Thoughts on Pentecost
Songs for Ascension, Pentecost, and Professing Our Faith
This article introduces a number of hymns that can be used in corporate worship for Ascension, Pentecost, and profession of faith.
Songs of Hospitality, Stewardship of Creation, Ascension, and Pentecost
This article introduces songs to be used in worship that focuses on hospitality, stewardship of creation, Ascension Day, and Pentecost.
Ascension / Pentecost
Be Filled with the Spirit: A Series Based on Ephesians
This article offers suggestions for a series of sermons on Ephesians and the work of the Holy Spirit around the time of Pentecost.
Prayers and a Banner for Pentecost
Hymns and a Psalm for Lent, Easter, and Pentecost: "The Lord Is Risen, Yes, Indeed," "Eternal Spirit, God of Truth," and Psalm 116
This article introduces a number of hymns and Psalms to be used in worship services around Lent, Easter, and Pentecost: Psalm 116, "The Lord Is Risen, Yes, Indeed," and "Eternal Spirit, God of Truth."
Pentecost: Filled with the Holy Ghost
The Confession of Faith Article 25 The Abolishing of the Ceremonial Law
Service Planning for the Season after Pentecost
Service Planning for the Season after Pentecost
This article offers suggestions on the planning of worship services for the church calendar after Pentecost.
Pentecost – The Birthday of the Church?
What is the main focus of the church's celebrations on Pentecost? This article shows that it is not the birth of the church, but the fulfilment of the coming of the Spirit of God.
Service Planning for Pentecost
This article offers some suggestions on how to plan a series of sermons during the Pentecost season. The suggestions are based on the Heidelberg Catechism, Lord's Day 20–Lord's Day 24.
An Annual Rhythm for Worship
How would you react if a ban were placed on the celebration of Christmas? Many Christians are reluctant to celebrate other holy days from the Christian church year; seasons like Advent, Epiphany, Pentecost, and Lent seem to have a Roman Catholic or Episcopalian aura about them. This article wants to cut through some of the mystery about these seasons.
Acts 2:2-3 – Special Pentecostal Signs
Acts 2:4 – The Holy Spirit Poured Out Over the Church of Christ
Acts 2:1a – Pentecost: The Feast of Fulfillment
Acts 2:41-42 – Growth Through the Holy Spirit
Acts 2:17-18 – The Outpouring of the Holy Spirit
By the Spirit
This article investigates the significance of Pentecost for the church, with due consideration given to 2 Corinthians 3.
"Signs and Wonders": A Rhetorical Clue to the Pentecost Discourse
The purpose of Peter's sermon on Pentecost is reflected in Acts 2:37-42. His audience is exhorted to call upon the name of Jesus Christ to be saved from a perverse generation. This study wants to examine Luke's theological method. The article reflects on how Peter attains his stated missiological purpose and confessional goal as reflected in the Pentecost sermon. He accomplishes this by arguing in the salvation-historical pattern of the traditional kerygma.
The Amazing Signs of Pentecost’s Fulfilment
The coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost as recorded in Acts 2 was accompanied by the sound from heaven, tongues of fire, and the speaking of different languages. This article explains the significance of these signs.
The Outpouring of the Holy Spirit
The Ascension of Jesus and the Descent of the Holy Spirit in Patristic Perspective: A Theological Reading
What is the connection between the ascension of Christ and the descent of the Holy Spirit on Pentecost? The church fathers made use of the antithesis between descent and ascent, often found in Scripture, for their understanding of the relationship between Christ's ascension and the coming of the Spirit.
Missions and the Book of Acts
The book of Acts is essential to understanding mission work. This article points to the ascension of Christ and Pentecost as the two events recorded in Acts that are important for the mission of the church.
The Fulfillment of Joel 2:28–32: A Multiple-Lens Approach
What do we learn about the relationship between Israel and the church and how to understand God’s eschatological program from the way Peter cites Joel 2:28–32 in Acts 2:16–21? How should the apocalyptic imagery in Joel 2 be interpreted and how was it fulfilled on the day of Pentecost? Treier considers these questions and arrives at a model for of a single-fulfilment interpretation.
The Undoing of Babel
This article discusses the human sinful motives behind the Tower of Babel, which include pride, passion for power, and other sinful delights. The author contrasts Babel with Jerusalem, the call of Abram, and the day of Pentecost. His emphasis is on the contrast between two loves: love of self and love of others.
The Descent of the Eschatological Temple in the Form of the Spirit at Pentecost Part 1: The Clearest Evidence
In this article Beale argues that some Old Testament and early Jewish references to a heavenly temple in the latter-days have contributed to the depiction of the Holy Spirit appearing as fire and other associated features in Acts 2.
The Lord’s at Work! Understanding Pentecost Properly
Pentecost: What Does It Mean?
Pentecost and True Spirituality
What is true spirituality? True spirituality can only be found by listening to the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit speaks through His word, the Bible. Therefore, true spirituality should not be sought through a repetition of Pentecost. Pentecost should be understood in line with Christ's work; it cannot be repeated.
Acts 2:1-4 - The Holy Spirit Given
Acts 2:1-13 - Filled With the Spirit on Pentecost
Matthew 20:18-19 – Pentecost: To the Gentiles!
Isaiah 32:15 – New Times!
The Holy Spirit: Spotlight on the Exalted Christ
Drenched with The Spirit: Theological Reflections on the Charismatic Movement
The Breath of God
This article is about the Holy Spirit as the breath of God. The author discusses the Holy Spirit in creation and new creation, John 20:22, Pentecost, and the Holy Spirit and the inspiration of Scripture.
Pentecost: Baptism with the Holy Spirit
Pentecost Fulfilled
Acts 2:4 – Pentecost – A Feast of Many Tongues
Acts 2:16-18 - You Will Prophesy, See Visions, Dream Dreams
Acts 2:5-13 - Pentecost: Bringing Unity to the Confusion
Pentecost and Missions: Some Second Thoughts
John 20:22 - The Lord and Giver of Life
Pentecost – The Gift of Another Comforter
The Holy Spirit and Pentecost
Every Believer as a Witness in Acts?
The writer Luke gives in Acts encouragement to believers to be involved in the spread of the word, but he does not imply that all are expected to proclaim it, nor that the essence of the gift of the Spirit is to empower such mission. Turner argues against the position that Pentecost is the empowerment for every believer individually to be involved in proclamation of the Gospel through eight theses that are expounded.