Two Bs That Must Accompany Our Evangelism
Evangelism includes two things: begging God to save sinners, and boasting about God to sinners.
Nine Evangelistic Questions Pastors Ought to Ask of Themselves
Are you leading your church in evangelism? Here are nine questions you need to ask yourself as a pastor to determine your evangelistic focus.
Five Myths about Evangelism
Many Christians provide a wide range of reasons why they may not be able to engage in evangelism, while other have redefined evangelism. The article discusses five common myths about evangelism in the church today.
Six Ways to Strengthen Evangelism in Your Church
How can your church can engage better in evangelism? Here are six ways you can use to strengthen evangelism in your church.
What Is the Most Biblical Way to Evangelize?
Believers tend to struggle with how to do evangelism well. This article explains that having a good grasp of the gospel and its storyline is of great help in evangelism.
Eight Reasons I Struggle Doing Evangelism
Do you struggle to do evangelism? This article lists eight reasons why the author finds it a struggle to evangelize, and you might very well find yourself in these reasons.
Leading a Church to Be Evangelistic
The church is called to engage in discipleship. How can you make your church evangelistic? This article explains five steps you need to take to get your church engaged in evangelism.
Four Steps to Leading Your Church to Be Evangelistic
Did you know you can help your church engage in evangelism? Here are four strategies for evangelism you can use to help your church be evangelistically driven.
The Church's Task in a Pluralistic Society
Compassion for the Lost
Knowing God Can Do the Impossible Should Affect the Way We Live
The sovereignty of God implies that God can do the impossible. This reality should impact your prayer, giving, and evangelism, and the article fleshes this out.
Reformed Evangelism in Our Culture
Missions and Evangelism
Personal Witnessing
Biblical Ignorance
The cultivation and manifestation of Christian affection between the people of God is a far more weighty argument with unbelievers than any apologetics.
The serene beauty of a holy life is the most powerful influence in the world next to the power of God.
Before Christ sent the church into the world, he sent the Spirit into the church. The same order must be observed today.
Carnal Methods in Christian Ministry
Being Ready to Witness Acts 26 shows it can be as simple as saying what you've seen
Is There Such a Thing as An Atheist?
Would It Not Make Things Easier for Evangelism to Be a Bit Arminian Instead of Strictly Adhering to the Canons of Dort?
"What Is the Reason for Our Being Afraid to 'Get Out!'? A Lack of Bible Knowledge like Mormons and Jehovah's Witnesses Have, or Are There Other Reasons?"
Do New Members Have to Adjust Themselves to Our Reformed Ways, or Do We Have to Adjust Our Church Life to Them?
Do We Have to Preach the Gospel or Instruct in the Scriptures?
All We Have to Do Is "Sow the Seed"; It Is None of Our Business Whether It Bears Fruit; Harvest Time Comes Later
Should We Not First Have a Good, Reformed, Theory on Evangelism before We Practice It?
What Should Have Priority: Either Home Mission or Foreign Mission?
Should Evangelism Be "Intentional" or "Unintentional"?
Is Home Mission the Task, Either of the Special Offices or the General Membership?
Organized for Action in Evangelism
Obstacles to Evangelism
"Instructors" and "Frontsoldiers" in Evangelism
How to Overcome "Our Guilty Silence"
History of Reformed Evangelism in the Netherlands
Present Day Evangelism
Crusade Evangelism
How Do We Reach Our Modern World?
The Mission of God in the Old Testament
New Testament Perspectives on Missions
Reformed Evangelism
The Ministry of Christian Literature
Mobilising for Mission The 2014 Moderator’s Address
Prayer, Missions and Evangelism
Encouragement for Church Planting from John Calvin
The Mission of Christian Education
The Culture We Need
Five Common Evangelism Excuses
There are five excuses you may give for not evangelizing. This article looks at these evangelism excuses and gives remedies to them to get you started in evangelism.
The Missing Piece in Our Evangelism
What might be absent from your evangelism? This article explains that evangelism requires sacrifice.
