Jude 1-25 (Part 2)
Five Thoughts on Confessing Sin to One Another
What does it mean to confess your sins to one another, along the lines of James 5:16? This article raises two dangers to avoid and three things to do in confessing sin to one another.
Working on Learning to Rest
How do you find rest in a workaholic culture? You must learn to rest from overwork. How do you learn? The article explains two things crucial to learning to rest.
Overcoming Discouragement in Ministry
Discouragement in ministry is a reality for many pastors. How do you overcome discouragement? The article highlights three things to remember: your sanctification, your insufficiency, and the call to faithfulness.
When Your Spouse Won't Join a Solid Church
What is a believer to do when their spouse refuses church attendance? What is a godly wife to do when her husband refuses to join a solid church? What is a godly woman do when her husband forbids her from joining a solid church? This article offers a few thoughts for those who are in these difficult situations: we need to obey God rather than man, we are to respect our spouse, we are to be willing to be reproached for what is right, and we are to pray for the spiritual well-being of our spouse.
Little Eternal Beings
Every child the Lord entrusts to parents will spend an eternity either in heaven or in hell. This article offers several helpful practices for parents to put into place in order to aid their goal in being faithful stewards of these little ones.
The Serpent-Conquering Last Adam and True Israel
This article explains that Christ's victory over the devil in the temptation narrative was his initial victory, after which he went around Israel casting out demons. This was how the Lord Jesus was "binding" the devil. Christ is the last Adam and true Israel, coming to take possession of the inheritance by expelling all the enemies of God.
A Spiritual Brotherhood
This article speaks to the blessing that comes from a spiritual brotherhood among ministers. The author mentions tangible ways in which the Lord uses this: the imparting of wisdom through counsel, the exchange of valuable theological resources, and the extension of ministerial outreach and visitation.
Discovering Christ in the Psalms
This article shows how Christ appears in the Psalms. It speaks of typical Messianic psalms, directly predictive psalms, mystically Messianic psalms, psalms of trust in Christ, and creation/new creation Messianic psalms.
What Are You Waiting For?
This article summons many Scripture passages to show that our heart is to be wholly set on the hope of the return of Christ. It also illustrates this with an excerpt of a sermon by J.C. Ryle.
Giving and Receiving Commendation
This article provides some scriptural principles on how we are to give and receive commendation: praise is not for ourselves but for others, we must guard against all forms of flattery, and we must learn to honour others in the Lord.
Preaching the Funeral of an Unbeliever
Preaching at the funeral of someone who was almost surely an unbeliever is very difficult. This article offers a few things worth considering if you are given such an opportunity: talk about the fall, death, and judgment, exalt Christ, hold out the hope of the resurrection, emphasize the role of faith, and stay away from eulogizing.
A Biblical Theology of Clouds
Killing Envy
Do you struggle with envy? Did you know that the root of envy is pride? This article offers several ways in which to put to death the sin of envy: know who you are in Christ, remember God's promises, thank God for the gifts of others, learn from the gifts and accomplishments of others, and be content with however God is pleased to use you.
The Offices of Christ and the Marks of the Church
This article makes the observation that the marks of the true church flow out of Christ's threefold office as the head of the church.
The Blessing of Visiting the Sick
This article outlines three benefits that come from the pastoral work of visiting the sick: God calls us to be servants of his people, we become reminded of the frailty of our own lives, and we realize afresh that we are entirely dependent on the Lord.
The Internal Witness of Scripture
How can we know whether the Bible is the authoritative Word of God? This article shows that the most substantial answer concerns the self-attestation of Scripture. The Bible witnesses internally to its own authority and inerrancy.
Mountaintop Theology
The Bible has a lot to say about mountains and their theological significance. This article shows that mountains are used as a measurement by which man may better understand the attributes of God. Mountains of importance are the Garden of Eden, the Mount of Olives, the Mount of Transfiguration, Mount Calvary, and Mount Zion.
Teaching Our Children the Raw Parts of Scripture
Is it right or wise to expose children in the worship service to the deep depravity of men as revealed in various parts of Scripture? This article offers three reasons to do so: God commands it, the culture necessitates it for the defense of the faith, and our hearts need it. The article does advise sensitivity to the way in which those raw parts of Scripture are preached, and encourages ministers to help prepare the parents for what the children will hear.
