Jim Elliot
Jim Elliot was part of five missionaries who went to bring the gospel to the Auca Indians in Ecuador in the 20th Century. They were killed for their work and mission, but the Lord used it to inspire many more people to become missionaries.
The Bay of Islands and Beyond
Harvesters Needed
Roland Allen and the Moratorium on Missionaries
What is the impact of colonialism and post-colonialism on mission work? This article argues that colonialism bred dependence, while post-colonialism raised voices for the independence of local churches in mission work. This article discusses the 1970s moratorium on foreign missionaries and foreign aid.
A Fragrant Aroma — An Acceptable Sacrifice
Are we partners in mission work? What should our relationship be with missionaries and other kingdom workers? It might be friendship, but it should also be a partnership. We must support them financially, which is an act of worship - a fragrant offering acceptable and pleasing to God.
He Must Increase, But I Must Decrease (2)
This article looks at the principles behind the transition from John the Baptist to Christ. The author maintains that these principles apply also in a mission context. Missionaries should work with the aim of establishing a self-governing church, keeping these principles in mind.
He Must Increase, But I Must Decrease (1)
This article looks at the principles behind the transition from John the Baptist to Christ. The author maintains that these principles apply also in a mission context. Missionaries should work with the aim of establishing a self-governing church, keeping these principles in mind.
Laboring in the Consciousness of God’s Sovereignty in Missions (1): The Commission, Calling, and Sending
This is the first article in a five part series on evangelism and mission work. The commission to preach and teach the gospel is given to the church. This commission means that the church has the duty to call and send out missionaries. The church does this under the conviction that God is the One who gives gifts and qualifies those who are called for mission work. All those called to this office embrace this commission knowing that God is the One doing the work.
The Netherlands’ Early Contribution to Missions
What is the purpose and goal of mission work? Who sends out missionaries? Who may be sent to do mission work? Who is mission work directed toward? The written answers to these questions by Gisbertus Voetius contributed to the work of evangelism by the Netherlands churches.
The Missionary Approach to Muslims: L. Blosser on "Contextualization"
Why Missionaries?
Some Missionary Lessons for Today
You May Become the Answer to Your Own Prayer (Backfire Casualties)
Jesus instructed His disciples to pray for workers in His kingdom. That instruction is then immediately followed up Him sending out the very ones who were praying (Matthew 9:38). This article discusses the task of praying for missionaries.
Were Apostles Unique and Unrepeatable Messengers of Christ?
The twelve apostles were chosen by Christ for a unique, unrepeatable role in the history of redemption. Missionaries and church planters today are authorized by the risen Christ to carry out their task, but they have a different level of authority from that which the apostles had.