Give Your Church the Multivitamin of Evangelism
This article suggests that increasing evangelism in the church is crucial for supplementing the health of the church. It has a way of promoting biblical literacy, Christian unity, and personal holiness,
Bring Them In: Three Models for Evangelism through Worship
Real, authentic biblical worship is at its core a celebration of the living, dying, and rising of Christ. This article reflects upon models for evangelism through worship.
Is Every Christian Called to Evangelize?
This article addresses the notion that evangelism should be left to the leaders of the church. It provides a number of biblical reasons why every believer should evangelize.
Evangelism and the Word of God
Election, an Incentive to Missions
Does God Hate the Sin But Love the Sinner?
Five Tips for Engaging Those Different Than Yourself
This article offers five tips for overcoming relational barriers to reaching out to people different than you, with a view to evangelism opportunities.
Qur'anic Christ Muslims' Own Witness can help them to Faith
Poverty Traps The Poor are Always with Us – so there’s Plenty to Do
Half-Truth Sin hasn’t Disappeared, Except in Our Preaching
First, the Law With No Sense of Sin, the Gospel is much Diminished
The Power of Praise History Everywhere Proves the Evangelistic Power of Congregational Worship
Do Demons Have a Postcode? Must Evangelists Bind Territorial Spirits?
Jealous for God Paul in Athens Provides a Model for Modern Evangelism
How to Care about Social Justice (without Losing the Gospel)
Are evangelism and public justice contradictory concerns? This article shows that the mission of the church is the mission of Christ; we are to be concerned about the things and people that concern him.
Open Heart, Open Home – Conclusion
This article testifies to the impact that hospitality makes in evangelism. It is a little taste of the final banquet that is to come in the kingdom of God.
Theological Incentives for Evangelism
This article discusses the theological motivations for evangelism. In particular, it shows the relationship between evangelism and the love of God, the spiritual state of those being evangelized, Scripture, and the return of the Lord.
The Architecture of Hospitality
This article traces some of the history of church architecture. Some of the current trends in church planning are analyzed, with emphasis on the importance of church buildings that encourage fellowship and evangelism.
The Unevangelized: Lost or Saved?
Five Things Mistaken for Evangelism
What is evangelism? Part of answering this question is knowing what evangelism is not. This article identifies five things that are mistaken for evangelism.
Five Boldness-Increasing Questions
Evangelism is not easy, because of fear of man. So how do we grow in boldness for the gospel? This article draws encouragement in this regard from Acts 4.
Evangelism in a Culture of Religious Nones
Why is it that unbelief is growing? While this question cannot be answered fully, part of the reason may be the way the church does evangelism. If the church's way of doing evangelism is coercive, lacks wisdom, and is not personal, then the church cannot expect to have an impact.
Evangelization through Repentance
Falling into sin may be viewed as weakening your Christian witness. However, are you aware that your repentance is also evangelism? This article explains how repentance is a form of witnessing.
Three Lies That Hinder Our Mission According to John Calvin
What are the lies that hinder you from living the Christian life, witnessing, and evangelism? This article shows from John Calvin that there are three lies: self, society, and Satan.
Jesus Welcomed REAL Sinners. Do We?
The evangelism ministry of the church must be full of grace in welcoming sinners. Often, however, this is a key struggle for the church. This article outlines four misconceptions that unbelievers have about the church, which serve as barriers to evangelism.
Six Ways to Influence a Culture of Evangelism
It is the desire of every pastor to cultivate a culture of evangelism in the church. Do you know how to do that? This article shares six ways that can direct your church to a culture of evangelism.
The Emmaus Model of Ministry
Is there a model the church can use to reach out to the lost through evangelism? The church can use the model of incarnation, inquiry, interpretation, and ignition. This article explains what this model looks like—the model Jesus used on the road to Emmaus.
Listen Up: A Much Needed Skill
What is the key to evangelism? It is the ability to listen. There are two things you can do to help you when evangelizing: listen to people's stories, ask questions, and then tell the gospel.
Evangelism in the Established Church: Practicing Personal Evangelism – Seeking the Salvation of the Lost
Every Christian has a desire to share the gospel with unbelievers. Often the challenge is how one does it. In this article the goal of evangelism is shared: we want to see the sinner’s salvation in a way that glorifies God for his work.
