Sovereignty characterizes the whole being of God. He is sovereign in all his attributes.
Christ comes with a blessing in each hand; forgiveness in one, holiness in the other.
The cultivation and manifestation of Christian affection between the people of God is a far more weighty argument with unbelievers than any apologetics.
The measure of our love for others can largely be determined by the frequency and earnestness of our prayers for them.
Christian Liberty
The author considers how to harmonize statements in Scripture that point to Christian liberty with the fact that we are also still under obligation to obey the law of God. It defines the scriptural import of Christian liberty, how it is deliverance from the wrath of God, the power of the devil, the bondage of sin, the authority of man, and is a deliverance unto the service of God.
Complete Submission
This article presents the account of the healing of Naaman the Syrian in 2 Kings 5 as a picture of the gospel of Christ and of how a sinner comes to repentance and salvation. This picture is portrayed to show God's initiative, the uncompromising force of God's word, the necessity of the sinner's personal humility and obedience to God's command, God's grace, and the perfection of his salvation.
God's Word and Obedience
In this article, a connection is made between loving to spend time to read and know the Word of God as well as being able to do it. In the process it is also shown that even the moral law is part of the law of God, and to be loved and obeyed.
Salvation from the Pleasure of Sin
According to this author, God saves us from the pleasure or love of sin before he delivers us from the punishment of sin. In the rest of the article, the explanation covers the state of a person before and after he has been saved from the love of sin.
Saving Faith
In this article the subject of saving faith is investigated. The aim is to be able to identify and distinguish between faith that is genuine and leads to salvation and those kinds of faith that do not lead to salvation. By references to various texts in Scripture, the article deals with many of the faiths that do not lead to salvation.
The Great Change
The author of this article investigates what he calls the miracle of conversion, considering the process, the various individual experiences of conversion, and the true nature of the fall of man.
Mediatorial Union
This article focuses on the coming together of the two natures of Christ, the human nature and the divine nature, for the purposes of mediation between God and man. The author says that the constitution of the person of Christ is of such a fundamental and vital concern that without believing it, one cannot be a Christian.
In detail, the author discusses the subject of repentance and includes in the discussion the necessity, nature, implications, and fruits of repentance.
Regeneration or New Birth
The author discusses in detail the teachings around the subject of regeneration. Included are discussions on its necessity, what it is and means to the believer, and the results of the process of regeneration. The author dutifully addresses many terms to do with regeneration, including spirit, flesh, illumination, degeneration, and fallen nature.
God's Sovereignty and the Human Will
What is the nature of the human will in terms of its freedom or lack of freedom? How much power does it wield over the whole human being? This article attempts to answer these questions, highlighting in the process the natural inclination of the human will with regard to sin and God's righteousness. One observation made is that the sinner is free but only in the direction of sin.
Present-Day Evangelism
The article deplores the weakened nature of today's evangelism. The author points out one important aspect of evangelism that has been ignored: this work is for the glory of God alone, not man. The article goes on to consider the nature of the gospel as something not independent of the law of God. In conclusion the author considers what God's people must do in view of the existing situation of evangelistic malpractice.
The Decrees of God
What are the decrees of God? What Scriptural texts support the teaching of the decrees of God? These questions are answered in this article. The explanation given includes the properties of decrees.
The Foreknowledge of God
The author speaks on the foreknowledge of God as it applies to the doctrine of atonement. The article rejects the assertion that God foreknew who would believe and therefore predestined such people to salvation. The author redefines the foreknowledge of God, understanding it in the context of the decree of God.
Objections to God's Sovereignty Answered
The article addresses a number of objections raised against the sovereignty of God. One such objection is that God loves everybody. In reply, the author refers to a number of verses that set out to disprove this. These include Proverbs 8:17, John 3:16, Romans 9:13, and 2 Peter 2:5.
The Wrath of God
The Holiness of God
The Power of God
The Immutability of God
The Great Giver
The Impotency of the Human Will
This article is a short description of the doctrine of total depravity and original sin.
Regeneration - The Essence Of
The essence of regeneration is our conformity to the image of Christ. This has its beginnings in this life, and is witnessed through the struggle with sin.
Regeneration - The Effects Of
In regeneration God illuminates the understanding, elevates the heart, emancipates the will, and rectifies the conduct. These are the four effects of regeneration that this article explains.
Regeneration - The Nature Of
The nature of regeneration is that the Christian receives a new life that results in his faculties being changed and given new direction in their properties, qualities, and inclinations. Let this article explain.
Regeneration - The Necessity Of
The natural degeneration of man, his total depravity, and his alienation from God are what make regeneration necessary. This is what the article explains.
The Sovereignty of God in Salvation
Why is it that some people are saved and others are not? This article traces the answer to this question to the sovereignty of God in salvation. It argues that the biblical answer is found in that God the Father elected certain ones to salvation, God the Son died for the elect, and God the Spirit quickens the elect.
Present Day Evangelism
When evangelism makes the winning of souls its goal it is doomed to fall into error. It misses the point that evangelism should have God's glory as its aim. To argue this point, this article looks at what the gospel is.
A Call to Separation
Faith endures the disappointments, the hardships, and the heart-aches of life, by recognizing that all comes from the hand of Him who is too wise to err and too loving to be unkind.
No verse of Scripture yields its meaning to lazy people. The Word has to be studied.
Apostles of Satan
There are some ministers who are actually false prophets and apostles of Satan. These preachers deny the enormity of sin, the wrath of God upon sinners, and Jesus as the only true way to God.
The Godhood of God
To speak about the Godhood of God is to affirm that God truly is God. Looking at God and His attributes, this article shows how society through its lifestyle can deny these attributes and paint another picture of God, which this article calls the "modern god". The author points to creation, revelation, salvation and providence as affirmation of the Godhood of God.
If a church does not evangelize it will fossilize
Christ comes with a blessing in each hand: forgiveness in one, holiness in the other
God is working out his eternal purpose, not only in spite of human and satanic opposition, but also by means of them
Prayer is not so much an act as it is an attitude.