Maintaining a Relationship of Trust A Christian perspective on pastoral care and trust
My Pastoral Confidentiality Policy
The author provides the confidentiality policy he has drawn up as a possible model. While the model may or may not be useful in a given situation, it does reflect certain important principles that need to be considered with respect to the practice and limits of confidentiality.
Pastoral Integrity and the Limits of Confidentiality
The author offers some general thoughts and suggestions with respect to confidentiality and pastoral care in the church.
Pastoral Care, Confidentiality, and Sexual Abuse
This article addresses the issue of confidentiality, with specific application to situations in which sexual abuse has taken place.
Appropriate Confidentiality
In this article, the author makes use of helpful insights and advice by Ken Behr to give guidance in the area of appropriate confidentiality.
How Much Should a Pastor Tell His Wife?
This article identifies six principles that provide guidance for pastors and elders in deciding when it is appropriate to share confidential information with their wives.
Strict Confidentiality?
This article addresses the dilemma posed by the expectation of strict confidentiality in pastoral counselling, in the light of biblical requirements for dealing with sinners who refuse to repent.