
Living Word

In the section Living Word we want to provide sermon outlines to help pastors in the preparation for their important and central task of preaching. We try to provide help in the exposition and the application of the text. We have 148 sermon outlines available at the moment! This week: Matthew 18:21-35.

Sin and punishment

In Luke 13:1-5 Jesus is not denying that God punishes sin. Nor is Jesus denying that God punishes sin already in this life with terrible sufferings. Nor is Jesus denying that sometimes there is an obvious connection between someone's sin and the suffering that befalls him. [Think of] the habitual drunkard, who finds one day that drink has deprived him of his health and wasted away his body. Examples of this kind could be multiplied. None of these realities is being denied by Jesus. The point of Jesus is rather that personal tragedy and suffering is not ordinarily a sign that one is a great sinner. When we see the suffering of another, we ought not quickly draw the conclusion that this suffering is the result of some sin this person has committed. This is the first piece of instruction Jesus has for those who bring Him this news. But Jesus is not finished. He also makes it clear that the tragedy and suffering of others ought to make each of us reflect rather on his own sin.
James D. Slopsema

Children's Devotions

"You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise" (Deut. 6:7) This is the instruction to all parents to bring the Word of God to their children at all times. However, it is not always easy to bring the Word of God to younger children. In this section we want to help all parents, grandparents, pastors, and Sunday School teachers with this important task.


This section has articles specifically for youth. The Lord promised that the outpouring of his Spirit will affect even the youth in a wonderful way (Acts 2:17). Therefore, youth will also be interested to learn what it means to be a Christian, a follower of Jesus Christ.

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Bible study

You can find material here that is suitable for Bible study. The purpose of these articles is to give an overview of longer Bible passages. This material is suitable for personal or group Bible study. Some of the Bible studies have questions which can be used for discussion.

Easy-to-understand Bible Studies

In this section we provide a wide variety of easy-to-understand Bible studies. Our aim is to cover topics related to the Christian faith, Christian life, leadership, pastoral care, and all other aspects of our life with the Lord. Each Bible study topic is subdivided into lessons to cover the main topic.

Although these Bible studies try to bring out the depth of Scripture, they do not use difficult words. They explain important biblical concepts. They address the core of the topic and are not long.

We believe that these Bible studies are ideal for the following: