Ten Things You Should Know about Slavery in the Bible
Does the Bible promote slavery? Why is it that we do not read of the condemnation of slavery in the Bible? This article engages with these questions by pointing to ten things you need to know about slavery in the Bible.
Aliens and Strangers: The Scope of the Kingdom and the Logic of the Gospel
This article considers questions such as what is the Bible's attitude to foreigners, to immigrants, and refugees, and what does the gospel have to say on the subject. Biblical law is remarkably generous towards strangers. The Scriptures speak of welcoming the stranger, in full knowledge of the risks, because of God's love for all.
Christianity and the Slavery Question
The paper argues that the silence of the New Testament on the slavery question can be understood by noting the essentially worthwhile character of slavery during this period. Modern thinking about slavery has too often been influenced by superimposing the viciousness, perpetual bondage, and race hatred of slavery in past centuries on conditions in the Roman world.