Creation Ex Nihilo
The author attempts to explain what "creation ex nihilo" would mean to today's believer. This sovereign act of God means that believers are to worship him constantly as the Creator.
Song of Songs – Male and Female He Created Them
Did God Create Chaos? Unresolved Tension in Genesis 1:1-2
Did the Old Testament make use of imagery found in other ancient Near Eastern texts and portray creation as God’s victory over, and transformation of chaos. The article indicates that this understanding is often associated with the expression "tohu wabohu" (Hebr. in Gen. 1:2), translated as"formless and empty," and that many interpretations of Genesis 1:1-2 imply that this chaos existed before God began his work as Creator.
Father's World
The Declaration of the Issue of Creation
Genesis 1:3-5 - The First Day
Ten Things You Should Know about the Garden of Eden
Was life in the Garden of Eden before the fall the best it would be? Or was more in store for Adam and Eve and all humanity if they had obeyed the Lord? This article considers ten things about the garden that may challenge your view of life in the garden before the fall into sin.
Creation and redemption - a study of kingdom interplay
The themes of creation and redemption have always been of great importance in Christian theology. This essay wants to discuss the relationship and contrast between the old and new creation. A passage often used to contrast the old with the new is Galatians 3:28. This study seeks to determine how the two are related in this passage.
Our Father and His Creation
The Biblical Account Of Creation
The Creation Or Evolution Debate: Evolution and the Compromise of Christians
The Achilles Heel of Theistic Evolutionism
Revelation, History, Theodicy Aspects of Genesis 1
Should We Still Believe in a Historical Adam?
Has the study of history proven the impossibility of believing in the historicity of Adam? This article addresses this question, warning the reader that questioning the historicity of Adam results in a drastic revision of the doctrine of original sin.
All Mankind Descending From Him...?
Was Adam a true historical human being, from whom all mankind descended? This question is posed as a result of scientific findings. Looking at Romans 5:12-19 and 1 Corinthians 15:21-22, the author answers this question by showing that failure to accept the historicity of Adam alters the biblical teaching on sin and salvation.
The Creator, Blessed For Ever
Four Creations (Part 1)
This is the first of two articles looking at the biblical account of 'four creations'. This article focuses on the first creation (Genesis 1-2) and the second creation (the birth of Christ).
Four Creations (Part 2)
This is the first of two articles looking at the biblical account of 'four creations'. This article focuses on the regeneration of those dead in their sins - the third creation. The fourth creation is the new Jerusalem and the return of Christ.
The Lord uses Creation for His Own Redemptive Purposes
God Spoke … and It was Done
Is there Intelligence in Outer Space?
Genesis and Old Age Earth
Creating God's Kingdom
Has Man Made Life?
God the Re-Creator
This article looks at the relationship between the work of God in creation and re-creation.
Theistic Evolution and the Gap Theory
Four Things to Know about Your World
What does the term "fallen world" actually mean? This article outlines four inescapable realities about this world, ones we will all face somehow.
The Doctrine of Creation
The doctrine of creation tells us that God is not only the origin of all things, but also the center of all things. This understanding of creation as recorded in Genesis 1 is important to guard you against three lies: autonomy, relativism, and self-sufficiency.
The Genesis Foundation
A Divine Declaration
In Six Days Attempts Ancient and Modern to Deny a Young Earth Fail
The Creative Work in the Beginning
The work of creation is the work of the Triune God. This article explains the role of the each person of the Trinity in this respect.
God’s Original Intentions: Blessing, Provision, Abundance
Genesis 1-2 makes it clear that it was the plan of God for man to develop God's creation. This article explains that this developing would enable man to enjoy God's creation.
The Last Four Days of Creation-Week (Introduction)
Creation’s Time Frame
God’s Creative Handiwork
Whatever viewpoint someone holds on the origins of this world involves religious belief. For evolution, man and his mind have become god. Those who believe God created all things lay hold of God's Word by faith. This article considers God's identity as creator, as well as how he created, and what purpose his creation has.
