Pastoral Integrity and the Limits of Confidentiality
The author offers some general thoughts and suggestions with respect to confidentiality and pastoral care in the church.
The Word of God in Pastoral Care
Caring for the Christian Family: The Times of Crisis
Pastoring the Dying and Bereaved
Calvin and Pastoral Care
This article highlights the pastoral care of John Calvin.
Pastoral Wisdom and the Mandate to Report Abuse
This article considers the need to protect the vulnerable by reporting abuse. It gives concrete thoughts on how to respond to abuse in the church, and stresses the need for ongoing pastoral care to all impacted by it.
Why Do We Pray?
This article discusses the reason for prayer and what that means for its role in pastoral care and counselling. It reflects on what prayer communicates about your beliefs, what you need to pray for, and how you may pray.
Harvesters Needed
The Elders of the Church and Their Pastoral Care
Reflections on Pastoral Care to the Elderly
Equipping to Feed the Church of God
John 21:15-19 – Feed My Sheep (Part 1)
This is the first half of two articles looking at the text of John 21:15-19. This article shows that feeding the lambs, caring for the sheep and feeding the sheep requires discernment in order to give appropriate pastoral care.
The Work of Elders
Home Visitation: Back to the Basics
Caring for Your Pastor
Pastoring the Dying and the Mourning
Pastoring with a purpose
Martin Luther Addresses Youth
"Luther knew people because he knew himself." This article is about Luther's pastoral care, specifically to the youth. The author also discusses the fifth commandment and the education of the youth.
A Pastoral Visiting Checklist
Pastoral Care of the Terminally Ill
What Evangelicals Say about Psychology
Can theology be trusted? Well, it all depends on the theology and the theologian. When the theologian seeks to be guided by the Holy Spirit and when theology is based on a careful study of Scripture, then theology most likely can be trusted. Similar conclusions can be made about psychology and its use in pastoral care.
1 Peter: Strategies for Counseling Individuals on the Way to a New Heritage
The aim of this article is to provide some indication of the fruitfulness of exegetical study of one particular text, 1 Peter, for the counselor's task. It wants to motivate the counselor to integrate ever more completely the study of Scripture with pastoral care.
The Ritual Reason Why
Are rituals in themselves wrong? Or are they beneficial? This article maintains that rituals are an important and natural aspect of society, and discusses their significance for the pastor in providing pastoral care.