Eight Sins You Commit Whenever You Look at Porn
Is it only the sin of lust that you commit when you look at pornography? There are several sins you are committing whenever you watch porn. The article mentions and briefly discusses eight sins.
Is it only the sin of lust that you commit when you look at pornography? There are several sins you are committing whenever you watch porn. The article mentions and briefly discusses eight sins.
Though there is reason to lament the brevity of life, there is also reason to rejoice. This article explains that because life is short, we won't sin for long, labour for long, suffer for long, or wait for long.
The public reading of Scripture can be a frightening experience. This article give some advice on how to go about Bible reading in public worship.
Backsliding is a reality. This article gives four reasons why people backslide.
Every Christians need to be encouraged continually in living the Christian life. Where are the sources of encouragement for the Christian? This article mentions four.
Can Christians use online dating services like eHarmony? This article shares four areas to consider when working through the issue.
Is hell real? Hell exists because God is holy.
Because of his holiness, when God comes into contact with sin he must react with just wrath. 2 Samuel 6:1-7 demonstrates the truth of the wrath of God, shown in response to sin and by way of punishment.
What should be the attitude of Christians towards the government? This article explains five things the Bible teaches about governments.
Anger is the result of sin but also the common cause of sin. This article explains how.
We know God through his revelation. This article explains both general revelation and special revelation.
What is sanctification? Sanctification refers to the setting apart of Christians and making them holy.
What is idolatry? Idolatry is being discontent with who God is and what he has done for you, in that you look elsewhere for satisfaction.
What is holiness? Holiness can be defined in relation to God but also in relation to human beings. This article explains these two sides to holiness.
Salvation is the final triumph of the gospel in bringing believers to eternal safety and joy in the presence of a holy and glorious God.
The world as we know it will come to an end, and judgment is coming. The article explains what this judgment is about.
What is heaven? Heaven is where God is, and where God is there is happiness and unending worship.
This article explains what hell is, through the lens of 2 Thessalonians 1:8-9. It also provides five reasons why the doctrine of hell should leave us grateful.
What is worship? It is essentially the glorifying of God by responding to his revelation of himself.
The resurrection of Christ is essential to the Christian faith. Without it, the Christian faith is a waste. From 1 Corinthians 15:12-19 this article gives seven reasons why this would be the case.
This article outlines a Christian perspective on sex. It is one of God's gifts, and should be thought of, especialy by husbands, from a biblical perspective: sex is something that goes far beyond the physical.
Mysticism is dangerous because it undermines the authority and sufficiency of Scripture as well as the biblical teaching on justification.
Watching pornography desecrates human beings, and it mocks the gospel. The article explains how.
"How did you like the sermon?" This is just a wrong question to ask, because sermons are not for liking. Instead, as the article suggests, the question could be: What did you learn from the sermon?
Pornography does not only damage your personal spiritual growth, it also cost the church dearly. This is why God warns against it in Proverbs 5:7-14.
Proverbs 5:19 explains that it is proper for a man to be drunk with the love of his wife. So a man may let his sexual desire be satisfied by his wife alone.
Prayer is and always will be a battle, because of the temptation to give up. This article gives tips for persevering in prayer.
"Humblebrag" is a statement in which you pretend to be modest but which you are really using as a way of telling people about your success or achievements. Bragging or boasting is made easy by social media. This article shows ways of such bragging.
If modesty is a virtue that shows love to others and brings glory to God through appropriate dress, then your clothing matters. It illustrates how much the gospel influences your life. This article considers this fact, through the lens of Colossians 2:20-23.
This article discusses the First Council of Nicaea, whose major issue it faced was the nature of the divinity of Christ. This article discusses this Council's setting, purpose, major characters, and the nature and results of the conflict.
When can you talk about someone in such a way that you avoid gossip? This can happen when you are governed by five desires and guided by five criteria. Let the article unpack these.
This article discusses the First Council of Constantinople, whose purpose was to unite a church that remained divided over the issue of the nature of Christ and his relationship with the Father. The article discusses the Council's setting, purpose, major characters, and the nature and results of the conflict.
