How to Understand God's Sovereignty
What is meant by the sovereignty of God? Many people do not grasp the fact that God is the cause not only of the results but also the means and process. This article explains the matter.
If God Already Knows Everything We Know, Why Pray?
The Bible teaches the sovereignty of God, yet the Bible also teaches that we must present our prayers to this all-knowing God. You may then question the necessity of prayer if God knows all your requests before you speak them. This article works through this matter, explaining that in prayer we understand the faithfulness and goodness of God to us.
Ten Things You Should Know about the Sovereignty of God
What do we mean when we confess the sovereignty of God? This article discusses ten things you should know on the subject.
Knowing God Can Do the Impossible Should Affect the Way We Live
The sovereignty of God implies that God can do the impossible. This reality should impact your prayer, giving, and evangelism, and the article fleshes this out.
Of all the doctrines of the Bible none is so offensive to human nature as the doctrine of God’s sovereignty.
Sovereignty characterizes the whole being of God. He is sovereign in all his attributes.
God’s Almighty Power
Truth for Exiles
By His Fatherly Hand
The sovereignty of God is a doctrine that is not easy for Christians to accept. This article emphasizes that plans all human history, including the details of our lives, and successfully and unfailingly accomplishes his plan.
No Such Thing As Chance
The sovereignty of God rules out the possibility of chance. Acts 8 shows through the encounter between Philip and the eunuch how God is in control of all things.
Free Will and God’s Sovereignty
Are we born with a free will? To answer this question this article dispels the misconceptions about free will, and then looks at the relationship between free will, the sovereignty of God, and human responsibility.
If God Is Sovereign, Why Do Anything?
The author of this article explains why a person should not think in terms of "indifferent fatalism." This explanation includes the role of man's choices within the overall sphere of the sovereignty of God.
An Objection to God's Sovereignty That Proves It
Since no one can resist God's will, how is it fair that he still finds fault? This is the objection Paul anticipates in Romans 9:19. This article shows how to make sense of the objection, which itself is a proof of the sovereignty of God.
God Meant It for Good: Evaluating Divine Permission
This article considers how we often try to reconcile the sovereignty of God with evil. It shows that God does not merely permit evil, but ordains it.
The Consistency of Divine Sovereignty and Human Accountability
The author wrestles with the question of the sovereignty of God and human responsibility. The sovereignty of God seems to take away from man's responsibility or accountability. On the other hand, human responsibility seems to rob God of his sovereignty. The author searches for the biblical relationship between these two concepts.
The Sovereignty of God over Evil
Does the sovereignty of God mean that he is the author of sin, that he is the cause of sin, or that he ordained sin or permits sin? This article addresses the matter.
Leadership as Stewardship (Part One)
Convictional Christian leadership is defined by one's faith. And so if one's beliefs about God are not true, everything else will be warped by that false knowledge—and this is a huge problem in our culture when it then comes to leadership. A proper understanding of the sovereignty of God will help one see that Christian leadership is an act of stewardship.
Learning to Suffer Well: Trusting God's Absolute Sovereignty
This article demonstrates by way of Lamentations and Job that we need to acknowledge the sovereignty of God even in painful circumstances
The Issue of the Sovereignty of God Today
This article laments the manner in which churches today approach the preaching of the gospel. Either the sovereignty of God is totally disregarded, or it is so much emphasized that the task of mission becomes crippled.
Reformed Evangelism
How does one balance the doctrine of the sovereignty of God with that of the universal offer of the gospel? This article addresses this question, explaining the Reformed view of evangelism.
What Is the Gospel?
The author believes that the future of Christianity is in the theology of Calvinism. He goes on to emphasize the basic tenets of Calvinism such as the sovereignty of God, total depravity, the atonement of Christ, the foreknowledge of God and the so-called universalistic passages.
Counselling and the Sovereignty of God
Christian counselling can only be done by embracing the truth about God, and true hope in counselling can only be given by embracing the sovereignty of God. This article explains the relationship between counselling and God's sovereignty.
God's Indisputable Sovereignty
This is an extensive defense from Scripture of the doctrine of the sovereignty of God, touching upon words such as chosen, elect, election, calling, appointed, and ordained. The article also touches on the nature of the human will.
Scriptural Particularism
The author dwells on the particularist view of the divine design of the atonement, that by the atonement God purposed to save only those who are elected. The author supports this view from Scripture. The discussion also involves the opposing views of unrestricted and inconsistent universalism.
Objections to God's Sovereignty Answered
The article addresses a number of objections raised against the sovereignty of God. One such objection is that God loves everybody. In reply, the author refers to a number of verses that set out to disprove this. These include Proverbs 8:17, John 3:16, Romans 9:13, and 2 Peter 2:5.
Predestination in the Century before Gottschalk (Part 1)
Was Gottschalk, the ninth-century monk of Orbais, standing alone in his preaching of the sovereignty of God? This article indicates that it was not the case that in a time when Semi-Pelagianism dominated, he stood alone. Investigation of eighth and early ninth-century literature reveals an influence of Pelagian and Semi-Pelagian soteriology.
