Fellowship with God – Our Highest Privilege
What does your fellowship with God look like? Intermittent, lukewarm, and man-centred? This article offers a brief reflection on John Owen's emphasis on God-centred communion.
The 110th Anniversary of the Death of Spurgeon
This article discusses seven characteristics of Charles Spurgeon that are enlightening for preachers who are called to preach through times of adversity.
Learning from the Life of Dr. Klaas Schilder (Part 4)
This article is the last of a four-part series on the life of Klaas Schilder. It offers some critical remarks on the theologian.
Learning from the Life of Dr. Klaas Schilder (Part 3)
This article is the third of a four-part series on the life of Klaas Schilder. It recounts his involvement in the Liberation and its aftermath, as well as his ongoing work as professor and editor, and then it begins an assessment of Schilder's contributions, also to the field of biblical theology.
Learning from the Life of Dr. Klaas Schilder (Part 2)
This article is the second of a four-part series on the life and legacy of the Dutch theologian, Klaas Schilder. It offers a critique of Abraham Kuyper, and then continues with Schilder's life, particularly as a professor, writer, and editor for De Reformatie, and active opponent of Nazism.
Learning from the Life of Dr. Klaas Schilder (Part 1)
This article is the first of a four-part series on the life and legacy of the Dutch theologian, Klaas Schilder, particularly his historical context (including Abraham Kuyper), his early life, and preaching ministry.
Thoughts on Prayer from Charles Spurgeon
John Wesley's Concept of Sin
John Wesley's doctrine of Christian perfection makes it necessary for him to make clear how he understands the doctrine of sin. He had a specific view of holiness. In this paper the author's intention is to clarify Wesley's concept of sin.
Continuity and Discontinuity in Post-Reformation Reformed Theology; An Evaluation of the Muller Thesis
What is the relationship between the theology of the Reformation and Post-Reformation Reformed Theology? Did the scholastic methodology of the post-Reformation period change the content of the Reformation theology? Richard Muller argues that they are in essential agreement. The agreement lies primarily in the christological focus.
When Men Think More of Themselves Than They Ought
By looking at the relationship between Klaas Schilder and Herman Hoeksema, this article gives a historical overview of what led to the separation between the Protestant Reformed Churches and the Liberated Reformed Churches.
Groen Van Prinsterer: Dutch Statesman and Christian
The Revocation of the Edict of Nantes, 1685
Francis A. Schaeffer (1912-1984)
Charles Haddon Spurgeon: A Witness For Today
Richard Baxter and His Gospel
The French Synods of the Desert
The French Synods of the Desert
William Carey: Climbing the Rainbow
The Influence of Thomas Boston of Ettrick
Elizabeth Duchess of Gordon
The Inspiring Ministry of George Whitefield
Jean Claude (1619-1687) Pastor of the Huguenots
Dietrich Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Disciple, Martyr (1906-1945)
Kuyper and Politics
Abraham Kuyper 1837-1920
Rev. H. De Cock and the Secession
John Bunyan, Joy, and Suffering
This article highlights the story of John Bunyan, how he came to experience joy in his sufferings for the gospel.
Robert Murray M’Cheyne
Who Is John Bunyan?
Who is John Bunyan? This article answers this question by looking at the times of Bunyan's life, as well as his life, works, and place in church history.
Herman Bavinck: Vast Learning, Ageless Wisdom
Who was Herman Bavinck? This article introduces Bavinck's life with a focus on his theological contribution and his legacy for the church today
Abraham Kuyper: Hero to a Nation
Who was Abraham Kuyper? This article surveys his life, with a focus on his key theological themes as well as his legacy for the church today.
William The Silent: Father of the Netherlands
This article is a biography of William of Orange. Focus is given to his role in fighting for Calvinism in the Low Lands in the Netherlands.
Herman Bavinck: The Man and the Mind
This article considers Herman Bavinck and his understanding of the Christian life. What lay at the heart of his understanding was the imitation of Christ. His life and writings reveal this, as the article demonstrates.
The Doleantie
Those who left the Hervormde Kerk in 1886 did so out of great grief. Thus, their separation became known as the Doleantie. This article sketches the picture of this separation and the role which Abraham Kuyper played in it.
Abraham Kuyper: A Short Biography
Who was Abraham Kuyper? This article gives a biography of the man.
Bonhoeffer – A Reliable Guide?
Is the theology of Dietrich Bonhoeffer orthodox? This article offers some cautionary remarks.
The Life of George Whitefield
This article is a biography of the life of George Whitefield.
John Bunyan: Author of Pilgrim's Progress
This article is a biography of John Bunyan, with a focus on his ministry and the impact of Pilgrim’s Progress.
A Model of Determination
William Wilberforce should serve as a model of determination. He shows us what it means to persevere for God's work.
The Power of a Pleading Mother (Christian Men and Their Godly Moms)
It will be unfair to talk about the greatness of Charles Spurgeon without talking about his mother, Eliza Spurgeon. This article pays a visits to this godly woman to show the influence that shaped Spurgeon.
The Arminian Controversy and the Synod of Dort
This article discusses the situation of the churches in the Netherlands from about 1560 onward. It looks at the life and teachings of Arminius, the path leading to the Synod of Dort (1618-19), and the decisions of the Synod of Dort.
The Puritans: Can They Teach Us Anything Today?
The Sure Source of Spurgeon's Success
12 Lessons from the Life of Edwards
Faith and Life in All Its Dimensions The Augustinian Tradition of Abraham Kuyper and Klaas Schilder
Reformed Churches in the Netherlands An Historical Overview
Staying Reformed with Bavinck
How God Uses a Family and a Home A Tribute to Edith Schaeffer (1914-2013)
Edith Schaeffer Her Home – A Place of Grace
Zachary Macaulay - Crumbling Foundations
This book is a biography of Zachary Macaulay, with a focus toward Macaulay's contribution to the abolition of slavery and the slave trade. This chapter gives a description of Macaulay's early life.
