Mission as Hermeneutic for Scriptural Interpretation
A Story to Tell to the Nations
Missions and Evangelism
Your Church And Mission: What, How, Why
Mobilising for Mission The 2014 Moderator’s Address
Prayer, Missions and Evangelism
“A Sacrifice Well Pleasing to God”: John Calvin and the Missionary Endeavors of the Church
Election, an Incentive to Missions
His Lordship First Acts, Our Paradigm for Evangelism, never mentions Love
Our God Reigns The Psalms form One of the Greatest Missionary Books in the World
Connecting Prayer to Mission
For mission work to go well it must be linked to prayer, because in the Bible mission and prayer are related. This article looks at Ephesians 6:19-20 and Colossians 4:2-4 to show this relationship.
Small Towns Need Missionaries
How can a church do mission work in a small town? The church must be gospel-centred and church orientated, it must equip people and be a mission community. These are the anchor posts to support mission in small towns.
Our Living Savior and Lord
This article is about the Great Commission. God gives believers strength for evangelism and mission work.
Seven Lies I Once Believed about Missions
What hinders your church from being involved in mission work? Can it be that you also believe the seven lies in this article that are hindrances of mission work?
Active Congregational Involvement
Members of the congregation can be involved in mission work and evangelism in two ways: directly and indirectly. This article looks at both ways.
Acts 16:9-10 – The Macedonian Call
The Macedonian call as recorded in Acts 16:9-10 has three lessons for the church in relation to doing mission work.
Declaring and Demonstrating God’s Saving Rule
What should be the relationship between evangelism and social action in mission work? Should they both characterize missions? To answer these questions this article looks at different views on this issue. It discusses the relationship between the Great Commission, the Great Commandment, and the call to the church to seek justice.
Nurturing Godliness in Missions
It is a joyful moment to see people converted to Christ through mission work. However, conversion is not the end. Those converted must be led to spiritual maturity. This article shows that such maturity is rooted in making knowledge of truth grow into conviction of the truth and a life of obedience. This is achieved by teaching godliness.
Calvinism and Missions: Perseverance of the Saints
This article shows how the doctrine of perseverance of the saints should motivate evangelism and mission work.
Missionaries Sent Out from Antioch
From Acts 13:1-4 this article shows that the Holy Spirit is the one who prepares the church for mission work and gives the call to a missionary. This article also shows the character of the church that engages in mission work.
The Essentials and Non-Essentials in Missions
In mission work it is essential for the missionary to be able to distinguish the essentials of faith from the non-essentials. This article discusses the difference.
3 John 8 – Missionary Giving
Did you know that your giving is part of being involved in mission work? This is what 3 John 8 says.
Buying Missions
How the church thinks about the relationship between money and doing mission work is essential in protecting the church from falling in the trap of buying missions. This article gives three scenarios in which the church can buy missions while thinking that it is doing mission work.
Missions and the Book of Acts
The book of Acts is essential to understanding mission work. This article points to the ascension of Christ and Pentecost as the two events recorded in Acts that are important for the mission of the church.
God’s Heart for the World
Evangelism, Missions, and Calvinism
Is believing in predestination a hindrance to evangelism? Because he taught and believed in predestination, John Calvin has been accused of lack of enthusiasm for evangelism and mission work. To answer this accusation this article looks at Calvin's teaching on evangelism and mission work and how they relate to predestination
How We Live for Missions
Are We Enlarging Our Tent and Strengthening Stakes?
The Lost History of Early Christianity
John Calvin and the Missionary Mandate
The Spirit of Missions
Home Mission Worker
Truth with a Mission: Reading All Scripture Missiologically
Mission is not something the church does. Mission finds its basis in God, who is missional. This article shows how the Bible is a record of the mission of God and how to read it in that light. It draws the implications this has for the church for mission work.
How to Raise Prophets
'Traditional or Experimental'
Rational or Practical: Communicating the Gospel Today
And Then All Israel Will Be Saved (2)
And Then All Israel Will Be Saved (1)
The Missionary Zeal of Calvin
Creative and Reformed About Room for Missionary Projects
The Bay of Islands and Beyond
Harvesters Needed
Short-Term Missions as a Spiritual Exercise
Short-term mission work for Christians should be a cross-bearing exercise. If the cross of Christ is excluded, then short-term missions becomes a secular exercise. This article shows how to apply biblical spirituality in short-term missions, in order that people might experience the power of the cross.
