The Ethics of the Early Church: What Can We Learn?
From Marginal to Mainstream to Marginal
Has the Church Been Disarmed by the World?
What does it mean to be worldly? Has the Church become too dependent upon the world? This article on 1 Samuel 13:19-23 addresses these questions.
The World in the Church
Speaking God’s Truth without Compromise
Learning from the Early Church
Blessed Are the Persecuted
"Being Relevant"
Persecuted Pilgrims
The Bible reminds Christians that they are strangers and pilgrims in this world. As pilgrims, Christians will face persecution. This article shows that this persecution comes first of all because it is God’s will. Persecution can also be a comfort to God's child, since Christians are persecuted for Christ's sake. Christians can be assured of God's protection throughout persecution.
Holy Pilgrims
The Lesson of Four Mirrors Some thoughts about the spirituality of sojourning in the Early Church
People Who Say and Do Strange Things
The church does not have to be ashamed of being different from this world, because Christians are pilgrims in this world with their citizenship in heaven. The church is set apart from the world, and must worship God through preaching, sacraments, and prayer.
Constructive Christians in a Collapsing World and Church
Antithesis or Synthesis?
The Cainite Civilisation
Is There Room For Unbelief?
Christianity and Culture – An Overview
Christianity and Social Involvement
Facing Persecution
Christian Exiles
This article is about the Christian's place and position in society and culture. The author also looks at the influence of the Christian, Christian exile, and the relation of church and world.
The antithesis and the rule of Christ
This article on the antithesis and the rule of Christ, is about the enmity between the church and world. The relation between the rule of grace and the rule of power is also discussed. The author looks at Genesis 3:15 in some detail.
Scripture on the Antithesis
Who Will Take a Stand?
The World
The Tale of Two Cities
When Busyness Leads to Worldliness
How can Christians make a livelihood in the world without conforming to the world? This article explains what Christ meant when he said that we are not of this world: we are called to a new life, to flee worldliness, and remember that we belong to the everlasting kingdom of God, and therefore our busyness should always be done in the light of the world to come.
Bats, Frogs, and Worms?
The Christian’s Place in Society
Christians are described as pilgrims and sojourners. This article explains the implications of this and the impact it has on Christian identity and the place of Christians in society.
Four Ways to Seek the Good of Modern-Day Babylon
From Jeremiah 29:4-9 this article shows four ways in which Christians are called to seek the good of the city.
Three Ways to Live in the World but Not Be of It
The Christian is in the world but not of the world. What does this mean for the Christian life? It means being a witness, embracing compassion, and facing persecution.
How to Be Conformed to the World
Romans 12:2 warns against conforming to the world. This article explains that there are two ways in which Christians can conform to the world: by imitating the world and by being passive.
How We Live Antithetically to this World
How We Live as Salt and Light in the World
How to Flee Worldliness
The Persecution Of Christians Today: And Why This Story Must Be Told
Heading for Home
Living with Our Limitations
The Church, History, and Politics
What should the relationship between the church and politics look like? This question is rooted in a bigger struggle; namely, the struggle of the church to relate to society in general. Sometimes politics is used by church members to try influence society. The author looks at church history to better understand how the church should relate to society. He focusses his discussion on freedom of religion and the difficulty in establishing a moral consensus.
Prepare Your Children for Persecution
The growing toleration for wickedness in the world and the intolerance of Christian truth signals looming persecution for Christians. This article shares some ways in which parents can prepare children for persecution.
Christ-Like Pilgrims
The Bible reminds Christians that they are sojourners, or pilgrims, in this world. Being a pilgrim is a result of being a follower of Christ. Like Christ, Christians must learn to face suffering (Peter 2:21). This article shows how Christians can follow in Christ's footsteps by submitting to suffering without being vengeful.
The Pilgrims’ Awareness of the End
The Bible reminds Christians that they are sojourners, or pilgrims, in this world. What makes them pilgrims? They are pilgrims because they are aware of the end. They know that this world will come to an end in order to fulfill God’s purpose for His church. The awareness of this end shapes the way Christians live their lives in this world as they journey toward the eternal city.
Food for Pilgrims
The Bible reminds Christians that they are sojourners, or pilgrims, in this world. How can Christians travel on this journey? Pilgrims depend on the preached word of God as their food, as is stated in 1 Peter 2:2. Looking at the analogy of milk, the author discusses the characteristics of this preaching.
Hopeful Pilgrims
The Bible reminds Christians that they are strangers and pilgrims in this world. Why is this so? This article names God’s election as the cause of this. By electing individuals, God has prepared heaven for them. Therefore, the daily life of a Christian is filled with hope and an eager desire to be home.
Don't Hit Back
How should we respond to persecution? Should we take revenge?
How Do We Become a Contrast Community?
Hit Me With Your Best Shot
This exposition of Psalm 123 shows how suffering persecution or ridicule for Christ's sake is a part of being a follower of Christ. The author discusses how Christians should respond to this persecution.
Evangelicals and the Real World (In the World, but Not of It)
Jonathan Edwards on the Pilgrim Mindset
What does it mean to have a pilgrim lifestyle as a Christian?
What Drives the Agenda of the Church: Scripture or Culture?
God's True Servants: Where are They?
Sheep, Wolves, Snakes, and Doves
When we practice evangelism, we often experience danger and even persecution. This article on Matthew 10:16 discusses how we can evangelize in this context to God's glory.
The Church Was Spoken Against Everywhere
The life of the apostolic church testifies to the reality that the church may flourish even (and sometimes especially) in a context of persecution.
Stumbling Blocks We are not to Offend, nor yet to please, tricky!
Radical Rights The Christian's Right is not to Retaliate but Humiliation
I'll Fly Away
Being Faithful Even to the Point of Death
A Light in the Darkness
This is an encouragement to Christians to live out their Christian life in obedience to the call of Christ to let our light shine.
Martyn and Martyrs: Questions for Mission
Using the life of missionary Henry Martyn as an example, this author discusses the concepts of martyrdom in mission work. What does it mean to be a martyr? How can we support those who are experiencing persecution today?
Private Faith?
2 Corinthians 6:14-15 – The Radical Difference between Believers and Unbelievers
This article outlines the fundamental antithesis between the believer and the unbeliever, through the lens of 2 Corinthians 6:14-15.
The Cultural Mandate and the New Testament Gospel Imperative
What is the cultural mandate? What is the significance of this mandate for Christian social and political involvement? This paper focuses on the New Testament teaching on these matters and what the church's main calling is.