Unity in Diversity: The Ecumenical Spirit of the Great Synod
In striving against the Remonstrants - the heirs of Arminian heresy - the synod that met in Dordrecht in 1618/19 was fighting for church unity. False doctrine divides the church. The synod understood that church unity can only be attained on the basis of the truth. This truth must be embraced and confessed by the true church.
The Secession of 1834 and the Struggle for the Church Order of Dordt
Not only did the Secession of 1834 involve a restoration of true church doctrine, but it also involved a restoration of biblical church government. Through the Secession, God led many churches to return to the Church Order of Dordt and biblical church polity.
The Afscheiding and the Well-Meant Gospel Offer
Does God desire to save everyone? Not all the leaders of the Secession of 1834 were in total agreement over this question. This question lies behind the teaching of the well-meant offer of the gospel. Looking at the historical development of this teaching, this article traces it back to some of the leaders of the Secession.
A Brief History of the Afscheiding (3)
This article looks at the character of the Secession of 1834 and the lessons we can learn from this piece of history.
A Brief History of the Afscheiding (2)
This article looks at Hendrik de Cock's leadership in the Secession of 1834 and the persecution of the seceders. The author also looks at the history of the years following the Secession.
A Brief History of the Afscheiding (1)
This article discusses various factors which led up to the Secession of 1834 in the Netherlands. The Dutch Reformed Church became a state church and rejected the Church Order of Dordt and the binding authority of the creeds. The author also looks at the leading individuals involved in the Secession and their persecution.
Why the Secession of 1834?
There is nothing so painful to Christians as witnessing the separation of Christ church. This author maintains, however, that sometimes separation is the way to obey Christ. This article looks at the influence of rationalism, biblical criticism and the church and state relationship in the Netherlands leading up to the Secession of 1834.
Pietism and Subjective Christianity
Pietism began as a reaction to highly intellectualized orthodoxy common in some churches in the decades following the Reformation. This article gives some reflections on its main leaders: Johann Arndt, Philip Jacob Spener, Auguste Hermann Francke, and Count Nicolaus Ludwig Von Zinzendorf. The author summarizes the teaching of pietism, showing that pietism moved from emphasizing the authority of scripture to emphasizing experience.
Isaac Watts: The Man Behind the Hymns
John Angell James
Daniel Rowland of Llangeitho
John Charles Ryle
The Spiritual Life and Ministry of Charles Simeon
The Revival of 1859 in Scotland
James Ussher - A Protestant Controversialist
The Unitas Fratrum: Religious Pioneers
Looking at the history of the Unitas Fratrum, or Moravians, this article shows how this movement began under the influence of Jan Hus and the leadership of Nicholas Louis von Zinzendorf. The Moravian movement left a great heritage for the church, especially in the areas of communal prayer and zeal for mission work.
The Age of Rationalism
The Protestant Reformation was a blessing to God's church, since it brought in freedom and liberty for the individual to read and interpret Scripture. However, many reactions to the Potestant Reformation also arose. This article on church history focuses on the rise of rationalism, as well as the teachings of John Wesley and Methodism.
Reactions to Historic Protestantism During the Modern Era in Europe
This article on church history discusses the reactions to the Protestant Reformation. Within the Roman Catholic Church the reaction was a counter-Reformation through the work of the Jesuits and the Council of Trent.
Resistance Within the Third Reich
'Generally Speaking'
150th Anniversary of the General Assembly in Ireland
The Second Reformation in The Netherlands
This article is about the Dutch Puritans and the Second Reformation in the Netherlands. The author talks about William Annes, Willem Teellinck, Gijsbertus Voetius, and Herman Witsius.
The German who Opposed Hitler
Daniel Rowland (1711-1790)
'Lutherisch Ist Gut Sterben'
Stewart of Cromarty
John Harper: An Unknown Hero of the Titanic
Herman Bavinck's Life and Theology
Henry Rees: 'Best Preacher Ever'?
Franciscus Gomarus: Stubborn champion of God's glory
Franciscus Gomarus (born in 1563 in Belgium) was an important theologian at the well-known synod of Dort (1618/19).
Liberation 1944
Robert S. Candlish
Herman Bavinck: A Sketch of His Life
Antonius Walaeus October 3, 1573 – July 9, 1639
J. H. Merle D'Aubigne
This article is about J.H. Merle D'Aubigne and his work in church history and historiography.
K Schilder December 19, 1890 - March 23, 1952
Dr John Erskine : A Voice for Today?
Alexander Thomson 1798-1868
Samuel Rutherford: Westminster Divine (Part 2)
Thomas Boston: At the Borders of Glory
Samuel Rutherford: Westminster Divine (Part 1)
These articles are about Samuel Rutherford (born about 1600 A.D. in Scotland), one of the men who was part of the Westminster Assembly.
George Whitefield's Last Sermon
1834 and 2004
Gijsbert Voetius: Defender of Orthodoxy
Gijsbert Voetius, born in 1588 AD in the Netherlands, was a defender of the orthodox reformed faith after the Synod of Dort (1618/19).
William Huntington
The Union of 1892 What Can We Learn from It Today?
The Men at Dordt
This article is about a few men that were part of the Synod of Dordt (1618-19): Jacob Arminius, Jan Uytenbogaert, Simon Episcopius, Pieter Plancius, Francis Gomarus and Johannes Bogerman.