A Guest's Liturgical Observations
This article reflects on basic principles for liturgical practice and musical style.
This article reflects on basic principles for liturgical practice and musical style.
This article wants to show what liturgy and worship has to do with the Christian life. It also talks about hypocrisy, formalism in worship, and individualistic and corporate worship.
This article is about the style of worship, seeker-oriented worship services, worship and evangelism, and God-oriented worship.
This article addresses one of the main weaknesses of the seeker-sensitive approach to the church's worship service, which is the lack of participation of the rest of the congregation members in ministry.
This book argues for the historic Reformed Protestant approach to worship and ministry over against contemporary styles of worship. This chapter paints a picture of the challenges regarding worship which face evangelical and reformed churches today. The author maintains that the heritage of Reformed worship, which weaves theology, piety and worship together, is the cure for these challenges.
This article addresses the dangers in worshipping in a certain way without properly understanding why we worship in that way. The author gives some guidelines around how to structure meaningful worship that focuses on God.
What kind of worship does God require? The author of this article emphasizes that worship should be God-centered, with everything in the service pointing towards God. Indeed, there is also an element of individual experience of God's presence in the worship service, but this must not be the central focus.
Nowadays, the question of how we should worship is a hotly contested issue in churches. The author of this article emphasizes that how believers worship should be determined by Who they worship, and not by personal taste. Believers should offer worship that is befitting to a holy and awesome God.
This author laments the fact that most modern churches are falling into the trap of seeking to please people in their worship rather than conforming worship to God's demands. Worship is becoming increasingly man-centered.
Does God have a certain way that He wants us to worship? This article looks at various aspects of biblical worship: the need for true worship, the character of worship, worship and the Word, leadership in worship, music and worship, worshiping with the heart. The author also discusses evaluating worship service and Hebrews 12:28-29.
Is it important to have a reformed liturgy? This article shows that there is a relationship between theology and liturgy, since the one leads to the other. Here the history of reformed liturgy is given, showing that reformed liturgy seeks to be biblical and God-centered.
How are we to worship? This article discusses what Reformed worship is. The author also speaks about the heavenly pattern of worship which is outlined in the Old and New Testament.
Discussing the principle of "Soli Deo Gloria" in relation to worship, this article shows that worship is not only about God, but also about the church. The author validates this argument by distinguishing between man's ultimate goal and man's immediate goals. This is applied to the regulative principle on the place of children in worship and the singing of laments.
What are the key aspects of worshipping God?
This article is about the baby room in the church and the way we look at children and the worship service.
This article is about worshipping twice on a Sunday. Preaching and its importance for church life is also discussed.
This article is about the difference between Reformed and Evangelical worship. Two aspects are discussed: the presence of God, and the understanding of the minister's office in the worship service.
How does the Bible shape the worship of the Lord? This article considers how God's Word informs and reforms our worship.
How do you prepare for Sunday worship? This article offers three things to consider when preparing for worship: Saturday evening, heart preparation, and Sunday morning.
Because God seeks to be worshipped on his own terms, worship should have God as the only audience, it cannot be a form of entertainment and it must have an eternal impact.
How do you draw near to God in a way that you can discover his wonders? This article addresses this question, explaining that true worship is drawing near to God in a mind renewed by the truth of God. It offers some pointers on how to prepare for worship.
Does nationalism belong in church? Should churches display their national flags inside? This article argues against the practice, in light of the distinction between national identity and kingdom identity.
This article reviews the book Engaging with God: A Biblical Theology of Worship, by David Peterson.
Real worship is costly. It will cost personal and corporate worship preparation. It will cost churches tendencies toward a people-pleasing style of leadership. This article (a letter) reflects such a struggle and search for real worship.
This article reflects on the church's worship as an echo of the praise of the heavenly chorus and celebration of Christ's completed and continuing work for us.
This article offers an introduction to and review of the book Worship the Lord.
This article sees a worship service as a rehearsal for heaven. Thus, a church needs to discover what heavenly worship is and then start applying what has been learned in worship on Sunday.
This article stresses that the heart of true biblical worship is the preaching of God's Word. It issues a call for faithful expository preaching, and lists three characteristics of such preaching.
This article is a short reflection on worship as an activity of the people of God that must be approached with utmost seriousness and care.
Worshippers are generally unaware of how much work goes into preparing a good worship service. A well-planned liturgy flows so smoothly that worshippers have no reason or inclination to wonder about its design or designers. Worship itself is all that matters. This article considers three churches' planning for worship.
Public worship is a means of grace. How can you benefit from public worship? This article lists three things.
How do you deal with distractions of the mind during worship? This article looks at three such types and how you can remedy them.
Is there value in showing a video in a worship service in order to press home the truth of the Scriptures? This article shows that God has given the church the sacraments as the Word for our eyes.
Preaching is central to Reformed worship. This article shows that this was at the heart of the Reformation, and it gives three reasons why preaching is important.
Worship that aims at God’s glory will be characterized by solemnity, simplicity, and orderliness. This article explains what this all means.
It is easy for a worship service to be man-centred worship. One aspect where this happens a lot is through music. How? This article gives three ways in which this can happen through music content, a worship team, and musical performance.
Psalm singing and the regulative principle of worship cannot be separated. This article calls for singing psalms in worship, giving both the historical and biblical grounds for such a call.
Is the evening service becoming a thing of the past? This article answers this question by looking at reasons that contributes to the decline of the second service.
Why do we worship the way we do? This is the question this booklet seeks to answer. It looks at corporate worship from a Presbyterian practice. It examines the principles of worship, preparing for worship, and the elements of liturgy: salutation, prayer, singing, offering, place of sacraments, and the benediction.
What is worship? This article gives an overview of worship from the Garden to the New Jerusalem. It argues that the theology of worship cannot be separated from the practice of worship.
Is there a biblical foundation for the evening service? With a view to Exodus 29:38-46 this article looks at the practice of morning and evening worship throughout the Bible, as well as the practice of it in the early church and Reformation. It outlines the benefits of these services, and calls believers to uphold this practice.