Canons of Dort Chapter 3/4 – The Corruption of Man, His Conversion to God, and the Manner in Which It Occurs
The Effects of Regeneration
Regeneration or The New Birth
The Holy Spirit's Work in Salvation
The Holy Spirit's Work of Regeneration
Regeneration and Conversion
The Manner of God's Saving Work
Are You Born Again?
Why You Need to Be Born Again
Why do you need to be born again? This article explains why regeneration is necessary, and in so doing touches on matters such as Scripture's distinction between flesh and Spirit and our need for a new heart.
Birthing New Disciples
Regeneration is the birth of a disciple. Therefore, discipleship should be rooted in the biblical doctrine of regeneration. This article discusses four aspects of regeneration that must shape the philosophy of discipleship.
Made Alive to God
The Covenant and Regeneration
The Order of Application
What is the order of the application of redemption? The article deals with this question and establishes the order of salvation: calling, regeneration, faith and repentance, justification, adoption, sanctification, perseverance, and glorification.
The Work of the Holy Spirit in Our Salvation
What role does the Holy Spirit play in the regeneration of a sinner? Further, how is this Spirit the gift of God to us in and through Jesus Christ? This article considers these questions.
Regeneration or New Birth
The author discusses in detail the teachings around the subject of regeneration. Included are discussions on its necessity, what it is and means to the believer, and the results of the process of regeneration. The author dutifully addresses many terms to do with regeneration, including spirit, flesh, illumination, degeneration, and fallen nature.
Does Regeneration Precede Faith? The Use of 1 John 5:1 as a Proof Text
What does 1 John 5:1 teach about regeneration? Does this text prove that regeneration precedes faith, and does it teach an order of salvation? This article argues from linguistic insights against such an interpretation, noting that it is questionable whether the tenses in 1 John 5:1 suggest any chronological or causal relationship between faith and regeneration. The distinctive and crucial role of faith in 1 John's theology is duly noted.
The Clear and Present Danger of a Truncated Gospel
This article explains that the preaching of the gospel may not be limited to an emphasis on justification alone, but needs to include a word also on regeneration and sanctification.
John 3:8 – Born from Above
This article considers the doctrine of regeneration, through the lens of John 3:8.
A Puritan Theology – The Puritans on Union with Christ, Justification, and Regeneration
How does regeneration and the believer’s justification by faith relate to the believer’s union with Christ? Chapter 30 explores how the Puritans answered this question. The authors consider the chief blessing that Christians receive, faith, and thus union with Christ as it relates to the ordo salutis (order of salvation).
Regeneration and Faith, According to Two British Confessions
Calling and Regeneration
Calling and Repentance
This article explains the relationship between regeneration, calling, and repentance. How do these three work in bringing man to salvation? This question the article answers.
Regeneration - The Essence Of
The essence of regeneration is our conformity to the image of Christ. This has its beginnings in this life, and is witnessed through the struggle with sin.
Regeneration - The Effects Of
In regeneration God illuminates the understanding, elevates the heart, emancipates the will, and rectifies the conduct. These are the four effects of regeneration that this article explains.
Regeneration - The Nature Of
The nature of regeneration is that the Christian receives a new life that results in his faculties being changed and given new direction in their properties, qualities, and inclinations. Let this article explain.
Regeneration - The Necessity Of
The natural degeneration of man, his total depravity, and his alienation from God are what make regeneration necessary. This is what the article explains.
Decisional Regeneration
Any view that sees regeneration as a mechanical process that can be performed by man falls under decisional regeneration. This article argues that such a view of regeneration has departed from the true teaching of Scripture. It shows how this is so by looking at counselling, altar calls, theology, and preaching.
Saved by Grace – Introduction, and The Occasion and Rise of the Controversy
The Introduction is a reminder of the historic Synod Utrecht of the Reformed Churches in the Netherlands in 1905 and the contributions of Abraham Kuyper and Herman Bavinck’s theology to the debates at that time. Bavinck’s book on calling and regeneration is placed in its historic and theological context.
What Is Regeneration? – Introduction
This Introduction defines regeneration to show how the salvation of sinners is initiated and continued by God.
Salvation by Grace – The Contemporary Debate
This Introduction calls attention to current discussions about the sovereignty of the grace of God displayed in his effectual calling through the gospel and regeneration through the Holy Spirit (monergism). This monergism stands in direct opposition to synergistic views of salvation where man fully participates in his salvation.
The Holy Spirit in the Fourth Gospel
Morris reflects on the work of the Holy Spirit in the Gospel of John. Aspects include regeneration, the cross, and the Spirit.
Regeneration: The Christian Is Born Again
Regeneration is the work of God in which a new heart is given. This article explains this concept of being born again.
Herman Bavinck on Regeneration
The "Appropriation of Salvation" in the Creeds An Overview
The Hunger of the Living
The nature of the unregenerate person makes it impossible for him to seek salvation and regeneration in God. Only the one who has been regenerated can have a true hunger for God.
First Regenerated; Then We Seek God
This article shows that no unregenerate person can seek the Lord for salvation; therefore, seeking the Lord is a result of regeneration.
Regeneration: A Spiritual Resurrection
The natural man is spiritually dead, and must receive regeneration of the heart. This new heart has a new life flowing from it with a desire for a new kind of food.
Amandus Polanus on Sanctification / Regeneration
The New Birth
Being born again, or regeneration, is the same as being taken from darkness to light. Without new birth we will remain in our sinful nature and will not enter the kingdom of God.
Four Creations (Part 2)
This is the first of two articles looking at the biblical account of 'four creations'. This article focuses on the regeneration of those dead in their sins - the third creation. The fourth creation is the new Jerusalem and the return of Christ.
Regeneration is the work of God through the Holy Spirit which gives life to the sinner. It's fruits are purification, repentance and faith, and Christlikeness.
The Water of Life (Part 4): Born of the Spirit
This article is the fourth in a series on the work of the Holy Spirit. Explaining what it means to be born again, this article looks at the relationship between regeneration and conversion. Conversion flows from regeneration. Through regeneration one is adopted to be a child of God.
Major Principles of Living the Christian Life
John 3:3 - Blessed Assurance
Regeneration as gift
Creation and Redemption
Spiritual Decline
Are Infants in the Church and Unbelievers Outside of it in the Same Position?
The Holy Spirit - His Work in the Economy of Salvation
This article is about the Holy Spirit who gives life and new life (regeneration), who works in creation and new creation. This is also the Spirit who enlightens us and leads us in all truth. He is called the Preserver and Realizer of God's work.
Reformed Theology: Reformed Life-Style
Regeneration and the Generations
A Foretaste of the Future
Conversion in the Thought and Experience of John Calvin
Is conversion a sudden experience, or a gradual change? Pete Wilcox addresses this question by discussing John Calvin's perspective on conversion and regeneration.
Do you Need to be Born Again?
In this article on regeneration the author discusses John 3:3 and the work of Jesus Christ and our regeneration. Speaking in tongues and being born again are other topics discussed.
Biblical Conversion and the Modern Church
Until recently the phrase "conversion experience" could be heard everywhere in the Christian world. Though this term may have fallen into disuse of late, the concept of some type of emotional, psychological or religious "experience" marking the initiation of the believer into a relationship with Jesus Christ, remains an important part of modern Evangelical theology.