Running on Empty? The Care and Feeding of Worship Leaders
How important is it to minister to the minister, care for the elder, and lead the music leader? This article considers ways to care for those called upon to lead the church in worship, in order to refresh them in their calling.
Open Heart, Open Home – The Church: God's Glorious Image of Hospitality
This article shows how hospitality was a way of life in early Christian households. Hospitality is the gospel in action, a way of showing that God has received us in his grace. The article considers the various biblical commands to practice hospitality, pointing out that each command is set in the context of love. It goes on to focus on hospitality as an important qualification for the office of elder, and is of great value in shepherding the flock.
Church Elders – Don't Assume
Church Elders – Introduction: I am an Elder, Now What?
The Church and Its Leadership The Life of the Church Series: Sermon Eleven
Rulers and Servants: The Offices of Elder and Deacon
1 Timothy 3:1-7 – The Office of Elder: His Qualifications
From 1 Timothy 3:1-7, this article groups the qualifications of being an elder into three categories: character, call to rule, and call to teach.
The Elders and the Care of the Congregation
Understanding that the congregation is made up of believers and their children has implications for the work of the elder. This article shows what those implications are.
The Sltz-im-Leben of Third John: A New Reconstruction
Who were Diotrephes and the Elder? Why was there a certain animosity between them? How is 3 John related to 2 John and 1 John? This article reviews five theories that address these questions.
Titus 1 – Three Views on Elder's "Faithful" Children
Shepherding the Flock of God
The Elder: "To Aid and Assist"
This article looks at the work of the office of the elder. Special focus is given to the elder's assistance to the minister.
1 Timothy 3:6 – He (and They) Must Not Be a Novice
This article examines what 1 Timothy 3:6 means when it prohibits an elder from being a novice.
Qualifications for Elders
Who qualifies as an elder? The qualifications for eldership in church are stated fully in 1 Timothy 3:1-7. This article explains its meaning and the implication it has for the office of eldership.
Church Functionaries – The Witness in the Literature and Archaeology of the New Testament and Church Periods
This essay notes the different New Testament church offices and their Old Testament background. Special attention is given to the elder.
The office of elder is what Christ uses to shepherd his church. This article explains the elder's role.
An Elder’s Wife's Perspective
Elders: Their Character and Calling
The Elders of the Church and Their Pastoral Care
The Elder and Visitation
The Elder and Family Visitation
Keep it Confidential
Finding the Elders We Need
The Qualification of the Office of Elder (6): The Elder's Relationship to His Wife and Children
This series of articles looks at the qualifications required in order to be an elder in the church based on 1 Timothy 3 and Titus 1. This article discusses the elder's relationship with his wife and children, and the manner in which he leads his household.
The Qualification of the Office of Elder (5): Married, With Children? Not Necessarily
This series of articles looks at the qualifications required in order to be an elder in the church based on 1 Timothy 3 and Titus 1. This article focuses specifically on 1 Timothy 3:2-4. Must a man be married and have children in order to serve as an elder? Can unmarried men or married men without children also serve?
The Qualifications of the Office of Elder (4): The Elder's Blamelessness
This series of articles looks at the qualifications required in order to be an elder in the church based on 1 Timothy 3 and Titus 1. This article discusses what it means that elders must be blameless.
The Qualification of the Office of Elder (3): Adult Males - The Scriptural Defense
This series of articles looks at the qualifications required in order to be an elder in the church based on 1 Timothy 3 and Titus 1. This article discusses whether women can be office-bearers, concluding that God only calls men to serve as elders in the church.
The Qualification of the Office of Elder (2): Adult Males
This series of articles looks at the qualifications required in order to be an elder in the church based on 1 Timothy 3 and Titus 1. This article discusses whether women can be office-bearers, concluding that God only calls men to serve as elders in the church.
The Qualification of the Office of Elder (1): An Overview
Looking at 1 Timothy 3 and Titus 1, this article gives an overview of the qualifications required in order to be an elder in the church.
The History of the Office of Elder (6): After the Reformation
The History of the Office of Elder (5): Restored During the Reformation Era
In order to rightly understand the office of elder, one must know the development of this office throughout history. This article looks at the struggle during the Reformation to restore God's church to be as He wants it. This struggle also included the fight for the restoration of the office of elders.
The History of the Office of Elder (4): After the Apostolic Age
The History of the Office of Elder (3): During the Apostolic Age
In order to rightly understand the office of elder, one must know the development of this office throughout history. This article looks at the role of elders in the New Testament. The author shows that there is a link between the Old Testament synagogue model and the formation of elders during the apostolic era.
The History of the Office of Elder (2): During and After the Babylonian Captivity
In order to rightly understand the office of elder, one must know the development of this office throughout history. This article looks at the development of this office during the Babylonian captivity, throughout the intertestamental period, and into the New Testament. The author looks at the synagogue system and the role of New Testament elders in supervising the worship service and spiritual life.
The History of the Office of Elder (1): In the Nation of Israel
In order to rightly understand the office of elder, one must know the development of this office throughout history. This article looks at the history of this office from the time of Adam, Moses, and the prophets. The author also discusses the qualifications of elders and their duty to bring God's Word.
The Nature of the Office of Elder (2): The Rule of Christ
Jesus Christ rules His church through the office of elders. This presence of Christ is manifested in the work of the elders. The rule of the elders on Christ’s behalf consists of feeding, nourishing and protecting Christ's Church.
The Nature of the Office of Elder (1): The Office of Rule
Looking at the teaching of scripture and the reformed Confessions, this article defines the nature of the office of the elder. The author concludes that the nature of this office is that of rule. Elders are called to rule Christ's church on His behalf. The author closes the article by giving reasons why God instituted such an office for His church.
Supervising Preaching: Edifying Congregations (3)
This trilogy of articles discusses the task of the elder in working with the pastor for the improvement of the preaching. This article discusses how sermons must have an aspect of spirituality.
Supervising Preaching: Edifying Congregations (2)
Supervising Preaching: Edifying Congregations (1)
This trilogy of articles discusses the task of the elder in working with the pastor for the improvement of the preaching. This article provides reasons why this is important. The author also gives some direction as to what church council should look for in a sermon and how they can supervise the preaching.
The Deacons’ Relationship to the Consistory (4): The Consistory Meetings to Which Deacons are Added
What should the relationship between elders and deacons look like? Should deacons be part of the consistory meeting? This article provides a historical perspective on the practice of deacons and elders working together.
The Deacons’ Relationship to the Consistory (3): The Council Meetings
What should the relationship between elders and deacons look like? This distinguishes between work which must be done by the consistory and work which is to be done by deacons. The author also discusses shared tasks.
The Deacons’ Relationship to the Consistory (2): The Necessity of Such a Relationship
The Deacons’ Relationship to the Consistory (1): The Confessional and Scriptural Indication of Such a Relationship
Looking at the Belgic Confession Article 30, Scripture (Philippians 1:1, 1 Timothy 3:8-13) and church history, the author of this article maintains that elders and deacons are called to work together.
The Counsel of the Elders
This article is about the role of the elder in guiding and counselling the church.