Short-Term Missions and Dependency
One danger of short-term missions is that they have the potential to cause dependency. This article discusses some ways to avoid the development of dependency in short-term mission work.
Roland Allen and the Moratorium on Missionaries
What is the impact of colonialism and post-colonialism on mission work? This article argues that colonialism bred dependence, while post-colonialism raised voices for the independence of local churches in mission work. This article discusses the 1970s moratorium on foreign missionaries and foreign aid.
Foreign Subsidy under Scrutiny (2)
What is the impact of foreign aid on mission work? This article looks at ways to combat the negative consequences of foreign subsidy.
Foreign Subsidy under Scrutiny (1)
What is the impact of foreign aid on mission work? This article documents five different aid works and shows how each negatively alleviates poverty, paralyzing the poor and causing dependency in mission work and economic development.
The Culture We Need
The Church's Missionary Task: Obeying God's Call to Reap in His Fields
Biblical and Confessional View of Missions
This article is on mission work. The author discusses the church as the agent of missions. Preaching is central to the advancement of mission work, and every member of the congregation has a responsibility for missions. The author looks at this topic through the lens of the biblical and confessional position.
How to Plant a Reformed Church
This article on mission work is about how to plant a reformed church (church planting).
A Fragrant Aroma — An Acceptable Sacrifice
Are we partners in mission work? What should our relationship be with missionaries and other kingdom workers? It might be friendship, but it should also be a partnership. We must support them financially, which is an act of worship - a fragrant offering acceptable and pleasing to God.
Mission Outreach by Every Congregation
Mission work is undertaken by the church as a response of faith to God and with the expectation of blessings from God. Therefore, those doing mission work should give priority to the preaching of God's word, and leave the outcome in God's hands.
Cross-Economic Giving (2)
Christians are called by God to give with a willing heart according to what they have. This article shows that when churches help each other (especially in the context of mission work), this help must be guided by God's providence and wisdom.
Cross-Economic Giving (1)
Christians are called by God to give with a willing heart according to what they have. This article shows that when churches help each other (especially in the context of mission work), this help must be guided by God's providence and wisdom.
William Cameron Townsend – Father of Wycliffe Bible Translators and Summer Institute of Linguistics
This article looks at the life of William Cameron Townsend, or Uncle Cam as he was also called. Focus is given to the role he played in translating the Bible to native languages out of the conviction that this is the greatest way of doing mission work. He founded the Wycliffe organization, which focused on Bible translation into native languages.
God's Covenant Established With all Nations
Looking at the covenant God made with Abraham, this article shows how from the Old Testament God wanted to reach all nations in Christ. The author shows what this means for the church's mission work.
The Mystery of the Church
God refers to the church as a mystery. What is this mystery? The mystery is that from the beginning God intended to gather His church from all nations and tribes. He wanted His church to be international (a universal church), and not limited to the tribe of Israel. This mystery was made clear in Christ and forms the heart of mission work.
A Goal in the Philippines (3): Self-Propagating Churches (2)
What would mission work be like if one was to do missions with the aim of establishing a self-propagating church (self-propagating meaning a church that is involved in mission work and evangelism)? This article discusses this question, sharing ways through which this goal can be achieved. The author identifies foreign financial aid as the biggest hindrance to achieving this goal, since it creates dependency.
A Goal in the Philippines (2): Self-Propagating Churches (1)
What would mission work be like if one was to do missions with the aim of establishing a self-propagating church (self-propagating meaning a church that is involved in mission work and evangelism)? This article discusses this question, sharing ways through which this goal can be achieved. The author identifies foreign financial aid as the biggest hindrance to achieving this goal, since it creates dependency.
A Goal in the Philippines (1):
What would mission work be like if one was to do missions with the aim of establishing a self-governing church (where office-bearers are local men)? This article addresses this question and shares four ways through which such a goal can be achieved.
