Numbers 1
Numbers 2-4
Pray Intercedingly
Numbers 5:11-31 - The Jealous Husband
Male/Female Leadership and Korah's Revolt: An Analogy?
How important is the issue of male and female leadership roles in church? Two New Testament passages, Galatians 3:28 and 1 Timothy 2:11-15, are compared to the revolt of Korah against Moses and Aaron in Numbers 16 to Numbers 18.
Numbers 5:24 - Christmas and the Cup of Curses
Numbers 5:5-8 – Cover Not with Sand but with Atoning Blood
Numbers 5 – The Test of Jealousy
Numbers 5:1-4
Moses: Meek or Miserable?
How should Numbers 12:3 be best translated? Was Moses "meek," or is there an alternative and better translation? This article considers the best translation of this text.
Look and Live!
Numbers 6:22-23 - The Blessing of the Lord
Numbers 11:31-34 – The Quail Epidemic
What were the quails that Numbers 11:31-34 is referring to? In this article their identity is considered together with the epidemic associated with them. The author reaches the conclusion that it was a form of bacterial food poisoning.
Numbers 11:29 - All the LORD'S People Receive His Spirit
Numbers 14:13-45 – Pardon, Punishment, and Presumption
This article is a sermon on Numbers 14:13-45.
Numbers 20:12 - The Leaders are Excluded
Numbers 20:1-13 – The Case against Moses Reopened
What was Moses' sin in Numbers 20:1-13? This essay wants to shed new light on this puzzling text. It discusses briefly the nature of Moses’ sin. It further focuses on the typological significance of both the sin and the miracle involved in this narrative.
Numbers 21:4-9 – The Serpent on the Pole and the Cross of Christ
This article provides fourteen points on how the account of Numbers 21:4-9 deepens our understanding of the gospel.
He Has Blessed and I Cannot Reverse It A Study in Numbers 22-25
Numbers 22-23 - God Does Not Change His Mind
Numbers 22 - Numbers 23 describe Balak and Balaam's attempts to curse Israel. This story demonstrates how God does not change His mind. God always acts for the good of His people, and is full of forgiveness. This article is a call to trust in God's promises.
Numbers 22 - The Strange Story of a Strange Man
Working from Numbers 22, this article looks at Balaam and his effort to curse Israel. The author maintains that unlike Balaam, we must allow God's words to fill us and must submit to His word.
Numbers 22 – The Prophet Balaam
Jealous for God
This article considers Numbers 25:13 and Phinehas's jealousy for God.
Numbers 25:1-18 – Apostasy at Peor
This article contains a sermon on Numbers 25:1-18.
Numbers 27 and 36 – The Framing Function of the Narratives about Zelophehad's Daughters
This essay wants to give an answer to the significance of two events, in Numbers 27 and Numbers 36, respectively: "Why did the author separate these events when they were obviously related?" and "Why did the author end the book with such a provincial ruling?"