The Erosion of Civility
The Tale of Two Cities
The Scriptural Basis for a Scientific and Sociological Pluralism
Divine Institutions in Society
A Public Faith What Christians have Given Democracy? Most of It
What Does Hollywood Have to Do with Wheaton? The Place of (Pop) Culture in Theological Reflection
Is the claim true that states that more theology is communicated in one hour of popular television than sermons in churches on a weekend? Grenz claims that pop culture in general and the entertainment industry in particular are potent shapers of society's fundamental convictions.
The Doctrine of the “Two Ways” in Proverbs
People and actions are often presented in Proverbs in polar extremes—the wise and the foolish, the righteous and the wicked, and actions that lead to honour or shame.
The Feminine Virtue of Submissiveness
A Clash of Individual Liberty
What should the response of the Christian be to the promotion of individual rights by the state? This article shows that no individual has total liberty; each individual's rights are limited by another man’s rights. This clash has great bearing on individual Christians who seek to fulfill their calling in society. It also poses a danger to the Christian and the church in general.
Influencing For Good
Throwing Toys Out of the Pram
Confusion – A Judgement On Society
Is There Room For Unbelief?
Christians, Censorship and Society
Restitutional Justice Balancing the Rights of Victims and the Rehabilitation of the Offender
The Cainite Civilisation
Bursting the Bubble! Is Civil Disobedience for Christians?
Evangelicals and the Real World (In the World, but Not of It)
Can Man Be Good without God?
Casual before God?
Mopping the Floor While Leaving the Tap Open
Psalm 11:3 – Lasting Foundations
Thy Kingdom Come
This article is about the kingdom of God as a spiritual kingdom. The author also discusses the kingdom of God in culture and society, the optimistic and pessimistic view of the kingdom of God in this world, and amillennialism.
Christian Exiles
This article is about the Christian's place and position in society and culture. The author also looks at the influence of the Christian, Christian exile, and the relation of church and world.
The power of His glory
"You want to know what your problem is? You don’t love Jesus enough. I know this not because I know you, but because I know me. I’ve got the same problem. My wife has the same problem, as do my kids. The sheep in my flock suffer from the same problem". This article looks at the relation of love for God and sanctification. The author also discusses seeking God and our holiness, and holiness in society and culture.
Christian Ethics in a Pluralistic Society
Homosexuality: A Right? ... A Wrong?
This article about homosexuality first looks at the question: what does the Bible say about homosexuality? It then discusses how the church should deal with the place of homosexuals within its fellowship. Lastly it looks at homosexuality in society.
Can We Legislate Morality?
Holiness in a Decadent Age: The Church’s Privilege and Duty
National Repentance Needed: Ezra's Example
The Church's Mission in a Pluralistic Society
The Scroll and the Lamb
Defending Christian freedom: Our Civic Responsibility
Good Manners do Make a Difference
The Facts Don't Matter!
Speaking Truth to Power
Losing Sight of Sin
This article is about sin spoiling life, sin and the holiness of God, and sin in society.
Christianity and Civil Society
This is the first chapter of Christian Political Ethics. This book discusses such things as the Christian's relationship to government and civil society, the relationship between state and society, and the Christian's civic responsibility. In this chapter the author looks at the Christian perspective on civil society.
Gender Passages in the New Testament: Hermeneutical Fallacies Critiqued
The bliss man and woman enjoyed in the Garden before the fall, has given way to much confusion regarding the role of man and woman in God’s world, in Christ’s church, and in relation to one another.