Jesus and the Renewal of Nature: Reading Isaiah and the Gospels Ecologically
Reading the Bible in the Context of the Ecological Threats of Our Time
The Cost of an Old Earth: Is It Worth It?
Through Which Glasses?
Why Would He do it Like That ?
The Belgic Confession of Faith Article 12: Of The Creation
Good and Bad Science
Creation and Educational Policy
The Belgic Confession of Faith: Article 12
God the Re-Creator
This article looks at the relationship between the work of God in creation and re-creation.
Theistic Evolution and the Gap Theory
God Speaks in Creation School of Theology Series: Lecture 2
The Doctrine of Creation
The doctrine of creation tells us that God is not only the origin of all things, but also the center of all things. This understanding of creation as recorded in Genesis 1 is important to guard you against three lies: autonomy, relativism, and self-sufficiency.
By Design Physics Describes the Processes but cannot Explain the Universe
A Divine Declaration
Calvin's Science The Bible tells of what is Visible, not as a Science Manual
In Six Days Attempts Ancient and Modern to Deny a Young Earth Fail
Augustine v Darwin The Great Theologian’s View of Creation Still Brings Insights Today
Monkeying About Evolutionary Naturalists Hear No Truth, See No Truth and Speak No Truth
"Apologies": Why Is there Something and Not Nothing?
This Is My Father’s World: The Environment and Our Responsibility
Science Discredits Evolution – Not Creation
Handling the Hard Passages (Part 2)
This article considers some challenging areas of Scripture, to show how to think through difficult questions and also why the answers to these questions are beautiful. Areas considered are creation in Genesis 1, Old Testament law, and the conquest of Canaan.
Why You Should Care for Creation Now
While denying Gnosticism, are Christians practical Gnostics? How will you answer this question? This article explains that caring for creation is biblical and also testifies to our anticipation of the new world.
Belgic Confession Articles 12-14: Creation and Providence, The Fall of Man
Genesis 1:2b - The Spirit and Creation
Song of Songs – Male and Female He Created Them
Genesis 1:2 – The Holy Spirit and Creation
The Political Thought of the Book of Revelation
This article is an account of the political thought of the book of Revelation. It reflects on how the goodness of creation is questioned by the apparent meaninglessness of the historical events. Only if history can be shown to have a purpose can the praise of creation resume. The sacrificial death of the Messiah of God is the event that interprets all other events.
The Creative Work in the Beginning
The work of creation is the work of the Triune God. This article explains the role of the each person of the Trinity in this respect.
Calvin’s View of Creation: Spectacle of God’s Glory
To John Calvin, creation is the theatre of the glory of God. Creation is the stage for the revelation of God’s program of salvation for his church.
Jeremiah, Judgment, and Creation
Lalleman argues that the idea of creation can already be found in Jeremiah. Jeremiah 4-Jeremiah 5 has parallels in Genesis 1-2 as well as in Jeremiah 33. She believes that there is insufficient ground to assume that Jeremiah 33 represents a post-Jeremiah development. Jeremiah uses also creation as a framework for his proclamation of judgment and doom.
Did God Create Chaos? Unresolved Tension in Genesis 1:1-2
Did the Old Testament make use of imagery found in other ancient Near Eastern texts and portray creation as God’s victory over, and transformation of chaos. The article indicates that this understanding is often associated with the expression "tohu wabohu" (Hebr. in Gen. 1:2), translated as"formless and empty," and that many interpretations of Genesis 1:1-2 imply that this chaos existed before God began his work as Creator.
God’s Original Intentions: Blessing, Provision, Abundance
Genesis 1-2 makes it clear that it was the plan of God for man to develop God's creation. This article explains that this developing would enable man to enjoy God's creation.
The Last Four Days of Creation-Week (Continued)
Believing the account of creation as recorded in Genesis 1 is not contrary to reason; believing in evolution is contrary to reason. This article shows how this is so by looking at the fourth day of creation, recorded in Genesis 1:14-19, and the purpose of this creation.
The Last Four Days of Creation-Week (Introduction)
Jesus and Creation: Jesus’ Suffering and Creation
Creation’s Time Frame
God’s Creative Handiwork
Whatever viewpoint someone holds on the origins of this world involves religious belief. For evolution, man and his mind have become god. Those who believe God created all things lay hold of God's Word by faith. This article considers God's identity as creator, as well as how he created, and what purpose his creation has.
God the Creator
This article shows that the doctrine of creation should point us to God because God created all things for himself and his purpose.
