The Men at Dort
This article gives a snap shot overview of some human figures who played a role as defenders of either Arminianism or the Reformed faith at the Synod of Dort.
This article gives a snap shot overview of some human figures who played a role as defenders of either Arminianism or the Reformed faith at the Synod of Dort.
This article is a biography of William Ames.
This article is a biography of Gijsbert Voetius and the role he played in defending the truth of Scripture.
This article is a biography of William of Orange. Focus is given to his role in fighting for Calvinism in the Low Lands in the Netherlands.
This article is a biography of Guido de Brès. Focus is given to his ministry and the writing of the Belgic Confession.
Should a theological college be independent or church governed? This article shows that the training of ministers is the responsibility of the church. Therefore, a theological seminary must be church governed. This article considers the matter, as well as what implications this has for the church.
The Reformation restored congregational singing. This article shows that this should be done through the songs God has provided. It looks at the place of Psalm singing in worship and in daily life.
This article gives a biography of Zacharias Ursinus and the events that led to the writing of the Heidelberg Catechism.
This article looks at the life of Frederick the Pious and the role he played in advancing the cause of Calvinism and the promotion of the Heidelberg Catechism.
This article documents the struggle of John Calvin with the Nicodemites.
The church has always been faced with heretical teachings. This article introduces Sabellius, and his teaching on the doctrine of God. It shows also how the church responded to it, and how it concerns the church today.
The church has always been faced with heretical teachings. This article introduces Montanus, and his teaching known as Montanism. It shows how the church responded to it, and how it concerns the church today?
The church has always been faced by heretical teachings. This article introduces Gnosticism, its origin and teachings. It shows how the church responded to it, and how it relates to the church today.
The church has always been faced by heretical teachings. This article introduces Marcion and his heresy that attacked Scripture. It also considers how this relates to the church today.
The church is called to stand against heretical teachings. What is heresy? This article gives a definition and shows that at the root of heresy is the work of Satan.
Psalm singing and the regulative principle of worship cannot be separated. This article calls for singing psalms in worship, giving both the historical and biblical grounds for such a call.
Over against the fourfold meaning of Scripture held by the Roman Catholic Church, this article shows why the Reformers held to the grammatical-historical method of biblical interpretation.
This article is a biography on Martin Bucer. Focus is given to his efforts of bringing the church in unity.
Who was Abraham Kuyper? This article gives a biography of the man.
This article is a biography of William III of Orange.
This article is a biography of John Bunyan, with a focus on his ministry and the impact of Pilgrim’s Progress.
Does God desire to save everyone? Not all the leaders of the Secession of 1834 were in total agreement over this question. This question lies behind the teaching of the well-meant offer of the gospel. Looking at the historical development of this teaching, this article traces it back to some of the leaders of the Secession.
Azusa Street is known as the birthplace of Pentecostalism. This article critiques the teachings of Pentecostalism, discussing baptism in the Spirit, the importance of signs and wonders, and mysticism.
Azusa Street is known as the birthplace of Pentecostalism. This article considers the history of the movement under the leadership of Charles Parham. The author critiques its teaching on speaking in tongues, as first experienced by Agnes Ozman, and baptism in the Spirit.
What should our perspective be toward the idea of a national church? Is reformation in the church of Christ ever to be supported by the sword power of the magistracy? May the church every rise up in warfare? This article examines these questions by looking at the history of the reformation in the Netherlands and the conflict between Spain and the Netherlands.
Not all who know about God actually experience God, but those who do experience God will always first know Him.
The power of reformation in the church is above all else the power of preaching.
Higher criticism is a plague to God’s church. This article discusses the origin of higher criticism, linking it to the Renaissance. Higher criticism questions the origin, authorship, and inspiration of scripture.
Higher criticism is a plague to God’s church. This article discusses the origin of higher criticism, linking it to the Renaissance. Higher criticism questions the origin, authorship, and inspiration of scripture.
This article looks at Walter Rauschenbusch's theology and his view of the kingdom and the social gospel.
Walter Rauschenbusch is known as the father of the social gospel. This article looks at his life and the development of the social gospel. The author of this article is critical of the social gospel, maintaining that it differs from the true gospel.
Who should be responsible for theological training? Should the seminary be under the church or independent? This article lays the biblical ground for a church-controlled seminary, while highlighting the dangers of independent theological training. The author ends by showing the benefits of church-controlled seminaries.
This article examines Charles Finney's revivalism efforts, discussing whether revival is biblical. The author discusses this by looking at the doctrine of the covenant and preaching.
Charles Finney is often viewed as the father of the Second Great Awakening. This article looks at whether revivals and revivalism are biblical.
This article looks at the state of the Presbyterian church in the time of the Second Great Awakening and at Charles Finney's theology and revivialism.
