God's Glory in Salvation through Judgment – Can the Centre Hold?

Hamilton argues that the centre in Biblical Theology is God, who is both merciful and just. The central theme of Scripture, according to Hamilton, is the glory of God in salvation through judgment. In Chapter 1 he first considers whether there is a centre in Scripture that holds everything in Scripture together.

Redemptive History and Biblical Interpretation – The Idea of Biblical Theology as a Science and as a Theological Discipline

In Chapter 1 Vos puts forward his understanding of biblical theology as a theological discipline. He emphasizes the historical character of biblical revelation. The Bible was for Vos far from a series of isolated proof texts; it was for him an organism with a rich diversity that gives unanimous expression to its message of redemption.

Kingdom through Covenant – The Importance of Covenants in Biblical and Systematic Theology

The idea of covenant is fundamental to the message of the Bible. The purpose of Chapter 1 is to demonstrate just how central the covenants are. Correctly relating the different covenants is central to doing good theology. The authors deliberately distance themselves from classic Reformed covenantal theology. For them “kingdom through covenant” is the central message of the story of the Bible.

The Faith Once Delivered – The Vitality of Reformed Systematic Theology

In this essay Gaffin concentrates on the inherent vigour of Reformed systematic theology and how best to preserve and nurture its strengths. He first addresses the matter of Reformed systematic theology’s use of its own exegetical tradition given in the discipline of biblical theology as developed by Geerhardus Vos.