What Genesis 1:1 Teaches Us about Our Sexuality
Resolute in a Gender-Confused Culture
This article explains why there is confusion in society today about gender and sexuality: society has forgotten what it means to be created in the image of God. The article goes on to provide the biblical worldview on gender.
Male or Female: Fidelity to Your Sexuality
What is the Christian view of sexuality? This article explains that by creating male and female in his image, God intended our sexuality to be a vocation, and he made the two genders complementary.
The Gospel of Jesus Christ and Sex
Song of Songs for Us Today
Song of Songs - Part of the Canon
Towards a Theology of Homosexuality
This article is written against the background of a controversy within the Anglican Church in Australia. It makes use of two categories of theologies of homosexuality, the essentialist and constructionist. The constructionist category interprets sexuality within the relative framework and context of culture.
The Birds, the Bees, the Awe, the Wonder
"Mommy, where do children come from?" This is a question parents may have to answer one day. This article says you that when you answer children about sexuality and the reproductive system, do it in such a way that they can see the wonder of God.
Whom Does My Body Belong To?
Deuteronomy 17 – War, Women, and Wealth
Deuteronomy 17 has something to teach us about the temptations of sex, gender, sexuality, and money. Let the article explain
3 Awful Features of Roman Sexual Morality
Christians have for the most part lived out a sexual ethic that went against the world around them. This article explains that Roman sexuality was about dominance, it accepted pedophilia, and had a low view of womanhood. The article shows how Christians addressed this challenge and how we may learn from them.
Compassion without Compromise – Something Beautiful: Why Did God Make Sex?
Evangelicals, Homosexuality, and Social Science
Is the church really well-prepared and ready to face the challenge of a proper response to ethical issues like homosexuality? Relevant aspects of the role of social science, sexuality in general, and etiological studies are considered, focusing on family studies, physiological causes, and psychological causes.
Biblical Sexuality
Cultural Revolution
Sex is Like a Typewriter
God has created sex to be a beautiful thing in a marriage relationship. How is sex like a typewriter? God has designed sex and sexuality, and He is the best one to write the instruction book. Believers should seek to understand God's purpose in sex. God, who created us in the holistic unity of our bodies, souls, minds, and spirits, made our sexuality part of that wholeness. God reveals this design in the Scriptures.
M... F... or...Q? Who Are You? Emo?
Pastoral Evaluation on The Basotho’s View of Sexuality
This article discusses the views of Augustine, Aquinas, Luther and Calvin on sexuality and sexual intercourse, comparing them to the understanding of the Basotho culture in Africa. Though there are some points of agreement, this article shows that the Basotho’s understanding of sex does not place God at the centre or promote His glory.
Sexual Assault Happens
Love, Dating, Sex and You
Reforming our View of Sexuality
The Sphere of Sex
Applying the Brakes in Courtship
Proverbs 5, 6, 7 – The Wise Enjoyment of Sexuality
Adultery – Physical, Mental and Marital
Pagan Spirituality
May I Have This Dance?
Vive la Différence!: Reflections on Human Sexuality from the Old Testament Creation Tradition
This article discusses human sexuality, gender roles and gender differences. The author, Tim Meadowcroft, upholds the Old Testament creation tradition of complementary gender roles.