The Last Four Days of Creation-Week (Conclusion)
Why Does the Universe Look So Old?
What is the age of the earth? Why does the universe look so old? Taking the creation account in Genesis there are two answers to this question, which the article explains.
The Creation of Evolution Debate: A Vital Issue for Today's Church
This article includes a presentation of the arguments for evolution, attempts by Christians to compromise with evolutionary teaching, the biblical account of creation, and evolution's denial of biblical doctrines.
The Six Days of Creation
God Changed Chaos into Cosmos
"One" as an Ordinary Number and the Meaning of Genesis 1:5
Revolutions in Worldview – The Hebrew World-and-Life View
Without Excuse: Classic Christian Exegesis of General Revelation
Can it be declared that God is clearly revealed in creation and his government of creation? Is this general revelation accessible to all people? Early Christian exegesis of Romans 1:18–22 tried to reflect on these questions. This article wants to treat general revelation from a theological perspective, with special reference to the church fathers and ancient Christian exegetes.
What Is New about the New Heaven and the New Earth? A Theology of Creation from Revelation 21 and 2 Peter 3
What should be imagined is new about the new heaven and the new earth, proclaimed in Revelation 21:1-8 and 2 Peter 3:10-13? Does Revelation portray God as creating a new heaven and earth ex nihilo? Will the new earth be a reproduction of the pre-fall original creation, or will it somehow be a renewal of this present creation after the fall?
Cosmic Christology and Colossians 1:15-20
What is the relationship between Christ and the cosmos? This essay considers the apostle Paul's intention when he relates Christ to the cosmos. Can we speak of the presence of a cosmic Christology? It begins with a reading of Colossians 1:15-20. Jesus Christ, through whom the whole universe was created, is the ruler and reconciler of creation.
Creation and redemption - a study of kingdom interplay
The themes of creation and redemption have always been of great importance in Christian theology. This essay wants to discuss the relationship and contrast between the old and new creation. A passage often used to contrast the old with the new is Galatians 3:28. This study seeks to determine how the two are related in this passage.
Quantum Theology: Christianity and the New Physics
Quantum theory and the "new physics" provide a new framework within which we understand creation. This essay wants to give some basic understanding of the development and assumptions of quantum physics. The philosophy of science has also been influenced by the new theory of knowledge of quantum physics.
The Bible Story Handbook – God Created Light, God Created the World around Us, God Made Animals
Union with Christ – Creation
This is a volume on believers’ union with Christ. Letham argues that union with God is founded in the very being of God as Trinity and relational. Man being made in the image of God reflects this characteristic. First Letham looks at the Trinitarian basis of creation. Next he notes the role of the Son of God as the mediator of creation. Man as one created in Christ is to be recognized as image of God.
Augustine on the Creation Days
What was Augustine's view of the creation days in Genesis 1? This essay considers Augustine's views in the context of his broader view of creation.
Living at the Crossroads – Gospel, Story, Worldview, and the Church's Mission
This volume is about worldview. This is a concept that emerged in the European philosophical tradition. As a concept it wants to enable believers to understand more faithfully the gospel and to live more fully in that story. In Chapter 1 the authors indicate how a Christian worldview starts with the gospel of the Kingdom of God.
Calvin and Commerce – Creation
For John Calvin the subjects of money, wealth, and business are all created entities. Money is a creation, and as such it should not be worshipped, overemphasized, or ignored. Like the rest of creation, it has a place and is useful. In the section of Chapter 1 presented here, the creaturely character of the economy is considered.
Creation: Why, How, and When Did God Create the Universe?
Seven Reasons Why We Should not Accept Millions of Years
In Defense of the Historical Adam
Was Adam a true historical figure? To answer this question the article looks at the context of the biblical account on the creation of Adam. It concludes that if Adam was not a true historical figure then there is no need for a Saviour. It also means that the Bible cannot be trusted as a source of literal truth.
Adam, Eve, the Gospel, and the Truthfulness of Scripture
Our Father and His Creation
Redemption - Introduction
This Introduction is about redemption. It explores the broad spectrum of meanings attached to redemption in the Bible. The author demonstrates how the Bible’s story about God actually answers our life’s questions. The pattern of creation, fall, and redemption is followed in a brief survey of God’s story with man. In a later section on redemption as renewal, the author indicates how God’s story culminates in a new creation.
A Defense of Six-Day Creation
Did God create in six days? This article gives four defenses of a creation in six days.
