Ten Things You Should Know about Athanasius
Athanasius is well known for his work of defending the Christian faith. Here are ten things you should know about this church father.
How the Reformation Recovered the Great Commission
Some have argued that the Reformers had a poorly developed missiology. This article responds by explaining that the Reformers in fact recovered the Great Commission. To show this, it reviews the missiology of John Calvin.
Luther's Timely Discovery of a Merciful God
This article recounts the theological discovery of Martin Luther that God is indeed merciful.
"A Poore Under-Rower": The Life and Ministry of John Owen
This article considers the background and life of John Owen.
"A Flame of Pure and Holy Fire": The Life and Ministry of George Whitefield
This article offers a biography of George Whitefield.
The Fading Vision? The Spirit and Freedom in the Pastoral Epistles
The work of the Spirit as explained in the Pastoral Epistles is examined in this article. The author takes a look at a number of texts that call our attention to the work of the Spirit in prophecy, ministry, and renewal; e.g. 1 Timothy 1:18, 1 Timothy 4:1, 1 Timothy 4:14, 2 Timothy 1:14, Titus 3:5.
"Zeal to Promote the Common Good": The Story of the King James Bible (1)
This article presents the history of the King James Version. It includes a discussion of the influence of William Tyndale, and the Geneva Bible.
Ten Things You Should Know about Athanasius
This article lists ten things worth knowing about the church father Athanasius.
Praying Together – A Note on Philemon 22
To whom is Paul referring when he mentions "your prayers" in Philemon 22? The article argues that it is a reference to the prayer of the whole congregation.
Ten Things You Should Know about St. Patrick
This article mentions ten items about St. Patrick, including what he wrote, his conversion, and work.
What is Sandemanianism? Where did it come from? This article addresses these questions, touching on aspects such as its leadership under such men as Robert Sandeman, and those who countered its teachings such as Andrew Fuller. One main tenet of this movement was a focus on intellectual assent as a proof of faith rather than any emotional attachment to faith.
To the Ends of the Earth – "For God So Loved the World": John Calvin's Missional Exegesis
In this chapter Haykin reveals John Calvin's approach to Scripture and theology that was clearly pro-missions and pro-evangelism. While Calvin was concerned more directly with purifying the church than initiating a worldwide missions movement, his interpretation of the Bible was consistent with a free proclamation of the gospel for the salvation of the lost.
Paul: Collecting Money and Maintaining the Unity of the Spirit
Regeneration and Faith, According to Two British Confessions
'A Setter-Forth of Christ’s Glory’: Remembering the Life and Martyrdom of Thomas Cranmer
Church History 101 – First Century: Apostolic Foundations
Chapter 1 divides the first century of church history into roughly three periods.
A Boanerges and a Barnabas
The Undivided Three: The Doctrine of the Trinity in Church History
The Nicene Creed formulation of the doctrine of the Trinity is a reflection of the biblical teaching. This article shows how this doctrine has shaped the worship and life of the church throughout history.
‘God is Jealous and the Lord Avenges' The Central Message of Nahum
The Impeccability of Christ
Is it true that Christ was without sin? This article looks at the birth and life of Jesus Christ to show that He was sinless. This was necessary for salvation to be possible.
Christ, Our Wisdom and Our Righteousness
This article is a reflection on George Whitefield's sermon on 1 Corinthians 1:30. This sermon shows how Christ is our wisdom, righteousness, sanctification and redemption.
Pleasing Christ - The Life of Adoniram Judson (1788-1850)
This article is a biography of Adoniram Judson. The author focuses on his conversion, his calling to ministry, and his missionary zeal toward Burma, which was motivated by a desire to please Christ.
Evangelical Spirituality
This article looks at Christian spirituality as described by Jonathan Edwards. The author looks at the following aspects of spirituality: conversion, being Christ's likeness, desiring to please God, longing for God, being zealous for good works, and producing good fruit.