Romans 12:11 - Boil for Christ
Ascension from Earth to Heaven
Preparing for Marriage
The Walls of Jericho
Acts 2:16-18 - You Will Prophesy, See Visions, Dream Dreams
Is There a Hell?
Real Heroes
Is God Poison?
The Scroll and the Lamb
The 27-year Itch
Calvinism and Evangelization
The Hospital Visit
Road Rage
Kiss the Son
Restoring the Family Dinner
Luke 2:8 - The Shepherds near Bethlehem
An Empty Building
Who is Controlling the Weather?
Belonging to the Church
It Must have Been the Guns
Silence on The Cross
Jesus Christ’s Final Revival
Zechariah 8:23: - Take Hold of One Jew
The Great Healer
Good Manners do Make a Difference
Daniel 1 - The Four Teenaged Reformers
Where, O Death, is Your Victory?
Do you Swear to Tell the Truth?
Sticks and Stones
The German who Opposed Hitler
Luke 10:17-20 - Christ’s Victory Over Satan
Theonomy and Christian Reconstructionism
In this article is about theonomy and Christian reconstructionism, the author discusses the relevance of the civil law and the moral law for the Christian today. The author also focuses on the relation of the Old Testament and New Testament, and of church and state.