Does the Welfare State have a Future?
Children of God and COVID–19 A Resource for Christians Navigating a Global Pandemic
Modern Democracy
The Belgic Confession of Faith: Article 36
Religion & Politics Considering Romans 13:1-7
The Confession of Faith Article 36 Of Magistrates
Ministers of God for Our Good: God’s Gift of Civil Government
What should be the attitude of Christians towards the civil government? This article explains that Christians should view the civil government as ministers of God for your good, because civil magistrates are ordained by God. However, their authority is limited.
The Deaconry and the Magistrates
Is God Involved in Politics? If So, How Did He Vote?
The Christian’s Response to an Encroaching State
At Least Five Things Scripture Teaches Us about Governments
What should be the attitude of Christians towards the government? This article explains five things the Bible teaches about governments.
Reformation Politics: The Relevance of OT Ethics in Calvinist Political Theory
What does the Reformed tradition teach on the nature and limitations of civil legislation? What are the limits of government? How did the Reformers apply the civil laws of Moses? The essay notes the function of natural law and how the Puritans and Continental Reformers like Zwingli viewed the role of government.
The New Testament Doctrine of the State
Does the New Testament have a specific view of the state and government? What is the relationship between the church and state? How should we relate our present situation with that found in biblical times? The author considers the creation of the state and the natural law concept, Christian attitudes toward the state, and the function of the state.
Respect for the Government: Outdated Concept or a Biblical Requirement?
God and Government: A Biblical Perspective – The Bible and Limited Government
Tracing the development of government through the Bible, this article shows that the government must be limited in its reach. This limitedness is due to the fall and the reality that all authority belongs to God.
A Biblical Case for Limited Government
The Bible teaches a minimalist view of government. To show this, this article evaluates three worldviews and their impact of the role of government in society, it shows how to read the OT and NT on government involvement, and it distinguishes between positive rights and negative rights.
Government: Small or Large?
How big or small should the rule of the government be? Acknowledging that the government is established by God, listening to biblical warnings, pondering the pervasiveness of the fall, and learning from the lessons of history are four areas to consider to answer this question.
Biblical Foundations of Limited Government
The role of the government is to make sure that there is order, which allows people to live peaceful and quiet lives. This article shows that this truth forms the foundation for what the government must do and not do.
Obeying both God and Caesar
How Should We Then Vote?
Looking at Romans 13, this article shows that government is instituted by God to reflect the reality of God's kingship. God wants government to function in its sphere of authority, and it must promote the rights God has given to people. Based on this, Christians have an obligation to vote for a government that is the closest to biblical principles.
"Subject to the Higher Powers"
The Godliness of Government
God has given us government for our good, to enable us to serve Him and others. This fact should encourage Christians to take great interest in politics and to play their role in voting when called to do so. God has put governments in place to restrain evil.
Who Runs This Church?
This article is about the fourth membership vow: "Do you agree to submit in the Lord to the government of this church and, in case you should be found delinquent in doctrine or life, to heed its discipline?" Who runs the church? Jesus is the only king and head of the church. How does he rule the church? He delegates his authority to pastors and elders and reigns through His Word and Spirit.
Submission to the Government of the Church: Is it Biblical?
This article is about submitting to the government of the church. Hebrews 13:17 says, “Obey your leaders and submit to them, for they are keeping watch over your souls, as those who will have to give an account. Let them do this with joy and not with groaning, for that would be of no advantage to you.” Who are these leaders, and how should we submit to them?
The Secession of 1834 and the Struggle for the Church Order of Dordt
Not only did the Secession of 1834 involve a restoration of true church doctrine, but it also involved a restoration of biblical church government. Through the Secession, God led many churches to return to the Church Order of Dordt and biblical church polity.
The Magistrate
The Office of the Christian Believer in the World
Is the Law of Moses binding on Christian Magistrates today?
This article looks at the arguments supporting theonomy, showing that the use of the law by theonomists - who devide ceremonial, civil and moral law - is not supported by scripture. Understanding the law through redemptive history means that God's kingdom is experienced through the church, not government.
