduction Piper portrays the view of Wright as “difficult to recognize as biblically faithful.” One of the major concerns is that Wright does not see justification as “how you become a Christian.” Piper formulates eight points in Wright’s reading of Paul that lead to a loss of the historic understanding of justification by faith.

Justification and Final Judgment according to Works

What does it mean that believers will be judged by works? This article shows that the believer’s justification and eternal salvation are rooted in the merit of Christ. Therefore there is no room for future justification. Out of his grace God will reward the good works of believers; however, even this remains an act of God’s grace.

Kingdom of God or Justification of the Sinner? Paul between Jesus and Luther

Looking at the themes of the kingdom of God and justification, this article looks at the question of the relationship between Paul's and Jesus' preaching. Evaluating the paradigm shift in Pauline studies (e.g., by James Dunn), the author discusses the relationship between the kingdom and individual justification.