Seeking the Treasures of God’s Wisdom
Why does the Bible value wisdom so much? It is because wisdom is priceless. This article explains what is wisdom, its value, and the manner of seeking wisdom.
God Is Wise, Incomprehensible School of Theology Series: Lecture 14
God's Will as Expressed in Proverbs
Wisdom Incarnate? Identity and Role of אשׁת־חיל ("The Valiant Woman") in Proverbs 31:10-31
What is the identity of the valiant woman in Proverbs 31:10-31? Should the life of the ancient successful woman be understood as speaking of social activities in Israel? Should it be limited to religious virtues relevant to Israel?
"Wisdom" and "Knowledge" in 1 Corinthians
The concepts of wisdom and knowledge in 1 Corinthians have been studied from two general approaches. One approach derives the apostle Paul's usage from nonmythological understanding of the concepts in the Old Testament and later Judaism. The second approach sees an influence of mythological origins that may or may not have been mediated through Judaism.
Job 28 – Where Can Wisdom Be Found
God Only Wise
What is wisdom? How is the wisdom of God different from human wisdom? This article shows how God is wise in leading and guiding the lives of man by describing how God worked in the lives of Abraham, Jacob, and Joseph.
The Beginning of Wisdom
The article explores the biblical view of wisdom. To think in Christian terms about any or every aspect of the universe is true wisdom.
Why Study the Book of Proverbs?
The Gospel in the Book of Ecclesiastes
How is the gospel expressed in Ecclesiastes? Ortlund argues that the wisdom of Qohelet to enjoy our vain lives should be read against the background of God’s prior, unmerited favour in our lives. He further urges a form of piety that, instead of promising a blessed life for itself, fears God.
"Great Is the Lord"
This article considers some of the attributes of God, namely, his power, justice, and wisdom, all of which are infinite.
Wisdom, the “Amen” of Torah
This study concerns itself with biblical wisdom. It argues that it becomes more generally recognized that wisdom is an affirmation of the Torah in a similar way as prophecy. It is argued that wisdom is the “amen” of the Torah. The author explores the different components of this affirmation.
Advance! Advance in Wisdom
The God We Worship – His Wisdom
Recovering Eden – An Unexpected Voice
How does the book of Ecclesiastes function? Chapter 1 wants to answer this question. It notes the wisdom aspects of the book and considers its authorship.
James – Wisdom for Life's Tests (James 1:1-27)
Wisdom in Colossians 1:15–20: Contribution and Significance
In this article, the author examines the possibility of wisdom as a backdrop for the form and content of the apostle Paul's thought in Colossians 1:15-20.
The Doctrine of the “Two Ways” in Proverbs
People and actions are often presented in Proverbs in polar extremes—the wise and the foolish, the righteous and the wicked, and actions that lead to honour or shame.
Wisdom Christology – The Need for Wisdom
The author wants to explore how the doctrine of Christ functioned as wisdom for the early church. He begins by considering a few introductory matters, including reasons to study Christology, and the focus on Christ as wisdom. The author also reflects on the nature and function of Jewish wisdom literature, and how wisdom is reconfigured in Christ.
Proverbs – Introduction
In this chapter Longman introduces the book of Proverbs. Different aspects of the book are explored: it title, canonicity, place and function in the canon, authorship, date, social setting, text, genre (wisdom), literary style, structure, ancient Near Eastern background, Sumerian wisdom, Egyptian instruction, and Akkadian wisdom.
Eyes to See, Ears to Hear – Why Do Bad Things Happen to Good People? A Biblical-Theological Approach
What are the Communicable Attributes of God?
What are the communicable attributes of God? After defining communicable attributes, this article explains the holiness, love, goodness, justice and righteousness, and wisdom of God and how they relate to knowing God.
Wisdom in First Corinthians
What is the meaning of the word wisdom as it occurs in many places in 1 Corinthians? Clark comments on the different occurrences of the word in this epistle.
