The Slippery Slope Towards Polygamy
Evangelical or Reformed?
What is Humour? A Christian perspective
Environmentalism: A New Religion?
Personal Devotions
The Virgin Mary - Part 2
Irenaeus of Lyon
Restorative Justice
The Dark Clouds of Depression
Does the Welfare State have a Future?
The Rich Jesus A Reformed look at the Prosperity Gospel
A Christian Perspective on Healthcare
Bible Translator - Jerome
The History of Christianity in China
Martin Luther and John Calvin
Muhammad: The Last Prophet?
Islam in the light of Scripture – Part 3
Christians in a Decadent Empire
Human Rights Need God
Bias in the News
Heresy - Part 1
Remember our Roots! The Importance of the Church Fathers for the Christian Faith
The Fatherless Jesus
Testing the Spirits of our Times
Our shameless culture
The Erosion of Civility
The Problem with Pacifism
Ignatius of Antioch
The Islamic Doctrine of "Abrogation"
Cyril of Alexandria
Gregory of Nazianzus
The Angry "New" Atheists
The New Utopia - It has no room for the disabled or the suffering
Islam on Jesus
Islam's clash with the God of the Trinity
Quintus Septimus Florens Tertullian
The Wonder of Beauty
Islam's Animosity towards Israel
Titus Flavius Clement of Alexandria
Searching for a Perfect World
The Tale of Two Cities
The Virgin Mary Mariolatry: The Great Divide
Freedom's Christian Roots
Aaaaagh! I'm getting OLD!!!
Will Animals Go to Heaven?
Wow...I'm Getting Old! Christian aging in hope
The Reality of Heaven: The New Jerusalem
The Reality of Heaven: Paradise Regained
As We Age
The Reality of Heaven: A Forestaste of Heaven
The Road from Hell ... with the Best of Intentions?
The Reality of Heaven: The Wonder of It All
The Reality of Heaven: The Best is Yet to Come
The Reality of Heaven: Our Lord's Re-entry
The Reality of Heaven: Heavenly Rewards
The Reality of Heaven: At the Sound of the Trumpet
The Reality of Heaven: Recognition in Heaven
The Reality of Heaven: Is Heaven Boring?
The Reality of Heaven: Entering Sabbath Rest
The Legacy of the Sixties
The Reality of Heaven: The Church Triumphant
The Reality of Heaven: Ministering Angels
The Reality of Heaven: A Costly Confession
In the Beginning is God
An Ancient Vice
True Education
The Reality of Heaven
AIDS: The Scourge of Africa
The Power of Language
There is plenty of good news in the Bible, but there is never any flattery or back scratching.
Christians must be involved in political action based on their faith conviction. In the name of the Lord the hungry must be fed and justice must be sought.
Can We Welcome Muslims as Fellow Believers in the One True God?
Politics and Music
Christian Art?
This article shows how the Christian worldview has motivated Christian art in the past. Art is one way of bringing the beauty and wonder of creation and God to the human eye.
Spiritual Depression
This article looks at depression and the way it relates to Christians. The author answers the question: do Christians get depressed? The emphasis of the article is on spiritual depression.
( New one added to CL) Are Promises Like Pie-crusts?
The Roman Catholic Bible
This article looks at the place of tradition and the apocryphal books within the Roman Catholic Church belief. Comparing this to the Bible used by Protestants, this article gives the history to this divide and shows that the Roman Catholic church has not changed on this, even today.
Our Culture of Choice
This article looks at the impact of freedom of choice on the promotion of abortion, as well as the role feminism plays in promoting abortion. A call is made to the church and Christians in how they should react when facing such hostility. How must we evaluate this huge focus on choice in our society today?
The Cross Versus the Crescent
John of Damascus
This article on the life of John Damascus (c. 675-749) also looks at his theology and his confrontation with Islam.
Heresy - Part 2
Islam in the Light of Scripture – Part 2
( new one added to CL) John Chrysostom
This article is about the preaching and work of John Chrysostom. The author also looks at his view on church and state and on childhood education.
(New one added on CL) Johan Herman Bavinck
What We Believe (A Commentary on the Belgic Confession)
Can We Legislate Morality?
Walking: Not so Much about the Destination
Basil the Great
This article is about the life of Basil the Great (ca. 330-379 A.D.).