The Crucial Difference Between Law and Gospel for the Christian Life
Should Christians be driven by the law of God or the promises of God? While the law has its appeal to us, the Bible teaches that we ought to be driven by the promises of God. This article discusses two Scripture passages to help to address this matter: Genesis 15 and Romans 4.
No Rules, No Civilization
Two Ways of Denying God’s Law and One Way of Affirming It
There are two ways to undermine the law of God: idolatry and legalism. And there is one way of affirming it: by observing it, still today.
The Law and Laws
What should be the attitude of Christians toward the law of God? The attitude should be shaped by understanding the place of the law through the historic progression of God's revelation. This article explains the role of the law before the fall, after the fall and in the New Testament.
Calvin on Law and Gospel
What is the place of the law of God in society? What is the relationship of the law to the gospel? What is the role of the law in the Christian life? This article gives John Calvin's answer based on his view of the three uses of the moral law.
The Grace of the Law
Though a believer is no longer "under the law," he is freed up to see the beauties of God’s law as fulfilled in Christ. This article explains how this works; that is, it describes how the law of God is a gift of the grace of God.
Matthew 5:17-20 – Jesus and the Law
What is the status of the law of God today? This article explains what the Lord Jesus meant in Matthew 5:17-20. The law of God has abiding authority today.
Christian Liberty
The author considers how to harmonize statements in Scripture that point to Christian liberty with the fact that we are also still under obligation to obey the law of God. It defines the scriptural import of Christian liberty, how it is deliverance from the wrath of God, the power of the devil, the bondage of sin, the authority of man, and is a deliverance unto the service of God.
God's Word and Obedience
In this article, a connection is made between loving to spend time to read and know the Word of God as well as being able to do it. In the process it is also shown that even the moral law is part of the law of God, and to be loved and obeyed.
Present-Day Evangelism
The article deplores the weakened nature of today's evangelism. The author points out one important aspect of evangelism that has been ignored: this work is for the glory of God alone, not man. The article goes on to consider the nature of the gospel as something not independent of the law of God. In conclusion the author considers what God's people must do in view of the existing situation of evangelistic malpractice.
Delighting in the Law of the Lord – The Good Life: Do We Need God's Law Today?
Chapter 1 considers issues like the following: What do you think about the law of God? Do you think that you don’t need laws written thousands of years ago to direct your life? The culture in which we live today claims it knows better about how we should live than people from distant times and different cultures. Our scientific knowledge has advanced so much that it is no longer necessary for us to obey a moral code written in a time of comparative ignorance about human life.
Our Lord's Understanding of the Law of God
What should be the Christian attitude towards the law of God? This article seeks the answer from Christ's view of the law.
Can Man Be Good without God?
What is Theonomy?
This article is about theonomy. The law of God and gratitude is discussed, as well as the obedience to Christ as Lord. Other topics that are important in this article is the relation of the Old Testament and the New Testament, and the government and the law of God.