Wisdom for Young People
The Sapiential Septuagint
Greek ideas and expressions have exercised an unmistakable influence on the wisdom literature and notably the Greek translation of Job, Proverbs, and Ecclesiastes. This paper compares the differences between the Masoretic text and the Septuagint, and forms conclusions on the attitudes of the translator that may have led to differences.
I Will Extol the Lord
Will the Real Solomon Please Stand Up?
The Feminine Virtue of Wisdom
God’s Hidden Wisdom
Are You Wise?
What is wisdom? Where does true wisdom come from? According to the Bible, wisdom is practical and determines how you live your life. A wise person is one who is skilled in righteous living. God is the source of true wisdom.
Ecclesiastes 1:12-16 - The Burden of Wisdom
Exploring Ecclesiastes 1:12-18, this article shows why true knowledge brings sorrow. True biblical wisdom gives understanding about the nature of life in this world, revealing that this world is lying in the midst of death. However, this is a healthy sorrow, since it leads one to search for life in Christ to escape the death of this life.
The Book of Proverbs and Repetition
Some things are worth repeating, that they might not be forgotten. The book of Proverbs uses repetition to teach us the importance of correction and hungering after wisdom, the danger of legalism, the value of Christian friendship, the need for sexual purity, and the reality of eternal life.
Go Ask Your Parents!
Teaching Our Children Wisdom From Proverbs 30:18-20
Looking at Proverbs 30:18-20, this article shows that teaching children wisdom begins with the parents. Parents must embody wisdom in their life and use pictures that God has given in creation to teach their children wisdom.
An Introduction to Proverbs (4)
Wisdom is the main theme of the book of Proverbs. Not everyone agrees with the statement that the book of Proverbs presents wisdom as identifying with Christ. Therefore, this article looks at the objection to this based on the fact that wisdom is presented as a woman. The author maintains that understanding the nature of this feminine identification does not nullify the link between wisdom and Christ.
An Introduction to Proverbs (3)
Wisdom is the main theme of the book of Proverbs. This book presents wisdom as identifying with Christ. Wisdom teaches the doctrine of eternal generation and antithesis. Next to this teaching, Proverbs lays out a gospel call.
An Introduction to Proverbs (2)
Appreciate the Wisdom of the Bible
Theology in Proverbs
Christ our Wisdom
Through the Holy Spirit we are able to embrace Christ as our wisdom (1 Corinthians 1:30).
A Healthy Heart
Wanting Wisdom (Part 1)
This is the first of two articles based on 1 Corinthians 2:7 on the topic of wisdom. Wisdom from God can only be found in the gospel of Jesus Christ. This wisdom has always been part of God's plan - already before God created the earth He had elected who would be saved.
Wanting Wisdom (Part 2)
This is the second of two articles based on 1 Corinthians 2:7 on the topic of wisdom. Scripture is the source of wisdom, the gospel is the content of wisdom, and Christ is the center of wisdom.
1 John 2:12-14 - Children, Fathers, Youths (Part 2)
This is the second article in a trilogy on 1 John 2:12-14. This article shows that the church of God is characterized by possessing wisdom, which comes as a result of knowing God through the gospel.
While the climax of wisdom is found in Christ, the climax of folly is found in postmodernism, for it is a fool who denies that God exists.
Romans 11:33-36 - The Depth of God's Riches
The Fear of God
The Position of the Elderly
A Hoary Head is a Crown of Glory: Against Ageism
Proverbs 2 - Wisdom: A Blessing
Proverbs 1:8-9 - Christian Education: Basic Training in Wisdom
Proverbs - Be Wise with Wisdom
Engineering and the Wisdom of God
Voices in the Street
The Sovereignty of God and Healing Its Implications for Africa
Getting the Basics of Education
Psalm 111:10 - The Art of Living Well
Why will Life Not Come Together and Work for Me?
What Do You Desire Most in Life?
The Theme of Wisdom in the Epistle of James
This article examines the theme of wisdom in the Epistle of James. Wisdom forms a major motif in the background of the writer and his epistle. While not personified, wisdom is extolled here as a divine gift. Additionally, wisdom possesses some personal characteristics that form a wisdom poem in which the virtues of wisdom are listed and praised.