This article discusses the Council of Ephesus, whose purpose was address the teaching of Nestorius that came to be known as Nestorianism, a teaching that stressed the independence of the divine and human natures of Christ. The article considers the Council's setting, purpose, major characters, and the nature and results of the conflict.
Pride seeks to make people conform to you because you think you are better than them. This article expands on this.
This article discusses the Council of Chalcedon whose purpose was to rectify the tension created by the Council of Ephesus on the nature of Christ. The article discusses the Council's setting, purpose, and major characters, as well as the nature and results of the conflict.
Every Christians has three enemies—the flesh, the world, and the devil. In fighting sin and evil, it is important to know the many forms they take. Emphasizing one above the others is to lower our guards against these three enemies of Christians.
This article discusses the Second Council of Constantinople, whose purpose was to try and reconcile those who agreed with Chalcedon with the Monophysites. The article presents the Council's setting, purpose, and major characters, as well the nature and result of the conflict.
This article discusses the Third Council of Constantinople, whose purpose was to settle the difference between the Western and Eastern church on their understanding of the nature of Christ's will and power (the technical terms being monoenergism and monothelitism, respectively). The article discusses the Council's setting, purpose, and major characters, as well as the nature and results of the conflict.
This article discusses the Second Council of Nicaea, whose purpose was to discuss the use of icons. This led to the debate known as Iconoclast Controversy.
Pelagius believed that man has free will and therefore is able to contribute to his salvation. This teaching became known as Pelagianism. The article discusses this false teacher and teaching.
This article explains how 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 can help in winning the battle for sexual purity. The way to win the battle is by being grounded in the gospel.
This article explains how 1 Corinthians 6:9-11 can help in winning the battle for sexual purity. Seek your identity not in sexual performance but in who you are in Christ.
This article explains how 2 Corinthians 7:10 can help in winning the battle for sexual purity. It calls for godly grief that leads to repentance.
This article explains how Psalm 32:1-5 can help in winning the battle for sexual purity. It calls us to confess sin honestly, humbly, and thoroughly.
This article explains how 2 Timothy 2:22 can help in winning the battle for sexual purity. Learn to run from sexual sin and do not be ashamed to do so.
This article explains how Hebrews 10:24-25 can help in winning the battle for sexual purity. It calls us to seek the company of godly friends.
This article introduces the founder of Mormonism, or Latter-Day Saints, Joseph Smith. He believed that the Bible was corrupt and insufficient and for that reason he took away from and added to God’s revelation.
This article explains how 1 Corinthians 10:13 can help in winning the battle for sexual purity. It is a call to trust the promises of God.
This article explains how 1 Peter 5:5 can help in winning the battle for sexual purity. It calls us to be humble, to confess our weakness to God.
This article explains how Hebrews 10:24-25 can help in winning the battle for sexual purity. You have the church to fight together with you.
This article explains how 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 can help in winning the battle for sexual purity. God wants to be glorified through your body.
Seventh-Day Adventists claim that the proper day for worship is Saturday. Where did this false teaching start? This article introduces one of the founders of the Adventists, Ellen G. White.
This article explains how Matthew 5:27-30 can help in winning the battle for sexual purity. You may have to gouge some things out if you are to win this battle.
This article explains how Hebrews 4:15-16 can help in winning the battle for sexual purity. Learn what it means that Jesus is our High Priest.
This article explains how Proverbs 5:7-14 can help in winning the battle for sexual purity. We need to stay far away from any area of temptation.
He claimed that his call was to restore the truth of biblical Christianity. Yet he denied so much of what the Bible taught. This was the founder of the Jehovah's Witnesses. This article introduces Charles Taze Russell and his false teaching.
Liberalism questions the nature of the Bible and denies its inerrancy, infallibility, and authority. Liberalism denies that the Bible is the Word of God and insists instead that it contains the Word of God. This is a false teaching. This article looks at one of the promoters of this teaching, Emerson Fosdick.
