The Rejection of the Classical Doctrine of God and What It Says about the State of the Evangelical Movement
This article finds fault with the popular evangelicalism of the past few decades and sees it as a crumbling edifice. The source of this demise is evangelicalism's understanding of the doctrine of God, the doctrine of Christ and redemption, and the doctrine of the Holy Spirit, especially his work in regeneration and sanctification.
Wisdom Christology – The Need for Wisdom
The author wants to explore how the doctrine of Christ functioned as wisdom for the early church. He begins by considering a few introductory matters, including reasons to study Christology, and the focus on Christ as wisdom. The author also reflects on the nature and function of Jewish wisdom literature, and how wisdom is reconfigured in Christ.
The Holy Spirit and Reformed Spirituality – The Spirit and the Word Incarnate: John Owen's Trinitarian Christology
How should we understand biblical texts that speak of development and struggle in the life of Jesus Christ? Luke 2:40, 52, for example, speak of Jesus growing and maturing, and increasing in favour with both God and man. Hebrews makes it clear that the dynamism of Christ’s life is essential to his role as the believer’s heavenly high priest (Hebrews 2:18, Hebrews 5:14-16).