Luke 3 – Christ Identified for His Messianic Ministry
Luke 3:1-2 – The Messianic Program of Jesus Christ
The Jailing of John and the Baptism of Jesus: Luke 3:19-21
The author reflects on John the Baptist's encounter with Herod Antipas in Luke 3:19-21, and its relationship to the baptism of Jesus.
The Priest as the Redeemed Man: A Biblical-Theological Study of the Priesthood
What is the significance of the priesthood of Christ? This paper unfolds the theme of priesthood in Scripture through a number of exegetical studies, on Exodus 19:5-6, Exodus 28, Isaiah 62, Luke 3:21-22, etc.
The Descent of the Eschatological Temple in the Form of the Spirit at Pentecost Part 2: Corroborating Evidence
This article continues the argument that certain Old Testament and early Jewish references to a temple form the background for the Holy Spirit appearing as of fire and associated features in Acts 2. It examines a number of Old Testament citations in Acts 2 in order to determine whether or not they relate to a temple theme.
Luke 3:3 - Prepare the Way
Luke 3:1-2 - The Beginning of the Fulfillment of Christmas
Genealogies in Scripture
God's Obedient Son
This article is about the baptism of Christ and His temptation. The author shows how Christ's baptism served to confirm His person and work, while His temptation showed Christ to be the last Adam and the true Israel (Matthew 3:13-Matthew 4:11; Luke 3:21-Luke 4:13).