Teaching Catechism - Review and Repetition
Teaching Catechism - Learning and Singing Songs
Teaching Catechism - Catching a Catechist
Teaching Catechism - Memory and Questioning
How Shall We Teach Catechism?
Biblical Youth Ministry
This article shows that two things are often missing in youth ministry: biblical teaching and authority, and integration of youth into the church. Consumer culture and the desire to entertain young people have clouded these two important ingredients.
Catechesis: A Definition
The Importance of Catechism Instruction
This article emphasizes the importance of catechetical instruction of the youth. A catechism is a valuable tool that helps believers become grounded in church doctrine.
Youth Ministry and the Family
The Officebearer and Young People
Catechism Instruction
The "Ifi" Cations of Youth Ministry
Who does the Catechizing?
Why Catechism?
The Confessions of an (Occasionally) Frustrated Teacher
How to be a Good Sunday School Teacher
Catechesis: Cutting Edge Technique
Catechesis and Church
Covenantal Catechism
Dealing with Young Converts: The Aim
Teaching the Catechism
The Reformed Method of Catechizing
How Do We Teach Our Children in Church? Sunday School and Catechism Instruction
A Lost Art A Tried and True way of Teaching is needed again
Kids, Character, and Catechism
When we develop the character of our children, we mark their souls morally and ethically. This parenting involves ploughing and planting the Word of God in them. One tool God provides for this is the catechism. The catechism provides children with solid, thorough knowledge in today’s confusing world. It gives a workable framework within which we can live.
Baptism, Profession of Faith, Lord’s Supper
Boys, Young Men, and Men
Peer Pressure
Peer pressure can be viewed in two ways: negative pressure that leads one to disobey God, and positive pressure that leads one to obey God. This article encourages positive peer pressure among Christian young people. Church youth should encourage each other to pursue holiness.
Catechism… or Discipline
Should parents who do not send their children to catechism classes be disciplined? The author shows that this has been a conviction in the history of the Reformed Churches. He shows the need for catechism and the benefits it has for the church. The author maintains that instruction in the Heidelberg Catechism is linked to the promise parents make to their children at their baptism.
Catechism: The Old Path, the Good Way (3)
Catechism teaching is under threat in many churches. This article shows that catechism is important for the formation of children as they grow in their knowledge of God. This article discusses how we can continue to develop and improve our ways of teaching the catechism.
Catechism: The Old Path, the Good Way (2)
Catechism teaching is under threat in many churches. This article shows that catechism is important for the formation of children as they grow in their knowledge of God. It is essential for the preservation of doctrine and is a suitable means to teach the word of God in a systematic way. Methodology for teaching the catechism is also discussed in order that God’s word may be taught and applied rightly.
Catechism: The Old Path, the Good Way (1)
Catechism teaching is under threat in many churches. This article shows that the church's instruction of the youth has always been the practice of God's people. Tracing this practice through the Old and New Testament, the early church, and the Reformation, the author encourages the church to continue in this practice.
An Investment That Pays - The Importance of Christian Camps and Conferences for Young People
Sending young people to youth camps and conferences is a good investment. In this way youth can be exposed to faithful teaching of scripture and Christian role models.
Instruction in the Faith Lessons from John Calvin
The History and Nature of Catechizing
Youth Ministry Ideas: Muddle or Model?
For Catechism Teachers: An Encouraging Word
Relevant Gospel Contours For Ministry To Students In A Postmodern Context
Postmodernism has had an effect on youth ministry. The author of this article calls for new ways of reaching out to young people and of doing youth ministry. The focus of this article is on the concepts of individuality and community, death of absolute truth and metanarrative, and how the church can counter this in youth ministry.
Instruction in the Faith Some Pages from the Past
Youth Ministry
This article introduces five books that are particularly useful for youth ministry.