Pentecost: Baptism with the Holy Spirit
Acts 2 – The Spirit of Prophecy
Pentecost and the Birth of the Church
Thoughts on Pentecost
Pentecost – The Birthday of the Church?
What is the main focus of the church's celebrations on Pentecost? This article shows that it is not the birth of the church, but the fulfilment of the coming of the Spirit of God.
Be Filled with the Spirit: A Series Based on Ephesians
This article offers suggestions for a series of sermons on Ephesians and the work of the Holy Spirit around the time of Pentecost.
Prayers and a Banner for Pentecost
Speaking in Tongues
Reading Scripture in different languages—can be a meaningful addition to a Pentecost liturgy. This article makes proposals for a Pentecost liturgy.
Service Planning for Pentecost
This article offers some suggestions on how to plan a series of sermons during the Pentecost season. The suggestions are based on the Heidelberg Catechism, Lord's Day 20–Lord's Day 24.