How the Gospel Resizes Our New Year's Hopes and Fears
What informs your New Year’s resolutions? The article discusses how the gospel should affect your New Year’s hopes and fears.
What informs your New Year’s resolutions? The article discusses how the gospel should affect your New Year’s hopes and fears.
What do you do when you experience wavering or failing faith? Many people go through this challenge, and it can lead to despair. This article descibes three important facts to remember when you feel your faith is wavering: your faith is a gift of God, the object of faith is Christ, and the guarantee of our faith is the gospel.
The world influences us to see human weakness as a sign that something is wrong with us, and therefore many people do not open up about thier struggles. The gospel teaches that mankind is weak, but that God's grace strengthens us in our weakness and that our weakness can serve God's purposes.
This article explains that God's calling and presence in our daily lives are constant, which can be rejoiced over even and especially in times of grief.
Many people face an identity crisis and are in the pursuit of self-discovery. This article discusses who the Christian really is, as one in Christ, and explains the peace that comes from this.