The Journey
The Creation Account in Genesis 1:1-3
The question of origins is important for the identity of man and his worldview. The creation account as recorded in Genesis 1:1-3 has been challenged from three perspectives. This article examines these three challenges. It also evaluates the restitution theory, which tries to explain the chaos of Genesis 1:1-3. It shows the importance of the Genesis account by pointing to the theology of creation.
One Forever – Glory be to God for Dappled Things: Creation
Chapter 1 gives a popular overview of the Christian view of creation.
Life Everlasting – Creation Marred
Chapter 1 is a popular introduction to the doctrine of creation and the fall into sin. It expands on these two themes by noting the goodness of creation, the glorification of God in creation, and the way creation has been marred by the rebellion of man.
God, Adam and You – The Bible's First Word
This chapter is a general introduction to the doctrine of creation. It indicates the goodness of creation, the creator-creation distinction, and how creation glorifies God.
In the Beginning, God…
The Importance of Creation
Reading the World's Greatest Story
To understand the Bible one must understand the story of the Bible. This article looks at creation, fall, redemption, and consummation as acts that will help you read and understand the Bible. The goal is to help you find yourself in this story.
Science, Faith, Evolution, and Creation
The Biblical Account Of Creation
The Creation Or Evolution Debate: Evolution and the Compromise of Christians
The Relevance of the Biblical Doctrine of Creation
Revelation, History, Theodicy Aspects of Genesis 1
God’s Hidden Wisdom
The Green Christian?
In the Beginning
What can we learn from the first chapters of Genesis (Genesis 1-3)? This article discusses these chapters, focusing on the themes of creation, fall and God's redemption plan.
God’s Tiny Particles
Evaluating the Claims of Scientists
Have recent DNA findings proven scientists to be correct about the origin of human being as a result of the evolutionary process? This article looks at the theory of evolution and its reliance on natural law. The author makes it clear that there is no reason to believe that humans are the result of evolution. There is an alternative explanation to these scientific findings: creation.
Maker of Heaven and Earth
Why is it important to believe that God created the earth? The doctrine of creation is important for our Christian worldview.
Genesis 8:22 - Sending Flowers to Sinners
When Science and Scripture Clash
Royal Children - Delighting in Our Father’s World
Ideas Have Consequences: The Cult of Charles Darwin (5)
Charles Darwin's theory of evolution has great consequences for society. This article traces some of those consequences. The author discusses the emergence of theistic evolution, which seeks to harmonize evolution theory with the story of creation. This theory has had a devastating impact on the church.
The Creation of the Heavens and the Earth (7): All Things Created for Christ
The Creation of the Heavens and the Earth (6): Creatures Reproducing After Their Kind
Evolution claims that one animal can evolve into a different kind of animal. In evaluating the claims of microevolution and macroevolution, the author shows that evolution is contrary to what the Bible teaches. Biblical teaching and the creation account show that plants and animals always reproduce after their kind.
The Creation of the Heavens and the Earth (4): The Creation Narrative as Real History
The Creation of the Heavens and the Earth (3): Created in Six Literal Days
Did God create the earth in six days, as presented in Genesis 1? There is a movement today that seeks to read the days of creation as symbolic. The author of this article concludes that creation was accomplished in six literal days.
The Creation of the Heavens and the Earth (2): God Created by His Word - A Truth Understood Only by Faith
Creation means that God spoke into existence things which were not before. According to Hebrews 11:3, this truth can only be accepted by faith.
The Creation of the Heavens and the Earth (1): The Wondrous Act of God
Creation means that God spoke into existence things which were not before. This is totally different from evolution or the Big Bang theory. The fact that "God spoke, and it was" gives Christians comfort that God will always accomplish His good pleasure. Therefore creation is crucial to trusting God.
Ten Reasons Why God Made the Stars
The Creator, Blessed For Ever
Four Creations (Part 1)
This is the first of two articles looking at the biblical account of 'four creations'. This article focuses on the first creation (Genesis 1-2) and the second creation (the birth of Christ).
Four Creations (Part 2)
This is the first of two articles looking at the biblical account of 'four creations'. This article focuses on the regeneration of those dead in their sins - the third creation. The fourth creation is the new Jerusalem and the return of Christ.
What Did the Reformers Believe About the Age of the Earth? (Part 1)
In the time between the early church and the Reformation, Genesis 1 and the creation account has been read in two different ways: literally or allegorically. The author discusses the influences behind an allegorical interpretation, and concludes that Christians should understand this text literally.