Christ's Kingship and Politics
Who Gets to Educate Our Children?
God & Government: A Biblical Perspective on the Role of the State
This article gives a biblical perspective on the role of government. The authority of the government is derived from God, and the state is tasked with promoting justice and righteousness within the limits assigned to it. In this way, the government is the servant of God.
Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely (Part 2)
This article shows how Christians can overcome corruption and limit its spread by building institutions that can stand up to the government and hold those in power accountable.
Debate: Ethics Without Belief Is Not Only Implausible, It’s Impossible
This article shows that policies passed by government on human rights are also based on a belief system, since morality cannot exist without a belief system at its foundation.
Civil Disobedience: A Principled Position Statement
This article is a statement aimed at helping Christians in thinking about civil obedience and civil disobedience. The author urges Christians to think from a perspective founded on biblical principles, balancing obedience to God with obedience to government.
The Christian, Torture and Intercessory Prayer
Loving our own security often turns to justifying the means we use to protect it. This article gives an ethical reflection on torture used by the government in the name of protecting security.
The Two Kingdoms Doctrine: John Calvin
This article discusses John Calvin's stance on the two kingdoms doctrine in relation to eschatology, as well as in relation to spiritual, church and civil government
Towards A Theology Of The State (Part 3)
This article discusses the relationship between state, church and the kingdom of God. The author maintains that there is no neutral government in terms of religion. The knowledge that the kingdom of God will last forever has bearing on how the church thinks about the state in relation to redemptive history.
Towards a Theology of the State (Part 2)
Looking at the historical development of the state, this article shows how the Bible views government. The author also discusses the challenges of the relationships between state, family, and education.
Towards a Theology of the State (Part 1)
Looking at the participation of Christians in electing civil government, this article discusses a biblical way of thinking about the state and the way biblical law must be applied in relation to the civil government. In this article some principles are given which must govern Christian thinking on this topic.
The State's Role in Reformation: Can Reformation Take Place without the Involvement of the Civil Government?
The Task of the Government Today
Church Polity and Civil Law
Christianity and Social Involvement
On Capital Punishment
The Sermon on the Mount and Nuclear Weapons
John Calvin and Civil Government
Martin Luther and Civil Disobedience
The Ethical Justification of Deterrence
Bursting the Bubble! Is Civil Disobedience for Christians?
Theonomy and Judicial Laws
What is Theonomy?
This article is about theonomy. The law of God and gratitude is discussed, as well as the obedience to Christ as Lord. Other topics that are important in this article is the relation of the Old Testament and the New Testament, and the government and the law of God.
Westminster Confession of Faith Chapter 23
This article on the Westminster Confession of Faith Chapter 23 is about the government.
Caesar's calling
The church must preach the will of God with respect to the obedience owed the state, and the church must make plain the will of God for government. What tasks does God give to government? What calling does the government have towards the citizens? When does government overstep its calling? The author looks at the state as the servant of God.
Be Subject Unto the Higher Powers
Sphere Sovereignty
Can We Legislate Morality?
Oliver Protector: A Godly Ruler?
Psalm 82 - God Judging the Gods
Free Enterprise: Not a Perfect Means
Free Enterprise: A Means to Achieve Biblical Goals
Our Political Task
Cause for celebration?: 25 Years of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms
Defending Christian freedom: Our Civic Responsibility
1 Peter 2:13 - Submit Yourselves
Freedom Fighters — What Right do They Have?
Remembering Groen
Matthew 22:19-21 - Any Coins in your Pocket?
Kuyper and Politics
Calvin's Restrictions on Interest
This article is about John Calvin's view on the legitimacy of interest. Calvin could agree with the idea of interest, but also placed restrictions on the charging of interest. This article also looks at the relevance of Calvin's view on interest for the credit crisis of 2008 and the policies of banks and governments.
Christian Patriot - Contradiction or Compliment?
This article about patriotism, discusses the Christian's love for his/her country, the authority of the government, and the limits of civil obedience.