Are Deacons Members of the Consistory?

This article makes a plea to be consistent in separating the function of elders and deacons, thus excluding deacons from the consistory (except when they are specifically required, as stipulated by the church order). This will help each office to concentrate on their own work and calling.

Open Heart, Open Home – The Church: God's Glorious Image of Hospitality

This article shows how hospitality was a way of life in early Christian households. Hospitality is the gospel in action, a way of showing that God has received us in his grace. The article considers the various biblical commands to practice hospitality, pointing out that each command is set in the context of love. It goes on to focus on hospitality as an important qualification for the office of elder, and is of great value in shepherding the flock.

Two Offices (Elders/Bishops and Deacons) and Two Orders of Elders (Preaching/Teaching Elders and Ruling Elders): A New Testament Study

This article argues for the two offices which Christ has given to His church: the office of elder, comprising of two orders (teaching elder and ruling elder); and the office of deacon.