View of the Family During and After the Reformation in the Sixteenth Century
Can a Word Be Murdered?
Puritan Christianity: The Puritans at Home
Single Parenthood and its Victims
The Family
The Family
Divine Institutions in Society
The 4 S’s of Parenting
Parenting in the Spirit
This article explains how it is the Holy Spirit who is the divine agent for renewing the family. So the author urges parents to be diligent in prayer, and demonstrate the fruit of the Spirit.
The Foundation of the Family
Disciplines of a Godly Family – Thinking Christianly about the Family
What is a family? The authors of this chapter are convinced that we need a renewed understanding of the foundational principles of the Christian family. They address the question of what the Bible has to say about Christian families.
God, Marriage, and Family – The Current Cultural Crisis: Rebuilding the Foundation
The Shepherd Leader at Home – An Introduction to Knowing Your Family
In Chapter 1 the author argues that the health and wholeness of our human relationships find their source in the wholeness of our relationship with God through Jesus Christ. His work enables husbands and fathers to grow in our relationship not only with God, but also with others, especially their wives and family.
The Feminine Virtue of Submissiveness
Mother, Where are You?: What Scripture Says About the Task of the Woman in the Family
The View from Your Room
Royal Children: Set in Families
Happiness in the Christian Home
From the beginning God intended marriage and family life to be a place of happiness. God made Adam and Eve one, so that they might enjoy this happiness. With the Fall into sin this happiness was destroyed, but in Christ this happiness is restored. Christian marriage can still be filled with joy if husband and wife obediently live out their God-given roles.
Relationships in the Covenant Family
God created the family as a picture of heaven in all its glory. The family model reflects the relationship between Christ and His church. The family is also a means God uses to build His church. This article discusses what relationships in a covenant family should look like.
Wifely Submission: Truly Liberating
For the family to be strong, both husband and wife must play their God-given role within the family. This article discusses the role of the wife by looking at Ephesians 5:22. The author looks at what it means to be submissive and gives ways in which wives can show submission.
Covenant Life in the Home (3): Love for God in our Covenant Home
Looking at the text of Deuteronomy 6:6-9, this series of articles looks at how Christians can live covenant lives in the home. The foundation for the Christian family is love for God. This is basic to the structure of family life. The author draws images of what loving God looks like, describing practical implications of this love in the home.
Covenant Life in the Home (2): Love for God in our Covenant Home
Looking at the text of Deuteronomy 6:6-9, this series of articles looks at how Christians can live covenant lives in the home. The foundation for the Christian family is love for God. This is basic to the structure of family life. The author draws images of what loving God looks like, describing practical implications of this love in the home. Love for God shapes the expression of love in the family.
The Responsibility of Growing Old
The Office of the Christian Believer in the World
Family Piety
Reformation: Today and Tomorrow (Part 2)
If our lives are to mirror the great lessons of yesterday's reformation, we must pursue today's reformation by reforming our minds, family, church, and preaching.
With the daily crises facing many families today, this article shows that Christian parents can learn to contemplate in order to face situations in a better manner. Fighting worldliness as a family means waiting on the Lord, managing our thought life, praying as a family and nurturing our Christian life.
2 Samuel 13 - Three Bad Dads of the Bible (Part 3)
This is the third in a trilogy of articles which looks at Eli, Jephthah, and David as biblical examples of bad fathers. This article focuses on the relationship of David to Tamar, and how David responded to rape of his daughter. Through this example the author tackles the problem of fathers being absent from their family.
Where Godliness is Leaking
Oikos: A Case For Reviving the Household Economy
In answer to the challenge of communism, socialism, and capitalism, this article proposes the household economy as a model to strive for. Making the household and family the center of the economy is the proper way of attaining the transformation of culture.
Homes as Havens (Again)
Our Homes as Havens
Christ and the Family
The Christian Family Budget
The Brave New World of Cloning
This article looks at animal cloning, human cloning and reproduction, humans as the image of God, genetic manipulation, and human cloning and family.
For Time and Eternity
Covenant Ties
A Christian Perspective on the Family
What is a Family?
Regeneration and the Generations
Will the Real Parents Please Stand Up?
"The Family" Currently Defined
Restoring the Family Dinner
Fostering Wholeness in Family Life: Biblical Principles for Wholeness
Home School versus Church?
This article is about the relation of family and church. In the education of our children parents and church work together. The author also looks at home schooling.
Family in the Bible: A Brief Survey
The average American family today consists of 2.63 people; the average Israelite household would have consisted of 50 to 100 people. Jacob's household included about 70 people. The modern "Western" notion of family is more narrow, individualistic, private, and exclusive than the biblical view.