Receiving a Blessing: Giving a Blessing Laying On of Hands
God’s Blessing Goes With You!
Response to Your Baptism: Chapter 14 – God's Blessing Goes with You!
Divorce and Remarriage in Deuteronomy 24:1-4?
What is the function of the law on remarriage in Deuteronomy 24:1-4? This article argues that the long history of discussion on the purpose for the law seems to have been misguided. It calls attention to the explicitly stated purpose of the law in verse 4. The concern of this law on divorce and remarriage is to protect the covenant relationship between Israel and Yahweh. In this way, Israel’s position in the land of Canaan is protected.
Worship in His Fear: The Blessing
Whose Is the Blessing?
Encountering God Together – The Gathering of God
What do people do when they gather for worship? What does it mean that worshippers gather as the people of God? Chapter 1 considers the fact that God is gathering a people for himself throughout history and that they meet for worship and to receive God’s blessing.
Eyes to See, Ears to Hear – Why Do Bad Things Happen to Good People? A Biblical-Theological Approach
Celebrating Thanksgiving at the Source
The Gospel of the Priestly Blessing
Luke 24:50-52 - The Ascended Lord Blessing His Church
Two or Three? A Look at the Reformed View of Office
The Sifting Effect of Preaching
Covenant of Works and Merit?
Dependence in Child Rearing
Proverbs 2 - Wisdom: A Blessing
What is the Benediction?
This article looks at the content, source and the object of the blessing in the worship service.
Psalm 128:1 - God's Sure Particular Blessings
Under the Blessing Hands There Is a Curse over This World
The Ascension of the Lord Jesus Christ
Covenant Theology under Attack
This article is about the covenant of works (covenant in the paradise). Rewards and blessing, the active obedience of Jesus Christ, and the relation of paradise and the covenant of grace is also discussed.