The Value of Creeds
What is the value of creeds and confessions? They define the beliefs of a communion of churches, protect from false teaching, and give testimony to the world.
What is the value of creeds and confessions? They define the beliefs of a communion of churches, protect from false teaching, and give testimony to the world.
Is it proper to conclude that "the Lord's Day" in Revelation 1:10 refers to Sunday? This article engages with this question.
What is a Reformed ministry? This article explains that the Reformers saw ministry as God's gift to his church. It deals with the work of the ministry, and the weakness of the ministry.
The sovereignty of God is a doctrine that is not easy for Christians to accept. This article emphasizes that plans all human history, including the details of our lives, and successfully and unfailingly accomplishes his plan.
Because of the justice of God, Christians can be assured of the coming judgment. This article explains why this knowledge is of comfort to Christians.
Who is the servant of the Lord in Isaiah? This article explains that though "the servant of the Lord" refers to Israel, Israel failed to fulfil this prophecy. It is only in Christ that it is fulfilled.
This article offers some remarks on the covenant of grace as portrayed in Scripture.
This article explains that the Old Testament Sabbath, an institution of the Lord at creation, has enduring significance for the church after Christ. God as Creator and Redeemer calls his people still today to rest on the Lord's Day.
Christians are engaged in spiritual warfare. It is a war against the flesh, world and Satan. What hope of victory do we have in this warfare? It is the victorious work of God in Christ.
This article looks at the relationship between the work of God in creation and re-creation.
Should Christians be members of the electronic church? This article explains that Christians are called to keep their church membership in a local church. TV church can only be a supplement for the Christian, for the Word of God and the nature of worship require this.
What is real Calvinism? Calvinism is as concerned with the life of faith as it is with doctrinal soundness. This article explains that this conviction is seen in history, Scripture, and Christ, and leads to a distinctive piety, life, and worship.
Why is baptism important? It is important for Christian identity and growth.
What was considered to be important by the Reformers for the reformation of the church? It was the Bible, worship, justification, sacraments, and the church. These five are still important for the continuing work of reforming the church today.
How can the church carry on the legacy of the Reformation? This article explains that there were three things essential to the Reformation: Scripture, justification, and church. If the church continues to cherish these things, it will carry on the legacy of the Reformation.
The Roman church has declared that the Protestants are accursed for taking away the Word of God as found in tradition. On the other hand, the Protestants have declared that the Roman church is a false church because it adds human traditions to the Word of God. What must we make of these opposing positions and how must we understand the source of authority for the believer today?
Who was Arminius? What did he teach? Do the differences between Calvinism and Arminianism today matter? These are the questions that this article addresses. It also addresses the implications of Arminius' teaching on the study and practice of Christianity today.
The article looks at the history of the church in North America, especially the effect of liberalism on the church. In this analysis it focuses on the nature of reactions by conservatives. An observation is made that over time, the general membership of the church has not taken seriously the value of doctrinal confession.
This article addresses some of the arminian doubts concerning the teaching of the perseverence of the saints. The author refers to the Canons of the Synod of Dort (1618-1619), focusing on the means of grace that God has provided so that believers might be ble to persevere. These means of grace include prayer, the Holy Spirit, the proclamation of Scripture, and the sacraments.
Does God have a certain way that He wants us to worship? This article looks at various aspects of biblical worship: the need for true worship, the character of worship, worship and the Word, leadership in worship, music and worship, worshiping with the heart. The author also discusses evaluating worship service and Hebrews 12:28-29.
Christ is king of the church, but is also king of the world. Christ rules over these two kingdoms differently. This article shows the implications of this different rule for the Christian.
This article looks at Romans 11:36, discussing how the doctrine of predestination should lead us to glorify God since it reveals His perfect mercy.
This article is a biography of James Arminius and discusses the rise of Arminianism. The author highlights the importance of retaining the difference and separation between Calvinism and Arminianism today.
John Calvin still matters today, because Calvin demonstrated how valuing God's truth is crucial to shaping true theology, church, education, and politics.
This article is about the historical background and purpose of the Heidelberg Catechism.
This article is about Gresham Machen and his fight against liberalism.
This article is about Peter Martyr Vermigli, the reformer of the church in Italy.
This article is about the future of the reformed faith, truth in theology and commitment in the church.
This article on the Westminster Directory for public Worship, is about the place preaching should have in the worship service.
This article is about the difference between Reformed and Evangelical worship. Two aspects are discussed: the presence of God, and the understanding of the minister's office in the worship service.
This article is about the characteristics of the reformed life. The author also discusses truth, good works, and love.
This article spells out the author's concerns with the document 'Evangelicals and Catholics together', especially with regards to justification.
This article is about the central place worship has on a Sunday. It also discusses the reformed practice of two worship services on a Sunday.
This article states the case for the Biblical Sabbath and how we should keep it.
This article is about Calvin's view of the reformation of the church. The author discusses Calvin's view on worship, justification, sacraments, and church government.
In this article the author discusses a proposal for the unity of all reformed churches with the same confessional standards: Let all these churches unite in one general synod.
This article is about the relation of Martin Luther and Augustine, and about Luther's 95 theses and 97 theses.