10 Reasons Why Believing in the Sovereignty of God Matters
This article offers ten reasons from Scripture why it matters whether we believe the sovereignty of God.
Reconciling Divine Sovereignty and Human Freedom
This essay wrestles to reconcile the sovereignty of God with human freedom. It describes the appeal to paradox, paying particular attention to the various senses of the term. The author concludes that the appeal to paradox fails as a result of its claim that a logical reconciliation of sovereignty and human freedom is known to be impossible.
The Problem of Evil in the Book of Job
Why is there evil in life? Understanding the relationship between the existence of evil and the sovereignty of God and his goodness is essential for every Christian. From the book of Job this article show how suffering relates to God, with focus on the purpose and way of dealing with suffering.
Three Critical Truths about the Sovereignty of God and Prayer
If God is sovereign, why pray? Understanding the relationship between prayer and the sovereignty of God is important to the practice of prayer, for it protects one against fatalism. This article gives three important truths about the relationship between prayer and the sovereignty of God.
The Sovereignty of God: An Anchor in the Midst of the Storms of Life
How to be comforted in suffering? The answer is found in knowing the sovereignty of God. This article explains what the Bible means by God's sovereignty and it shows how this is the source of comfort in suffering.
What about Free Will – The Free-Will Problem
What is at stake in the debate over free will and the sovereignty of God? Is it possible to take seriously human freedom and at the same time honour God’s absolute sovereignty over his creation? If God is the one who determines the course of events in the lives of men, how can man be responsible for his actions? Should Christians still pray if God in any way holds the future in his hands?
Divine Sovereignty and Human Responsibility
The sovereignty of God and human responsibility seem like a contradiction in terms. This article looks at the relationship between the two and shows from Romans 9 how this appearance of contradiction must be dealt with.
Divine Sovereignty and Evangelism
Does the sovereignty of God kill the need for evangelism? Looking at the relationship between the sovereignty of God and evangelism, this article shows both the negative and positive aspect of thinking about this relationship. It shows that God's sovereignty should offer hope for success in evangelism.
The Real Prayer of Jabez
The author critiques the theology of the popular publication The Prayer of Jabez by Bruce Wilkinson at several points, but mainly on the aspect of the sovereignty of God in answering prayer.
Evangelism and the Sovereignty of God
How does the sovereignty of God relate to evangelism? This article shows that the sovereignty of God does not take away the necessity and urgency of evangelism. It does not invalidate the genuineness of the gospel invitation. In actual fact, the sovereignty of God is the only hope for evangelism.
God’s Sovereign Good Pleasure
This article looks at the relationship between the sovereignty of God and man's free will. The author maintains that it is impossible to talk about man having a free will.
Should We Preach the Sovereignty of God
This article understands the sovereignty of God to mean that God has absolute authority over the whole created order, has the absolute ability to fulfill His desire, and is autonomous. Here the author appeals for the preaching of this sovereignty of God. The author also deals with objections to preaching the sovereignty of God in public and the challenge of open theism.
What about Christian Politics?
Philippians 2:12-18 - Working out Your Salvation
This is a Bible Study on Philippians 2:12-18, and it is all about the sovereignty of God and its relation to the responsibility of man.
Westminster Confession of Faith Chapter 10:3
This article on the Westminster Confession of Faith Chapter 10:3 is about election and sovereignty of God.
Westminster Confession of Faith Chapter 9:1
This article on the Westminster Confession of Faith Chapter 9:1 is about free will and the sovereignty of God.
Westminster Confession of Faith Chapter 10:1
This article on the Westminster Confession of Faith Chapter 10:1 is about salvation and sovereignty of God.
Westminster Confession of Faith Chapter 3
This article on the Westminster Confession of Faith Chapter 3 is about the sovereignty of God.
Westminster Confession of Faith Chapter 4:1 (Part one)
This article on the Westminster Confession of Faith Chapter 4:1 is about creation and the sovereignty of God.
Westminster Confession of Faith Chapter 10:2
This article on the Westminster Confession of Faith Chapter 10:2 is about salvation and sovereignty of God.
Westminster Confession of Faith Chapter 7:1 (Part one)
This article on the Westminster Confession of Faith Chapter 7:1 is about the self-sufficiency of God, covenant and the sovereignty of God.
The Sovereignty of God and Healing Its Implications for Africa
Sphere Sovereignty
In Whose Hand?
Jonathan Edwards' Account of How He Came to Love God's Sovereignty
Calvin's Exposition of the Book of Job
The Sovereignty of God
What is Job Really All About? In the Face of Terrible Sufferings for Seemingly Inscrutable Reasons, Job Persevered
2 Thessalonians 2:13-15 - The Bible Teaches the Doctrine of Election - Part 1
These two articles looks at election, the sovereignty of God, calling and preaching and the assurance of faith from 2 Thessalonians 2:13-15.
The Sovereignty of God
This article on the sovereignty of God looks at creation, the rule of God in this world to reach his purpose with everything, foreknowledge and foreordination. The author also discusses Romans 8:29 and Ephesians 1:4.