God the Creator
This article shows that the doctrine of creation should point us to God because God created all things for himself and his purpose.
Why Does the Universe Look So Old?
What is the age of the earth? Why does the universe look so old? Taking the creation account in Genesis there are two answers to this question, which the article explains.
Must We Believe in an Historical Adam?
Did science disprove the historicity of Adam? To answer the question of the historical Adam, one must look at the limits of science and of Scripture, which this article examines. It looks at the relationship between the historicity of Christ and that of Adam and the gospel.
In Defense of the Historical Adam
Was Adam a true historical figure? To answer this question the article looks at the context of the biblical account on the creation of Adam. It concludes that if Adam was not a true historical figure then there is no need for a Saviour. It also means that the Bible cannot be trusted as a source of literal truth.
Adam, Eve, the Gospel, and the Truthfulness of Scripture
In the Beginning, God…
The Importance of Creation
The Relevance of the Biblical Doctrine of Creation
Maker of Heaven and Earth
Why is it important to believe that God created the earth? The doctrine of creation is important for our Christian worldview.
Royal Children - Delighting in Our Father’s World
The Creation of the Heavens and the Earth (7): All Things Created for Christ
The Creation of the Heavens and the Earth (6): Creatures Reproducing After Their Kind
Evolution claims that one animal can evolve into a different kind of animal. In evaluating the claims of microevolution and macroevolution, the author shows that evolution is contrary to what the Bible teaches. Biblical teaching and the creation account show that plants and animals always reproduce after their kind.
The Creation of the Heavens and the Earth (5): Extremely Long "Days" & Death Before the Fall
The Creation of the Heavens and the Earth (4): The Creation Narrative as Real History
The Creation of the Heavens and the Earth (3): Created in Six Literal Days
Did God create the earth in six days, as presented in Genesis 1? There is a movement today that seeks to read the days of creation as symbolic. The author of this article concludes that creation was accomplished in six literal days.
The Creation of the Heavens and the Earth (2): God Created by His Word - A Truth Understood Only by Faith
Creation means that God spoke into existence things which were not before. According to Hebrews 11:3, this truth can only be accepted by faith.
The Creation of the Heavens and the Earth (1): The Wondrous Act of God
Creation means that God spoke into existence things which were not before. This is totally different from evolution or the Big Bang theory. The fact that "God spoke, and it was" gives Christians comfort that God will always accomplish His good pleasure. Therefore creation is crucial to trusting God.
Ten Reasons Why God Made the Stars
What Did the Reformers Believe About the Age of the Earth? (Part 1)
In the time between the early church and the Reformation, Genesis 1 and the creation account has been read in two different ways: literally or allegorically. The author discusses the influences behind an allegorical interpretation, and concludes that Christians should understand this text literally.
Adam and Eve
This article contends for the historicity of Adam and Eve and the belief that Adam was the first person and the father of all. Denying the historicity of Adam is equal to denying the Christian account of sin and evil, a Christian understanding of God, and the rationale for the incarnation, cross and resurrection of Christ.
“In Wisdom You Made them All...”
Is Genesis 1, Real History? Genesis Presents Itself as Recording Events that Occurred in the Past
Adam and Evolution
Science, Scripture and the Age of the Earth
Was Adam an Historical Person?
This article is about Genesis 1-3 and if we have to view Adam and paradise as a historical person and event. The article looks at salvation and historical facts, and the fall in sin and redemption. It also looks at the origin of sin from the viewpoint of evolution. The relation between Adam and Jesus Christ is also discussed.
Alleged Problems with a Literal Interpretation of the Creation Account
James Ussher: Can Anything Good Come from Ireland?
Monkeying About Evolutionary Naturalists Hear No Truth, See No Truth and Speak No Truth
The God Who Is There – The God Who Made Everything
A Defense of Six-Day Creation
Did God create in six days? This article gives four defenses of a creation in six days.