This article explains how 2 Corinthians 5:17 can help in winning the battle for sexual purity. The victory of grace is certain.
Are you struggling against pornography? There is a way to overcome it. This article explains how Romans 12:2 can help in winning the battle for sexual purity. It calls you to have a renewed mind.
This article considers how 2 Corinthians 4:18 can help in winning the battle for sexual purity. It calls you to have an eternal perspective.
Our thoughts can change our lives, health, and destiny—this is the message of positive thinking, and is a false teaching. The article discusses Norman Vincent Peale, the promoter of the power of positive thinking.
It is the shock of your life. You have just discovered by your kids are watching pornography. Do not despair, know how to handle shame, ask questions, go to the gospel, and plead with your children. These are practical guidlines this article discusses to helping your children agaisnt porn.
Pornography affects Christian families. This article provides practical ways to building a porn-free family.
To teach that good works are a necessary condition for justification is to be contrary to the gospel. This teaching is false and the article looks at one of the false teachers advancing this teaching: Pope Francis.
Faith healers claims that God intends everyone to be healed of all of their diseases if only they believe. This teaching is false and the article looks at one of the false teachers advancing this teaching: Benny Hinn.
The Bible does not only tell us about building the church. It also warns us against destroying the church. From 2 Timothy 4 we learn that when the church starts taking certain steps, that church is about to die. This article outlines these steps.
How can you protect the church? It is only by preaching that the church is protected. From 2 Timothy 4:2 this article explains the kind of preaching that protects the church.
Modalism holds that Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are not distinct persons in the Godhead but are different modes of existence of a single person. This teaching is false, and the article looks at one of the false teachers advancing this teaching: T.D. Jakes.
Is the evening service becoming a thing of the past? This article answers this question by looking at reasons that contributes to the decline of the second service.
Are the words recorded in 1 Corinthians 7:10-12 Paul's words or God's word? This article weighs in.
The prosperity gospel teaches that God has promised his people financial and other forms of prosperity in this life, if only God’s people will take the necessary steps to claim this prosperity. This teaching is false, and the article looks at one of the false teachers advancing this teaching: Creflo Dollar.
Christians are warned against false teachers. Is there anything we can learn from false teachers? This article offers seven lessons.
Pornography is costly. Therefore, no one should be watching it. Here are seven reason to persuade you not to look at porn.
James Montgomery Boice is known for defending the doctrine of biblical inerrancy. This article offers a brief look at his life and how he defended inerrancy.
Technology should be treated as a tool we have to use. But if you don’t own your tools, they will own you. This article discusses the results of allowing technological tools to distract you. They lead to shallow living, doing, and loving.
This article explains seven ways you can ruin a prayer meeting.
Learning to preach the gospel to yourself is important for every Christian. It is important for your Christian life and pursuing holiness.
Getting things done is important to being productive. How can one learn productivity? The answer is: by knowing your purpose and mission in this life.
Getting things done is important to being productive. One can learn productivity partly by defining and managing one's areas of responsibility. This article gives a practical guide to doing so.
Think of doctrine as the body of knowledge that God revealed to us about himself. Thus, studying doctrine is important for every Christian. Here are six reasons to study doctrine.
Getting things done is important to being productive. One can learn productivity by finding the right tools. This article discusses five types of tools you need.
Personal devotions should be characterized by rejoicing in Scripture, because God's Word is precious, pleasurable, protective, and profitable, as we read in Psalm 19.
Getting things done is important to being productive. How can one learn productivity? It has much to do with having and developing organization skills. This article explains the need to have systems and tools in place in order to enhance productivity.
Getting things done is important to being productive. How can one learn productivity? This article discusses the matter of task management: dividing your tasks into different areas of responsibilities.
This article explains that the Christian faith and practice arise out of the unfolding drama of Scripture, the big story of what God is doing in history. If there is a story there is a story teller, purpose, a plot, and our place in the story.
Discipleship training is a process. Like physical training there are things that must characterize discipleship. This article discusses seven characteristics of discipleship training.