Daniel 6 - Courage in Crisis
Genesis 32 - Wrestling With God
This article is an explanation of Genesis 32. The event of Jacob wrestling with God took place to teach Jacob to be dependent upon God, and to show God's gracious faithfulness to His covenant.
Numbers 22-23 - God Does Not Change His Mind
Numbers 22 - Numbers 23 describe Balak and Balaam's attempts to curse Israel. This story demonstrates how God does not change His mind. God always acts for the good of His people, and is full of forgiveness. This article is a call to trust in God's promises.
1 Samuel 17 - Fighting Giants
David's victory over Goliath in 1 Samuel 17 gives some indication on how to engage in spiritual warfare. Unbelief kills the church, while faith which is dependant upon God and His power gives Christians courage to fight.
Deuteronomium 34:7 - Facing Death
Looking at Deuteronomy 34:7, this article shows how Moses faced his death through submission to God's will and in faith. Can we model him?
Matthew 12:42 - Greater Than Solomon
This article discusses why in Matthew 12:42 the Queen of Sheba is considered to be better than those who reject the message of Christ and why these people deserve God's judgement. The author also discusses the meaning of coming to Christ.
Genesis 3:15 - The Gospel in Eden
Isaiah 55:1-3 - Come
In Isaiah 55:1-3, God is the one calling and inviting people to come to Him. This invitation is for the thirsty - those who are called by God's grace.
Baptised by the Spirit
Is baptism in the Spirit synonymous with conversion, or is it a subsequent experience? Working from 1 Corinthians 12:13, this article shows that baptism in the Spirit is a once-off experience synonymous to conversion whereby we are assured of our unity with Christ and His church by the Spirit, who enables us to serve one another.
Praying for Revival
Matthew 22:14 - Called or Chosen?
Working from Matthew 22:14, this article shows the relationship between calling and election. Though the gospel is preached to many, only those who are elected believe.
Hebrews 13:20-21 - The Great Shepherd
Hebrews 13:20-21 should be the prayer of every believer for himself and other believers. We should pray that we may come to know God's peace, the power of Christ's resurrection, the assurance of salvation that we have in Christ, and the desire to do what is pleasing to God.
Ruth 1 - Cleaving to Christ
Romans 11:33-36 - The Depth of God's Riches
The Best is Yet to Come
Taking hold of God's promises, using opportunities well, possessing humility, developing contentment and applying biblical wisdom are the ingredients to facing old age full of joy instead of regret.
Genesis 22 - Kill Your Son!
Looking at Genesis 22, this article shows how true fear of God leads to obedience, even when things may not make sense to us. Through Abraham's obedience in being willing to sacrifice his son, this fear of God is made visible.