One Forever – Glory be to God for Dappled Things: Creation
Chapter 1 gives a popular overview of the Christian view of creation.
Life Everlasting – Creation Marred
Chapter 1 is a popular introduction to the doctrine of creation and the fall into sin. It expands on these two themes by noting the goodness of creation, the glorification of God in creation, and the way creation has been marred by the rebellion of man.
God, Adam and You – The Bible's First Word
This chapter is a general introduction to the doctrine of creation. It indicates the goodness of creation, the creator-creation distinction, and how creation glorifies God.
The Quest for the Historical Adam – Finding Adam and His Origin in Scripture
Chapter 1 gives a summary and short discussion of Scripture passages relevant to Adam and Eve and human origins. The author wants to provide his readers with God’s revelation on human origins.
Life in the Universe
Is there extraterrestrial life? In order to answer this question, this article compares the biblical and the scientific definition of life. The author says that since God created the other planets, if there is life on them, glory must be given to God for the wonder of His creation.
Creation and Redemption
The Origin, Essence, and Purpose of Man
This article on the creation of man, discusses the origin of man, creation and evolution, man as created in the image of God (Genesis 1:26), the relation of man and animals, and the relation of man and the angels.
Is there a Time Gap between Genesis 1:1 and 1:2?
This article is about Genesis 1:1, and also on its relation to Genesis 1:2.
Do We Need to Believe in Adam and Eve?
Does it matter if Adam and Eve were historical or not? This article argues for the theological necessity of the historical Adam.
The Importance of the Noahic Covenant in Biblical Theology
How important is the Noahic covenant in Scripture? This article wants to emphasize the importance of the Noahic covenant for biblical theology. This covenant in particular establishes the foundation for the story of God’s commitment to creation, and in particular, the preservation of life on earth.
Genesis Creation: Literal or Literary?
This article defends the literal interpretation of "day" in Genesis 1 by advancing several arguments, and addressing the objections to this interpretation, including the Framework Hypothesis.
Biblical Creation and Science: A Review Article
This article reviews Nathan Aviezer's book In the Beginning: Biblical Creation and Science. The book focuses on the relationship between science and the biblical creation narratives.
The Dawn of Otherness
This article discusses the concept of time in relation to the eternity of God and creation.
Aliens and Christians
Should Christians believe in the existence of aliens? This article shows that the fact that God did not reveal anything to us on this topic means He did not deem it necessary for us to know. While arguing from science cannot disprove the existence of aliens, biblical evidence shows that the existence of aliens is highly unlikely.
Four Purposes for Which God Created You
First Steps to a Theology of Nature
In theology, the term "nature" has several distinct usages. Bauckham explains that he wishes to focus on the modern usage of the term, namely, as it refers to "the observable non-human world." He critiques such usage, explaining that it tends toward a focus on the natural environment of human life on "our" planet. Bauckham's concern is that a misleading distinction between "nature" and humanity can easily be supposed.
Report of the Creation Study Committee
This article gives a historical overview of how the church answered the question of the nature of the creation days as recorded in Genesis 1. It looks at four interpretations from throughout church history and seeks to guide Christians in their thinking about these days.
Is Creation the Same as Providence?
Quantum Theology: Christianity and the New Physics
Quantum theory and the "new physics" provide a new framework within which we understand creation. This essay wants to give some basic understanding of the development and assumptions of quantum physics. The philosophy of science has also been influenced by the new theory of knowledge of quantum physics.
A Case for a Young Earth
This article gives some scientific considerations that support the thesis of a young earth.
'Theater of His Glory'
The New Age Theology of Matthew Fox
In this article, Richard Bauckham responds to the New Age theology of Matthew Fox. Bauckham appreciates Fox's theological focus on the goodness of all creation, but also offers two critiques of the New Age teachings.