The Belgic Confession of Faith: Article 26
The High-Priest: His Clothes The Clothing of the High Priest
The High-Priest: His Consecration and Duties His Consecration and Duties
The Uniqueness of Christ: The New Testament Witness
Is there a way to live in reconciliation with God without Jesus Christ? There has always been the question whether Jesus can in one way or the other be co-ordinated with other figures. This article shows the New Testament's testimony to Jesus as the unique Son of God and only mediator between man and God.
Christ, the Mediator of the Covenant
The Accuser and the Advocate
Union with Christ – Creation
This is a volume on believers’ union with Christ. Letham argues that union with God is founded in the very being of God as Trinity and relational. Man being made in the image of God reflects this characteristic. First Letham looks at the Trinitarian basis of creation. Next he notes the role of the Son of God as the mediator of creation. Man as one created in Christ is to be recognized as image of God.
Christ: One Mediator with Two Natures
Christ Mediator No one can Read the Scriptures without seeing that Great Prominence is given to Christ Jesus in the Plan of Salvation
Christ’s Glory as Our Only High Priest
The Covenant with Moses and Its Historical Setting
This paper considers God's covenant with Moses, or rather the covenant with Israel with Moses as mediator. The author considers the relationship between covenant and law and the covenant form and the Sinai covenant.
One Half-Hour Silence in Heaven
The Intercessory Work of Christ
A Fresh Perspective on Jesus Christ
The whole Bible speaks of God’s love. As Mediator of the covenant, Jesus Christ demonstrated such awesome love for his people that he suffered the most ignominious death, in order that we might live. However, he is also the Messenger of the covenant. As the Messenger he is love, but he is also holy, righteous, and jealous. We must view Jesus with both of these perspectives.
The Incarnation
This article is an exposition of Lord's Day 14 of the Heidelberg Catechism. Why is it important that Jesus came into this world through birth? In order for Jesus to be the Mediator between God and man, it was crucial that the incarnation should occur.
The Gospel of the Mediator
This article is an exposition of Lord's Day 6 of the Heidelberg Catechism. Why did Jesus have to be both man and God in order that He might be our Mediator?
Christ the Mediator
Hebrews 12:24 describes Christ as the Mediator of the new covenant. In Christ all the promises of the Old Testament covenant are fulfilled.
The Courage to Pray
He Ascended into Heaven
Praying: To Mary or To Christ?
Christ's Intercession Article 26: Belgic Confession
Westminster Confession of Faith Chapter 8:6, 8:7 and 8:8
This article on the Westminster Confession of Faith Chapter 8:6,7 and 8 is about Christ the Mediator, Covenant of grace and salvation.
Westminster Confession of Faith Chapter 8:1
This article on the Westminster Confession of Faith Chapter 8:1 is about Jesus Christ the Mediator.
Hebrews 9:24-28 - The Christ of Three Appearings
This article on Hebrews 9:24-28 is about Jesus Christ as Mediator.
The True Tabernacle
This article is about Jesus Christ as the true tabernacle (temple) of God. The article also looks at the indwelling of God, Jesus Christ and the new covenant, and Jesus Christ as Mediator and High Priest.
Westminster Confession of Faith Chapter 8:4 and 8:5
This article on the Westminster Confession of Faith Chapter 8:4 and 5 is about Christ and the Mediator.