Doing a Great Work: Ezra and Nehemiah Simply Explained - Home at Last!
The Chronology of Ezra & Nehemiah, Part 3
This article examines the argument against the short chronology in Ezra-Nehemiah, that the Artaxerxes referred to must be Artaxerxes Longimanus, who followed Darius and Xerxes.
The Chronology of Ezra & Nehemiah, Part 1
This article considers the subject of biblical chronology, particularly the books of Ezra and Nehemiah, which provide chronological information for the period after the return from exile. The author addresses the question whether the Artaxerxes of these books is the same person as Darius.
The Importance of Ezra
Important general aspects of the book of Ezra are highlighted in this article.
Ezra 2 - The Lord's List
The list of names in Ezra 2 attests to the reality of this history, God's gracious work of preserving His people, and the longing for worshiping God which characterizes His people.
Bold in God
Ezra 5:5 - The Eye and Hand of God
"The Lord Had Made Them Joyful"
A Ready Scribe in the Law of Moses
Safe Arrival in Zion
A Time for Brokenness
Breaking with Sin
Ezra 10 - Trouble in the Covenant City (Part 2)
This is a Bible study on Ezra 10.
Ezra 1 - God Moves History for His People
This is a Bible study on Ezra 1.
Ezra 2 - What You Discover on the Church Roll
This is a Bible study on Ezra 2.
Ezra 3 - God's People in Grey Times
This is a Bible study on Ezra 3.
Ezra 4 - No Suprises
This is a Bible study on Ezra 4.
Ezra 5-6 - God is the Ruler Yet
Ezra 6 - Finishing the House of God, Undivided
Ezra 7 - A Second Wave of Blessings
Ezra 7-8 - The Strong Hand
Ezra 8 - Consequences of the Covenant
Ezra 9 - Ezra’s Lament for Israel
Ezra 9 - Trouble in the Covenant City (Part 1)
This is a Bible study on Ezra 9.