You Are More Than Your Twitter Bio
Are you suffering from identity crisis? How are you meant to see yourself? This article is a helpful guide to buildiing our sense of self, as it considers the foundation stone: being made in the image of God.
Ten Things You Should Know about the Imago Dei
God created us in his image. What does it mean to be created in the image of God? This article explains ten things you need to know on the point.
In the Image of God: Remnant and Restoration
Don’t Waste Your Life (Part 2): Cultural Mandate
Theology of the Soul as It Relates to Disability (Part 2)
In order to care for individuals and families affected by disabilities, we need to have a biblical understanding of human nature. This article explains that the image of God is foundational—no one is to be defined by their disability—and from there the Lord's desire is that we conform to the image of Christ. That means that the church has a responsibility to disciple the disabled.
A Christian Anthropology for Contemporary Bioethics
How does bioethics impact pastoral care? How should Christians approach ethical issues related to medical technology? Biblical anthropology must shape the Christian approach to bioethics. This article looks at the relationship between man's creation in the image of God and bioethics.
Who Am I as God’s Image-Bearer?
What Is the Imago Dei?
Man is created in the image of God. What does that mean? This article gives three ways of helping you think about the meaning of God's image.
Man in His Four-Fold State: Man as Glory Perfects Him Revelation 21:5b
Man in His Four-Fold State: Man as Grace Renews Him
Man in His Four-Fold State: Man as Sin Marred Him
Man in His Four-Fold State: Man as God Made Him
Resolute in a Gender-Confused Culture
This article explains why there is confusion in society today about gender and sexuality: society has forgotten what it means to be created in the image of God. The article goes on to provide the biblical worldview on gender.
The Image of God in Man
There are only three explicit Old Testament references to the doctrine of the image of God in man: Genesis 1:26, Genesis 5:2, and Genesis 9:6. However, the importance of the doctrine is out of all proportion to the limited treatment it receives in the Old Testament. That man is a [creature]] implies limitations upon the range and degree of his similarities to God.
The Significance of God's Image in Man
What is the significance of man being created in the image of God? This article outlines the current state of exegesis on this doctrine and the problems connected with the traditional theological interpretation of Genesis 1:26. Next, he considers the newly recognized importance of intertestamental Judaism for a Christian doctrine of the image of God.
Are We Just Naked Apes?
Did evolution and naturalism explain away the uniqueness of man? This article looks at the physical and social evidence that explain the uniqueness of man in order to argue that it is the biblical story that explains the truth about man, as distinct from animals since man is created in the image of God.
Reclaiming the Truth of the Image of God
What does it mean that God created man is his own image? John Calvin defining the image of God in man in both the narrower and broader sense. He also showed how the fall impacted the image of God in man. This article explains these concept from Calvin’s point of view.
Man: Created in God’s Image
This article defines from Genesis 1:26-27 and Genesis 2:7 what it means that man is created in the image of God.
Towards a Theology of Homosexuality
This article is written against the background of a controversy within the Anglican Church in Australia. It makes use of two categories of theologies of homosexuality, the essentialist and constructionist. The constructionist category interprets sexuality within the relative framework and context of culture.
The Spirit and the Imago Dei: Reviewing the Anthropology of Irenaeus of Lyons
This is an article on theological anthropology, and in particular the anthropology of Irenaeus of Lyons. Was Irenaeus responsible for the distinction between the image of God and the likeness of God in man? This article looks at the importance of the theme in Irenaeus' thought in which he speaks of the Son and the Spirit as the "two hands" of the Father.
The Image Conscious Disciple
In this article, the author speaks of our discipleship in terms of being conscious that we bear the image of God as restored and renewed in Christ.
The Imago Dei as Vocation
What does it mean that man is called the image of God (Imago Dei)? What is the nature of the "image"? This article surveys three interpretations: the substantialist, relational, and vocational, and concludes that the vocational view reflects the biblical evidence best. The ethical implications flowing from this view are then considered.
The Image of God and Its Implications
This article considers what it means to be created in the image of God, even though that image has been marred by the fall.
