A Temple of the Holy Spirit
Contributing To Build God's Temple
"Whatever You Ask" for the Missionary Purposes of the Eschatological Temple: Quotation and Typology in Mark 11–12
This article shows how Mark 11–Mark 12, and the Old Testament quotations therein, expound typological correspondences with Israel’s historic temple. That temple is judged and a new temple is erected, the temple of the community of Christ's followers. In the process, Mark 11:24 becomes clear: “whatever you ask in prayer” is meant in reference to the ministrations of the temple now fulfilled in such followers.
Living as the New Covenant Temple
The church is the new covenant temple of God. This article explains the relationship between the heavenly temple where Jesus is as the High Priest and the earthly temple. It shows how the New Testament uses this imagery to morally exhort the church to holiness and to provide hope for sacrificial living.
The Temple Theme in the Book of Daniel
Matthew 21:12-22 – Jesus’ Goal for Temple and Tree: A Thematic Revisit
This article notes that many scholars believe that the temple and tree episodes in Matthew 21:12-22 were deliberately placed together. The author wants to examine the theological motifs in Matthew 21:12–17 that prepares the readers to appreciate what is said in the section that follows.
You Can Change – Why Would You Like to Change?
Chapter 2 considers Christians' motivations for change, holiness and sanctification. The author first notes three non-evangelical motives for sanctification. Next he notes the evangelical reality of a new identity that Christians receive in Jesus Christ.
The Temple of God
The temple forms an integrative part of the history of the people of God. The presence of God in the temple made it special. This essay provides an overview of the role and function of the temple in both the Old and New Testaments.
The Descent of the Eschatological Temple in the Form of the Spirit at Pentecost Part 2: Corroborating Evidence
This article continues the argument that certain Old Testament and early Jewish references to a temple form the background for the Holy Spirit appearing as of fire and associated features in Acts 2. It examines a number of Old Testament citations in Acts 2 in order to determine whether or not they relate to a temple theme.
Eden, the Temple, and the Church’s Mission in the New Creation
This lecture reflects on hermeneutical issues related to the New Testament's use of the Old. The author uses Revelation 21:1–Revelation 22:5 as a case study, where passages like Ezekiel 37:27, Ezekiel 40-Ezekiel 50, and Isaiah 54:11-12 are used.
1 Kings 9-12: Kingdom of Contradictions Life in the Solomonic Era
Upon This Rock (7): My House, a Den of Robbers
This article is part of a series on the history of the Old Testament. Judah's fall and exile was a result of the people despising the mercy and grace of God and their desecration of the temple. This is revealed through the prophets Jeremiah and Ezekiel.
Revelation 7:15-17 - His Tabernacle Over Them
Solomon’s Prayer at the Dedication of the Temple
Acts 2:1-13 - Filled With the Spirit on Pentecost
God with Us: The Gospel of the Holy of Holies
Toronto Blessing or Temples of the Holy Spirit?
Mark 15:37-39 – Christ Crucified: Heaven Opened ... Open Eyes
Deuteronomy 33:27 – Carried Home
Mark 11:11 – One Last Look
The True Tabernacle
This article is about Jesus Christ as the true tabernacle (temple) of God. The article also looks at the indwelling of God, Jesus Christ and the new covenant, and Jesus Christ as Mediator and High Priest.
Haggai 1:9 - A Wondrous House
Acts 7 - The Pilgrim Mentality Promise and Fulfilment
John 1:14 - God's Lovely Dwelling Place
1 Chronicles - Major themes: King and temple
This article is about the king and the temple as we find it in the book of 1 Chronicles.