The author of this article names Charles Finney 'the father of American revivalism'. This article looks at the Second Great Awakening and gives a brief overview of Finney's life, conversion, and preaching.
This article introduces the book of Galatians, discussing its historical context and its theme of justification by faith.
This article introduces the book of Galatians, discussing its inspiration, authorship, and its theme of justification by faith.
This is an article about Marcion, one of the heretics in the second century AD. He had a view on Scripture that is unfortunately also held by many people today. In a certain sense we can call him the father of Biblical criticism.
This article is about Athanasius, born in 296 A.D. in Alexandria, Egypt. He was fighting the good fight in one of the biggest controversies of the early church: the divinity of Jesus Christ.
This article on the antithesis and the rule of Christ, is about the enmity between the church and world. The relation between the rule of grace and the rule of power is also discussed. The author looks at Genesis 3:15 in some detail.
Gotteschalk was born in 806 AD, in the home of a German Count. He was raised in a Hessian monastery, and became a martyr for the truth of the gospel.
This article is about Guido de Bres, born in 1522 A.D. in Belgium. He was the author of the Belgic Confession, a faith for which he was later burned to death on a scaffold.
This article is about William Tyndale, born in the early 1490's in Wales. He was a Bible translator, the father of the English Bible, and he died a martyr for his faith and work.
This article is about Andrew Melville, born 1545, a Scottish Reformer.
This article is about Alexander Henderson, born about 1583, a Scottish Reformer.
There are special times when God raises men of such outstanding ability and conviction that their work leaves an indelible mark on subsequent history. This article is about Abraham Kuyper. The author discusses his early life, Kuyper as writer and journalist, as church reformer, as theologian and as politician.
This article is about the reformation of the church. The author also discusses relativism and traditionalism in the church, church separation, the relevance of the church, and he looks at the church through the ages.
It is impossible to understand the history of the church in the Middle Ages without having some idea of monasticism. Monasticism was so much a part of medieval life, that every aspect of the church's life was shaped and formed in the monasteries. This article is about Bernard of Clairvaux (born 1090 in France) and his influence on life in the Middle Ages.
Francis of Assisi was born in Italy in 1182 AD. His story is one of those strange and troubling stories that create in one who reads it admiration mixed with puzzlement. It was the life of an unusual medieval saint.
This article is about the preservation by God and the perseverance of the saints. The author also discusses election, believers falling into sin and Canons of Dort Chapter 5:15.
This article is about the Waldensians, a group of saints during the Middle Ages. Their founder was most probably Peter Waldo, born in the 12th Century A.D. in Lyon, France.
This article is on the doctrine of progressive sanctification, and also discusses holiness and perfectionism. At the core the article lies Lord's Day 44 of the Heidelberg Catechism.
This article is about a few men that were part of the Synod of Dordt (1618-19): Jacob Arminius, Jan Uytenbogaert, Simon Episcopius, Pieter Plancius, Francis Gomarus and Johannes Bogerman.
This article is about the Reformers and their view of Scripture and the authority of Scripture in the reformation of the church. Sola Scriptura is also discussed.
The early church was deeply conscious of her missionary calling, also to the darkest and most dangerous places. This article is about Boniface, missionary to the Germans.
Gijsbert Voetius, born in 1588 AD in the Netherlands, was a defender of the orthodox reformed faith after the Synod of Dort (1618/19).
This article is about Catherine of Siena, born in 1347 in Italy. She was a typical example of the mystics in the Middle Ages.
These articles are about Samuel Rutherford (born about 1600 A.D. in Scotland), one of the men who was part of the Westminster Assembly.
This article is about Zacharius Ursinus, born in 1534 in Breslau, Austria. He was one of the authors of the Heidelberg Catechism.
Heinrich Bullinger (born in 1504 in Switzerland) was a Reformer in Switzerland and one of the first to formulate a covenant theology.
This article is about one of the so-called pre-reformers, John Hus (born in 1373 in Bohemia).
This article is about William Ames, born in 1576 in Norfolk, and later minister in the Netherlands.
This article is about Tertullian, born in the middle of the 2nd Century A.D. in Carthage.
This article is about the English Reformer, Hugh Latimer (born somewhere between 1475 and 1490).
This article is about Patrick, a missionary to Ireland in the 5th Century A.D.
This article is about John Chrysostom, born in Antioch (Syria) in 347 A.D.
This article is about Augustine, born in Tagaste, Algeria in 354 A.D.
This article is about Peter Martyr Vermigli, born in Florence in 1499.
This article is about Anselm of Canterbury, born in 1033 in northern Italy.
This article is predominantly about the life and work of John Wycliffe, but people like Thomas Bradwardine, Grosseteste and the Lollards are also discussed.
Franciscus Gomarus (born in 1563 in Belgium) was an important theologian at the well-known synod of Dort (1618/19).