Practice True Spirituality
This article defines what true spirituality is: the pursuit of God and the things of God, through Christ, by the Spirit, in accordance with the Word. It takes its cue from Colossians 2 and 3.
Entertaining Angels: Their Place in Contemporary Theology
With the resurgence of spirituality has come a renewed popular interest in angels. Thus, angels figure far more extensively in New Age thought than they have done in Christianity over the last two or three centuries. This essay explores the role angelology could potentially play in contemporary orthodox theology.
Spirit and Spirituality in Luther
The Holy Spirit and spirituality are two key aspects frequently noted in theological discussions. Wood finds it profitable to reconsider the approach of Martin Luther to these two themes in theology. He indicates the importance of the Holy Spirit in Luther's theology and the role of the Spirit in Luther's piety and experience of faith.
The Dead Letter? Psalm 119 and the Spirituality of the Bible in the Local Church
How does the Bible function in Christian spirituality and spiritual exercises? The article argues that the Bible's potential to facilitate an encounter with God is underestimated. The author reflects on the way Psalm 119 relates to the believer. The psalm is acknowledged as acting upon the reader and is not seen merely as a passive object of study.
Yearning for God: The Potential and Poverty of the Catholic Spirituality of Francis de Sales
This essay is about spiritual formation, spirituality, or personal transformation in the presence of God. Scorgie understands spirituality to be about experiencing the Triune God in a personally transforming way. He argues that intimacy with the holy God is necessarily purging and sanctifying.
When Is Spirituality Spiritual? Reflections on Some Problems of Definition
What is spirituality? In general, spirituality has become an ill-defined entity. Carson reviews some current definitions and reflects on the current use of the term, and finally define some priorities for Christians.
Evangelical Spirituality: A Church Historian's Perspective
Are spirituality, godliness, and the experience of faith neglected topics among Christian scholars? This article looks at the needs and values of evangelical and Reformed spirituality from a historical perspective.
Scholarship and Spirituality
Is scholarship in competition with spirituality and godliness? Is it possible to be a scholar and be godly? This paper considers the function of scholarship and the nature of spirituality.
Christianity and the Piety of Pre-Destruction Hebraic Judaism
In this study the author compares and contrasts the spirituality of New Testament Christianity with that of the Judaism that existed before the destruction of the temple in AD 70. The major focus is on an analysis of the piety of pre-destruction Hebraic Judaism.
Theology Has Consequences
The author of this article claims that our theological beliefs have consequences for our future. The author notes that Unitarianism, which is opposed to recognizing God as Trinity, has led to the decline in spirituality, especially in the United States.
True Spirituality: The Transforming Power of the Gospel
True spirituality cannot be found in intellectualism, emotionalism, and moralism. From Mark 1:14-15 this article shows that true spirituality can only be found in understanding the gospel message and its transforming power.
Spirituality in the Heidelberg Catechism
Spiritually Reformed
Pentecost and True Spirituality
What is true spirituality? True spirituality can only be found by listening to the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit speaks through His word, the Bible. Therefore, true spirituality should not be sought through a repetition of Pentecost. Pentecost should be understood in line with Christ's work; it cannot be repeated.
Supervising Preaching: Edifying Congregations (3)
This trilogy of articles discusses the task of the elder in working with the pastor for the improvement of the preaching. This article discusses how sermons must have an aspect of spirituality.
Affect and Effect The Significance of a Biblical Spirituality for Christian Ethics in a Secular Age
Evangelical Spirituality
This article looks at Christian spirituality as described by Jonathan Edwards. The author looks at the following aspects of spirituality: conversion, being Christ's likeness, desiring to please God, longing for God, being zealous for good works, and producing good fruit.
What God Has Joined Together
This article makes a distinction between spirituality and holiness. The modern emphasis on spirituality has undermined holiness. As a result, worldliness has been accepted in God's church.
Rightly Defining the Spirituality of the Church
Spirituality of the church doctrine can be better understood when one studies the link between the two kingdoms in Calvin's theology - the spiritual kingdom and the political kingdom.Should the church address social and political issues?
John Calvin, Practical Theologian: The Reformer's Spirituality
John Calvin, Practical Theologian: The Reformer’s Spirituality
Mere Spirituality
In Search of Spirituality
Of Houses and Hotels
The Fear of God as a Central Part of Reformed Spirituality
Pagan Spirituality
Why Spirituality Comes First
Biblical Reformed Piety
Spirituality, History and the Church
This article is about spirituality - what is it, and do we need it? The author maintains that we need an applicable biblical spirituality, and discusses how we can grow in this.
When World Denial becomes Worldliness
This article on Gnosticism is about a wrong dualism of body and spirit, and creation and spirituality. The author also looks at the Christian and culture.