Five Reasons to Keep the Children In
This article presents five reasons to include children in the worship service: it is the pattern of Scripture, a model for the children for life, the place of God's promised blessing, an encouragement to other families, and an encouragement to the parents. The article also offers some caveats regarding infants and toddlers.
Jesus' Miracles: Types of Spiritual Realities
This article explores the thesis that the healing miracles of the Lord Jesus are really spiritual parables for us. It offers five observations, drawn from Herman Ridderbos' The Coming of the Kingdom, about what the miracles teach us, concluding with the note that Jesus took the sickness of his people upon himself at the cross.
Eternalizing the Old Testament
How we are to harmonize the Old Testament's mention of an "everlasting" ordinance, covenant, possession, and priesthood with the New Testament's lack of continuation of these things? This article demonstrates how Christ gives all these elements their eternal significance.
Jesus' Ark
Fear and Sonship
What role should the fear of God play in the believer's life of obedience to God? This article explains that there is a difference between slavish fear and filial fear, and shows that godly fear belongs to the realm of sonship.
The Cursed and Blessed Ground
This article offers a biblical-theological consideration of sacred space in Scripture, particularly "the ground." It moves from Eden to Abel to Noah to Abraham to the book of Revelation, which likens the church to a garden, land, city, and temple.
A Biblical Theology of Clothing
This article offers a biblical theology of clothing, starting from Genesis 3, moving ahead to the tabernacle, and then to the life of Christ. The Bible's teaching about the first and last Adam gives special colour to a biblical theology of clothing.
Seven Things to Remember before You Quit a Pastorate
Studies have shown that the average pastor quits a church within his first five years of ministry there. This article offers seven things that every pastor must remember when tempted to quit.
Numbers 21:4-9 – The Serpent on the Pole and the Cross of Christ
This article provides fourteen points on how the account of Numbers 21:4-9 deepens our understanding of the gospel.
Jesus, the True and Greater Gardener
This article considers the theological significance of two garden settings in which Christ carried out his redemptive work: the Garden of Gethsemane and the Garden-tomb. Since the first Adam was called to guard and keep the Garden, and failed, the second Adam was called to do the same—and he succeeded. This article draws the redemptive-historical line from the first garden to the final garden, showing how Jesus is the heavenly gardener and we are a garden to God.
The Sin-Bearing, Curse-Removing True Israel
This article shows how Jesus Christ is the new and true Israel. It gives thought to how the covenant curses and the cross of Christ are interconnected.
The Sin-Bearing, Curse-Removing Second Adam (Part 1)
This article shows how Jesus Christ became the representative curse for us: all of the curses that God placed on Adam were taken by the second Adam, so that those who believe in him might receive all the spiritual and eternal blessings of God. The article shows the relationship between the Lord Jesus and the curse of the covenant in Paradise.
It All Leads Straight to the Cross
Should every sermon bring its hearers to the cross, even if Christ himself did not do so? This article shows how everything the Lord Jesus said during his earthly ministry on the way to the cross must be read in the light of what he would accomplish at the cross. Thus, preaching needs to have the blood of Christ as its focal point every time again.
A Biblical Theology of Burial
A Tale of Two Trees
This article unfolds the theological significance of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil and the Tree of Life, and their individual connection to the cross of Christ.
How Jesus Read the Old Testament (Part 2)
In his life the Lord Jesus had to study and understand the Scriptures. How did he read and interpret the Old Testament? This article shows in four ways (in addition to part one of this article) that it was written not only about him, but also to him.
How Did Jesus Read the Old Testament? (Part 1)
In his life the Lord Jesus had to study and understand the Scriptures. How did he read and interpret the Old Testament? This article shows in ten ways that it was written not only about him, but also to him.
The Most Important Overlooked Doctrine (Part 2)
This article discusses the doctrine of positional sanctification, part of the biblical teaching on sanctification. It gives consideration to the notion that the Lord Jesus "learned obedience" in his life, and how Christ's sanctification becomes our sanctification by virtue of our union with Christ.
The Most Important Overlooked Doctrine?