Evangelism in the Established Church: Practicing Personal Evangelism – Sharing the Good News
Every Christian has a desire to share the gospel with unbelievers. Often the challenge is how one does it. In this article the content of evangelism is shared: where to start and what to say is when personally evangelizing someone.
The Church Needs More Tattoos
What do tattoos have to do with the church? Maybe the question should be, what does evangelism have to do with a sinner? The article considers these questions.
Effective Evangelism
God tells us that the preaching of the Word is the most powerful tool of evangelism. Are churches and members today being effective in this preaching of the gospel? This article weighs in.
The God-Appointed Agent of Evangelism
God uses the church, both its leadership and its members, as his agent of evangelism.
Our Living Savior and Lord
This article is about the Great Commission. God gives believers strength for evangelism and mission work.
Humble Evangelism
Humble evangelism—can this be the way of doing evangelism? What is it, exactly? It is evangelism that starts with the awareness of your own need for Jesus.
Active Congregational Involvement
Members of the congregation can be involved in mission work and evangelism in two ways: directly and indirectly. This article looks at both ways.
Declaring and Demonstrating God’s Saving Rule
What should be the relationship between evangelism and social action in mission work? Should they both characterize missions? To answer these questions this article looks at different views on this issue. It discusses the relationship between the Great Commission, the Great Commandment, and the call to the church to seek justice.
Are You Ready to Give an Answer?
Christians will be called to defend the faith. How do you defend your faith in public? How can you engage in evangelism? This article explains the temptations facing Christians when it comes to defending their faith, the reason for this defense, and the manner of defending the faith on the basis of 1 Peter 3:15.
Covenant or Evangelism
Understanding some major false religions is important for evangelism. This article introduces animism as a religion that at its core is the worship of spirits. The author presents its characters, and how the Bible views animism.
If God Is Sovereign, Is Evangelism Necessary and Urgent?
Does God's sovereign work of election nullify the need for evangelism? Looking at the relationship between election and evangelism, this article shows that God’s sovereign work of election should be the fuel for evangelism.
Keeping the Evangel in Evangelism: Why Evangelicalism Can’t Abandon the Old, Old Story
How has Western culture affected evangelism? This article explains that society's claim to the right to define all meaning for itself makes it a culture hostile and indifferent to evangelism. The author encourages the church to stay the course and remain faithful to the call to keep the gospel and person of Christ central in evangelism.
Sowing Gospel Seeds
Are you struggling to engage in evangelism? Think of evangelism as sowing seeds, then think of different ways you can sow the seeds of the gospel. This article offers ten such ways.
From Zeus to Zilch: Evangelism and Post-Christian Culture
This article considers the way Paul and Barnabas engaged with the Lycaonians in Acts 14:1-20. It shows that evangelism that begins with God as Creator is the point of contact to common human experience, for no one can deny that they were created. Paul argues that all men are already in the debt of a gracious God, and so are to repent of sin and place their faith in Christ. Preaching is to proclaim the Creator and Redeemer of all things.
An Apologetic Armoury
This article explores different functions of apologetics in different contexts as a tool for evangelism.
Calvinism and Missions: Perseverance of the Saints
This article shows how the doctrine of perseverance of the saints should motivate evangelism and mission work.
The Gospel Meaning of the Secular: Reflections on Hebrews 13:10-13
The author interprets Hebrews 13:10-13 to mean a call to mission and evangelism.
Bunyan's Departure from Preaching
Is preaching the sole means for presenting the gospel in evangelism? This article shows how John Bunyan defended his use of allegory in his Pilgrim's Progress to confront people with the claims of the gospel on their lives.
Evangelism and the Extent of the Atonement
This article explains the relationship between the extent of the atonement and evangelism, quoting part of J.I. Packer's Evangelism and the Sovereignty of God.
Why Joy Increases through Evangelism
Did you know that engaging in evangelism can increase your joy as a Christian? How is that possible? There are three ways, and this article will explain them.