Praying with the Patriarchs
This article is introduced with the question, "Does God take risks?" The intention is to answer the basic question whether God changes his mind due to human influence (such as prayer) and therefore whether he absolutely knows the future. Open theism takes as one of its key texts Genesis 18:22-23. The article considers this passage and concludes that here God is condescending to our human weakness and frailty.
Prayerful Praying Taking Hold of Yourself and God in Prayer
Why every Christian SHOULD attend a prayer meeting
Only a Prayer Meeting!
The Place of Prayer in the Life of Christ
When God Feels Far Away in Your Suffering
Should We Worship and Pray to the Holy Spirit?
Is it proper to worship and pray to the Holy Spirit? The article provides a biblical answer to the question.
If God Already Knows Everything We Know, Why Pray?
The Bible teaches the sovereignty of God, yet the Bible also teaches that we must present our prayers to this all-knowing God. You may then question the necessity of prayer if God knows all your requests before you speak them. This article works through this matter, explaining that in prayer we understand the faithfulness and goodness of God to us.
Listening Prayer About Prayer Ministry and the Reformed Faith
Persistently Knocking at Mercy’s Door
Familiar Conversation with God: Calvin on Prayer Calvin on Prayer
Should Christians Pray for God to Judge Their Enemies?
How should Christians pray for their enemies? This article looks at the imprecatory Psalms and their place in the Christian life in relation to the spiritual warfare.
Speak Up Prayer is Not a Spiritual Shopping List, it’s a Conversation
The Church on Its Knees The Life of the Church Series: Sermon Ten
Why Do We Pray?
What is prayer and why do we have to pray? Prayer is the divinely appointed means through which we commune with the living God and advance his kingdom. This article explains this definition in order to clarify the necessity for prayer and the reason for prayer.
Pray for the Holy Spirit
The Puritans on the Help of the Holy Spirit in Prayer
Praying in the Name of Christ
Prayer Is a Great Place to Begin Biblical Counselling
What do your prayer requests look like? How do they match up with the focus of Scripture's prayers? This article explains how right praying and prayer requests are good avenues to pursue in order to care well for one another.
Leading in Prayer
The Golden Key of Prayer
No Christian can dispute the necessity of prayer. Why is prayer so important? Focusing on Jeremiah 33:3, the author shows that prayer has a double effect on the believer. Firstly, prayer is is communion with God, and secondly, prayer is enlightenment for the soul. God uses prayer to strengthen our faith in His faithfulness to fulfill His promises.
Calvin and Prayer
Prayer: The Chief Part of Gratitude
Prayer and Revival
Prayer Day: Priority or Pitfall
Prayer as an Incense Offering
Marks of True Prayer
This article is 33 statements on true prayer.
Calvin's Doctrine of Prayer
Meal Time Prayers
What to Pray For
Prayer: The Chief Exercise of Faith
Call Upon God
Powerful Prayers in the Psalms Using arguments in our prayers to God
If Paul Experienced Ministry Pressure—So Does Your Pastor
Your prayers are an important instrument for helping your pastor deal with ministry pressures.
Seven Wrong Times to Stop Praying
It happens that we stop praying too soon. This article mentions seven wrong times to stop praying, with a final encouragement to pray without ceasing.
Five Reasons Even Church Leaders Don't Pray as We Should
Even church leaders struggle with prayer, not praying as they should. Here are five reasons explaining why church leaders struggle to pray.
Twelve Ways to Build Prayer into Your Home
How do you build a praying family? This article suggests twelve ways of building a praying family.
Why It Makes Sense to Persevere in Prayer
You should not give up praying, and so this article gives seven reasons for persevering in prayer.
Three Implications for Our Prayers if God Already Knows What We Need
God already knows what we need before we ask. What does this imply for your prayers? It means our prayers should be honest, simple and immediate.
Fervent Prayer
Calling Upon the Lord
The Relationship Between Bible Reading and Prayer
Why Every Christian Should Seek to Attend a Prayer Meeting
The Purposes and Implementation of Prayer Meetings
The History of Prayer Meetings
The Scriptural Warrant of Prayer Meetings
Does God Really Want Honest Prayers?
This article reflects on how psalms of lament are a great source for teaching Christians how to express their grief in prayer.
I Don't Love to Pray, but I Want To
Prayer is not always easy. How can we overcome this struggle? This article considers what a well-known catechism teaches about prayer, in order to help breathe life into our prayer habits.
How to Pray When You Don't Feel Like It
How do you pray when you do not feel like praying? This article raises four things to embrace from Psalm 103 that help you pray when you are not in the mood to pray.
Six Realities to Reinvigorate Your Prayer Life
How can you reinvigorate your prayer life? Here are six realities you need to embrace to regain the joy of prayer.
Prayer and Promises God’s Promises Show Us How to Pray
Rediscovering Prayer: Prayer in the Old Testament
Union with Christ Be Instructed by Calvin This is no Empty Ritual or Vain Superstition
Prevailing Prayer
The Prayer-Life of Jesus Christ
Praying for Bad Things to Happen to Bad People
Should you pray for bad things to happen to bad people? This article looks at imprecatory psalms. It shows how they call believers to love and seek God's justice, and how this should shape our prayers.