What is the most important overlooked doctrine in Scripture? The author suggests that it is the doctrine of definitive sanctification. He defines what the doctrine teaches, explains why it has been overlooked, and concludes by discussing how it should affect our lives.
Death and Resurrection: The Key to the Old Testament
Why does much of the Old Testament seem so foreign to us? This article explains that often we struggle to see that all the events of the old covenant were moving forward to the death and resurrection of Christ. It takes the reader through numerous examples from the Old Testament to illustrate the point.
James and Justification: Which Court?
This article focuses on the difficult saying in James 2:21, where James speaks of Abraham being justified by works. The article compares this with Paul's theology, and shows that James is talking about our justification before men while Paul is talking about our standing before God.
Does God the Father Love You Because of Jesus?
Does the Father love us because of his Son? It may surprise you to know that the answer is "No." This article explains why: the basis of God's love for us is his election of us.
John 4 – Jesus and the Empty Waterpot
John 4, the episode of the Lord Jesus with the woman at the well, is full of instruction for the church. It provides us with an understanding of the nature of sin and salvation, and a picture of a theology of desire and satisfaction.
Luke 15:11-31 – The Parable of the Three Sons
This article shows how Luke 15:11-31 is actually the parable of the three sons. It does this by way of the immediate context as well as the redemptive-historical context.
What Would Jesus Drink?
What exactly did the Lord Jesus mean when he spoke of the cup he had to drink? This article examines what the Old Testament prophets foretold about that cup, and its impact upon the soul of the Lord when he made mention of it.
We See Jesus: New Testament Use of the Old in Hebrews 1:4-14
This article offers a six-step guide that assists us in understanding the New Testament's use of the Old in Hebrews 1:4-14. These steps are valuable for interpreting other instances where a New Testament text cites an Old Testament text.
Suffering, Chastisement, and the Fatherly Love of God
Is there a relationship between suffering and the discipline of God? Looking at Hebrews 12:3-17 this article shows how at times suffering goes together with discipline in the Christian life.
Stipulations for Mercy Ministry?
Mercy ministry is part of the church's ministry. How does the church decide who qualifies for help? This article gives stipulations that can guide the diaconal ministry of the church both within and outside it.
Five Reasons to Keep the Kids In
This article stresses the importance of having the little children in the worship service.
The Circumcision of Christ
The death of Christ is not the only circumcision our Lord Jesus underwent. He was also circumcised on the eighth day like the Lord commanded Abraham in the Old Testament. This article looks at the meaning of circumcision, and how Christ underwent the circumcision as a representative of his people.
7 Ways to Care for Your Wife
Jesus Loves the Rich
Can the rich be saved? This article shows that Jesus cares and loves the rich too.
Gospel Motivations for Gospel Ministry
When Christians Hurt You
How should you respond when other Christians hurt you? This article gives four principles for dealing with the pain of those who are hurting and for working towards reconciliation.
A Biblical Theology of Glory
This article looks at the glory of God as it is revealed in creation, the history of Israel, in Christ, and in the New Jerusalem. The article shows as well how in Christ God is restoring his glory.
Old Man, New Man; Dead Man, True Man
What is the relationship between the believer and indwelling sin? This article explains via a discussion on the new man coming to life by virtue of union with Christ, and what this means for the old man, or sinful nature.
Reading God’s Providence
What does God want me to do? This is a question that arises when facing a challenging situation or after one has happened. This article gives three warnings and three guidelines to reading God's providence in the search for guidance.
When the Preaching is Bad
What can you do when preaching in your church is bad? First you must know the difference between heretical preaching and poor preaching. This article shows that these two require different actions, and the believer has the responsibility to exercise the priesthood of all believers.
Galatians 3:13 - The Blessed Cursed Tree
Looking at the relationship between Deuteronomy 21:23 and Galatians 3:13, this article shows how Christ fulfilled the text of Deuteronomy through the crucifixion. The author shows how Christ's fulfillment of the law and His obedience to the point of being hung on a tree contrasts with Adam's disobedience of eating from the tree.
God's Obedient Son
This article is about the baptism of Christ and His temptation. The author shows how Christ's baptism served to confirm His person and work, while His temptation showed Christ to be the last Adam and the true Israel (Matthew 3:13-Matthew 4:11; Luke 3:21-Luke 4:13).