Cleaning Up Daniel kept himself Undefiled, and Reaped the Reward
"A Tale of Two Cities" – Nationalism in Zion and Babylon
What is nationalism and how did it play a role in the life of Israel as the people of God? This article examines the characteristics of neo-Babylonian nationalism before looking at two biblical examples of nationalism. The focus is on some of the eschatology concerned with Israel's future, which also involves the nations.
What Happens When You Get Out of Your Comfort Zone?
Daniel 1-6 and History
In the interpretation of the book of Daniel, how should the stories of Daniel and his three friends be viewed? Are they "traditional tales" originating in the eastern Jewish Diaspora during the Hellenistic period, like it is sometimes assumed? This article discusses the issues of interpretation of Daniel 1–Daniel 6 in relation to authentic history.
The Maccabean Martyrs' Contribution to Holy War
This article reflects upon the theme of holy war in the Maccabean literature by examining 2 Maccabees and 4 Maccabees. It wants to demonstrate that the martyr theology ultimately has its genesis in the book of Daniel.
The Temple Theme in the Book of Daniel
Do the Sixty-Nine Weeks of Daniel Date the Messianic Mission of Nehemiah or Jesus?
A very important date for the interpretation of the book of Daniel is 536 BC. This date refers to the end of the seventy weeks of Daniel 9:24. It is also the start of the sixty-nine weeks of Daniel 9:25-26. At the end of this period a messiah would appear and Jerusalem would be rebuilt. The author argues that Nehemiah was this anointed one.
Literary Strategies and Authorship in the Book of Daniel
The thesis of this article is that according to Jesus' words in Matthew 24:15 and a literary analysis of the book of Daniel, the sixth-century prophet composed the book.
Holding on to Daniel's Court Tales
This study wants to show that based on its literary genre, the position that dates all of Daniel to be written in the second century BC is in error. It identifies Daniel as a court tale and compares it with other court tales.
Hope in the Midst of a Hostile World – Why Narrative? Why Apocalyptic?
Chapter 2 considers the genre of Daniel. The nature of narrative and apocalyptic is reflected upon.
Hope in the Midst of a Hostile World – How to Read Daniel
Chapter 1 is an introduction to the book of Daniel. The author considers the book's composition, dating, and message. At the end are a few questions to facilitate further reflection.
Prophesy and Fulfillment in the Qumran Scrolls
This article concerns itself with the interpretation of prophecy in the Qumran commentaries. Interpretation of older Scriptures was a major factor in the intertestamental period. For the first time, systematic commentaries on Old Testament books are produced. The commentaries of Philo originate from this period. The interpretation of the prophecy of Daniel marks a shift in Hebrew interpretation of prophecy.
The Provenance of the Term "Saints": A Religionsgeschichtliche Study
The use of the term "saints" for believers is new in the New Testament; in the Old Testament, it was very rarely used. In the New Testament it is a term applied to men and not angels or heavenly beings. In this essay, the author reflects on this development. Particular attention is given to the book of Daniel.
Hermeneutical Issues in the Book of Daniel
There are important hermeneutical issues involved in the interpretation of the book of Daniel. Is the book genuine prophecy? Is it a form of apocalyptic literature?
Qumran and the Dating of Daniel
The Goal of Daniel's Seventy Weeks
The Book of Daniel – Lesson 1a
The Danielic Background for Revelation 13:18 and 17:9
Beale investigates the background of the beast of Revelation 13:18 and Revelation 17:9 in the book of Daniel, particularly Daniel 12.
The Influence of Daniel upon the Structure and Theology of John's Apocalypse
Can we say that the book of Daniel is the essential key to understanding the book of Revelation? This article argues that it is basically correct to assume it. Common themes between Daniel and Revelation are explored.
Dare to Stand Alone: The Book of Daniel Simply Explained - Off to Babylon!
A Study Commentary on Daniel - The Setting in Babylon
This commentary on the book of Daniel discusses the themes of the kingdom and covenant which run through this book. The author also discusses the place of the book of Daniel within the biblical framework of redemptive history, the date and the structure and theology of the book Daniel. This section is also an exposition of Daniel 1.
Biographical Sketches of a Psalm 15 Man
We Will Not Serve Your Gods
The book of Daniel presents a constant battle that faces every Christian: the battle between the kingdom of God and the kingdom of this world. The many idols of this world exert an influence on believers. Christians must ask themselves: how are we going to live through this battle? The answer lies in Christ.