Response to Your Baptism: Chapter 15 – A Doxology
Ten Reasons Pastors Must Be Prayer Warriors
Beholding the Glory of Christ in Prayer
Prayer is a means of beholding the glory of Christ. This article explains what this means and how we behold Christ's glory in prayer.
Prayer Is the Most You Can Do
Prayer is not the least you can do; it is the most you can do. This article explains by discussing things that hinder us from praying, misconceptions about prayer, and the problem of legalistic prayer. It is when we understand the purpose of prayer that we come to realize that prayer is the most we can do.
Three Forms of Prayer That End Up Forming Us
Instead of offering up prayers whose content is determined by what is happening in our lives, this article suggests that what should be happening instead is that our prayers inform our lives and alter our living. It suggests that there be three movements in our prayers: give things, make confession, and practice discernment.
Lessons from a Prayer Warrior
Prayer is difficult for many. How do you learn to pray? This article shares lessons that can help you in learning to pray, but the best way to learn is by getting a mentor.
He Heals All Your Diseases
Prayer Societies
How can you encourage Christians to pray? Consider the use of prayer societies as an encouragement to prayer.
Prayer and the Sovereignty of God
Does prayer change things? To answer this question one must understand the relationship between prayer and the sovereignty of God. It is through this understanding that one learns that prayer is submission to God’s will.
Cultivating Personal Prayer
Personal prayer is one-to-one communion with God. This article explains the importance of personal prayer, and the way of cultivating it.
Prayer: God’s Gift to His Covenant People
Prayer is a gift of God to his covenant people. Therefore, to understand the nature of prayer, one must understand the nature of the covenant. The article explains this, showing how this understanding shapes the practice of the believer in prayer.
This article seeks to encourage the believer on the importance of prayer and relying upon God rather than one's own wisdom. It impresses upon the believer the importance of seeking God's will, learning the ways of God, doing his will, and rejoicing in his ways.
Seven Reasons Prayer Meetings Fail
Prayer meetings are part of the life of the church. However, often many prayer meetings fail. Why? This article gives seven reasons.
Seven Principles of Prayer
Persevere in Prayer!
Prayer is and always will be a battle, because of the temptation to give up. This article gives tips for persevering in prayer.
Seven Ways to Ruin a Prayer Meeting
This article explains seven ways you can ruin a prayer meeting.
Three Reasons We Need to Pray
The Things You Think You Can Handle on Your Own
The things you pray about are the things you trust God to handle. The things you neglect to pray about are the things you trust you can handle on your own. Are there things in your life you do not pray about? This article explores the matter further.
How to Pray When Your Soul Is Bone Dry
Prayer is important in the life of every Christian. However, at times you do not feel like praying. What should you do when that happens. The article discusses the matter.
Eighteen Ways to Pray for the Unbelievers
How can you pray for unbelievers? This article explains eighteen ways of praying for unbelievers.
What Matthew Henry Can Teach us about Prayer
This article shows from the life of Matthew Henry that you can shape your prayer life with adoration, confession, petition, thanksgiving, and intercession.
Three Critical Truths about the Sovereignty of God and Prayer
If God is sovereign, why pray? Understanding the relationship between prayer and the sovereignty of God is important to the practice of prayer, for it protects one against fatalism. This article gives three important truths about the relationship between prayer and the sovereignty of God.
Prayer is fellowship with God. It is a response to listening to God. This article explains the nature of prayer and its relation to the sovereignty of God
Prayer and Faith
Let's Pray
The Nature of Earnest Prayer
Why Do We Pray?
This article discusses the reason for prayer and what that means for its role in pastoral care and counselling. It reflects on what prayer communicates about your beliefs, what you need to pray for, and how you may pray.
Teach Little Ones to Pray Leading Our Children to Their Heavenly Father
I Am a Prayer Matthew 13:52
Getting Started in Prayer
How Do We Pray?
John Knox and Public Prayer
If prayer is speaking to God in His own words, then this should shape the way public prayer is done. This was the concern of John Knox as he sought the reformation of worship. This article shows Knox's contribution to the structuring of public prayer and prayer during and after the Lord's Supper.
The Possibility of Prayer
Confession in Prayer
Lament: Self-Indulgent Whining, or Faithful Complaints?
Looking at the psalms of lament, this article shows how they can teach us to lament before God in prayer in a way that shows faith in the sovereignty, faithfulness and goodness of God. This is the first article in a four-part series.
Praying Thankfully: A Thanksgiving Meditation
Looking at the Lord's Prayer, this article shows how it can used to pray in thankfulness to God. Focus is given to thanking God for who He is in your prayer.
The Courage to Pray
Once More: Thou / Thee / Thy / Thine and Standard Usage
What Does it Mean to Seek the Lord?
Psycho-Analysis and Prayer
Taking a Glance at an Ancient Topic
This article looks at the characteristics of prayer, calling to the Trinity in prayer, prayer and worship, and prayer and faith.