Nature in the New Creation: New Testament Eschatology and the Environment
Is it fair to say that environmental degradation is the product of Christianity,? What are the ideological roots of the environmental crisis? Moo suggests that the attitude of an “either/or” when it comes to evangelism and environmental concern is a false dilemma.
The Creation of Man
This article considers man's creation in the image of God.
God Has a Heart for the Vulnerable. Do You?
What gives people their worth? The world system says it is their contribution, but the Bible says it is the image of God in which they are created. This article looks at people with disabilities and special needs, to show how their worth is derived from bearing the image of God.
The Imago Dei as Familitas
What is the nature of man? What is the true significance of viewing man as image of God? Otto argues for a relational understanding of the imago dei. The interpretation of Genesis 1:28 plays a central role in consideration of man made in God's image.
The Glory of God – The Glory of God in Paul's Epistles
What is the glory of God? This question is answered by Gaffin as he opens up Paul’s theology of glory and shows how it is linked to important themes such as the gospel, the image of God, and Jesus’ resurrection and ascension.
Union with Christ – Creation
This is a volume on believers’ union with Christ. Letham argues that union with God is founded in the very being of God as Trinity and relational. Man being made in the image of God reflects this characteristic. First Letham looks at the Trinitarian basis of creation. Next he notes the role of the Son of God as the mediator of creation. Man as one created in Christ is to be recognized as image of God.
The Corporeal Reality of Nepes and the Status of the Unborn
How should the Hebrew term "nephesh" be understood in the context of Genesis 2:7? Rankin argues for the human status of the unborn as a full human being created in the image of God.
The Image of God and Explanation of Man Created in the Image of God
What it means to be human? This article examines the answer given by evolution, showing that it only leads to moral relativism. The creation account of man created in the image of God points to another direction.
Created in the Image of God
The Unfolding Mystery – The New Man
What does it mean that Scripture is fulfilled in Jesus Christ? Wherein lies the unity of the Bible? Chapter 1 is an exercise in a redemptive-historical approach to an understanding of Scripture in which the stated questions are answered. The author reflects on the significance of Jesus being the image of God in the light of Adam who was first made in God’s image (Genesis 1:26-27).
The Call to Creativity
The call to creativity is realized once believers understand what it means to be created in the image of God. To achieve this thinking we must see ourselves within the scope of the gospel narrative, which is creation, fall, redemption, and restoration. This article explains.
The Image of God
Human dignity is rooted in the truth that man is created in the image of God. This article shows what it means to think about man being in the image of God in terms of creation, fall, and redemption.
Sanctity of Life
The author deals with the biblical teaching of the image of God and its implications and applications in various areas of life. The author notes that this doctrine has implications for two main ethical subjects: capital punishment and the dignity of man.
Designed for Dignity
What does it mean that man was created in the image of God? This article deals with the doctrine of the image of God, in the face of modern philosophical views that have tended to deify the individual.
Radical Corruption
The author gives insight into the doctrines of man and sin, such as creation of man in the image of God, the fall, the nature of the fall, and man's fallen condition before God.
Dust to Dust
The article gives insight into the reality of death, the sanctity of life, and the creation of man in the image of God.
Human Rights and Image of God
Two Modern Concepts of God
Created in the Image of God
Mirror, Mirror on the Wall
The Lord's Will … for the Lord's Day
Psycho-Analysis and Prayer
Work: Curse or Calling?
The Brave New World of Cloning
This article looks at animal cloning, human cloning and reproduction, humans as the image of God, genetic manipulation, and human cloning and family.
The Origin, Essence, and Purpose of Man
This article on the creation of man, discusses the origin of man, creation and evolution, man as created in the image of God (Genesis 1:26), the relation of man and animals, and the relation of man and the angels.
Creation and the Modern Environmental Movement
The Sanctity and Dignity of Human Life
Calvin’s Teaching on the Image of God
My God is Always Greater
This article looks at definitive sanctification and progressive sanctification, and sanctification according the image of God.