Finding a Place for Jesus as Healer in Reformed Mission in Africa
This article looks at attempts to explain the relationship between Jesus and healing in the African context. Do miracle healings occur? How can we conduct effective mission work in this cultural context?
The Mission Labors of John Calvin
It is sometimes said that the doctrine of election eliminates the need for mission work. Is this true? John Calvin would rather say that the doctrine of election is the motivation for missions. The hope of mission work is found in the fact that God elects. This article demonstrates this truth from Calvin's life and mission work.
William Carey: Pioneer Missionary to India (2)
Known as the 'father of modern missions', William Carey has in many way set the example for a heart devoted to mission work. This article looks at Carey's life and how God prepared him to be a missionary. The author also looks at his work in India and his involvement in education.
William Carey: Pioneer Missionary to India (1)
Known as the 'father of modern missions', William Carey has in many way set the example for a heart devoted to mission work. This article looks at Carey's life and how God prepared him to be a missionary. The author also looks at his work in India and his involvement in education.
David Brainerd: Missionary to North American Indians
How did David Brainerd end up being a missionary? The article looks at the childhood of this man and the challenges he faced. These prepared him for his mission work among the American Indians. The author draws some lessons we can learn from Brainerd's work.
The Congregation’s Support of the Ministry of the Gospel (1)
These two articles build off of the series entitled The Congregation's Support of Her Diaconate. Is it the obligation of each church member to financially support the ministry of the Gospel? The author first defines what the ministry of the Gospel is, and then discusses paying the minister, providing a place of worship, and supporting mission work.
Working Towards an Indigenous Church (4): A Self-Supporting Church
The goal of mission work is to create indigenous churches which become self-governing, self-propagating, and self-supporting. This article looks at the aspect of a self-supporting church. The relationship between the sending church and the mission church is crucial, especially when it comes to money. The author points out errors from the past, but also gives directives for creating a self-supporting church.
Working Towards an Indigenous Church (3): A Self-Propagating Church
The goal of mission work is to create indigenous churches which become self-governing, self-propagating, and self-supporting. This article looks at the aspect of the indigenous church being self-propagating, discussing the importance of location, ability to speak the local language, developing instructional material in the local language, good books, training each believer to witness, and the training of children.
Working Towards an Indigenous Church (2): A Self-governing Church
The goal of mission work is to create indigenous churches which become self-governing, self-propagating, and self-supporting. This article looks at the aspect of the indigenous church being self-governing, providing six things to consider in relation to church government.
Working Towards an Indigenous Church (1)
What is an indigenous church? This is the question every missionary and sending church is asking. This article looks at the history of mission work during the colonization era and points to how things were done wrong. The author also discusses what it means to be an indigenous church.
Mission Work (5): An Exclusive Right to Mission
This article builds off of the article entitled Examining Parachurch Missions, which looked at whether mission work can be done by parachurch organizations. The author concluded that mission work should be the sole responsibility of the church as an institution. This article expands on why parachurch organizations should not be involved in mission work.
Mission Work (4): Examining Parachurch Missions
Who is called to do mission work? Can mission work be done by organizations? This article addresses these questions. The author discusses the reasons given for supporting parachurch involvement in evangelism, but concludes that mission work should remain the calling and responsibility of the church.
Mission Work (3): Missions - The Work of the Church
The chief task of the church institute in this world is the preaching of the gospel. Therefore, the church is also called to preach the gospel through mission work and evangelism. This article also looks at what makes a person a missionary.
Mission Work (2): God’s Covenant - The Foundation for Missions
The covenant promise of God has bearing on mission work. Mission work is a means which God employs to continue the line of His covenant. This covenant includes the promise God gave to Abraham in Genesis 17, and continues on throughout the Old and New Testament until today.
Mission Work (1): Defining Missions
The church's perspective on mission work determines how it goes about doing mission work. This article offers a definition of mission work which builds its foundation on the principles of Scripture, showing that mission work is God’s work through the church.
The Netherlands’ Early Contribution to Missions
What is the purpose and goal of mission work? Who sends out missionaries? Who may be sent to do mission work? Who is mission work directed toward? The written answers to these questions by Gisbertus Voetius contributed to the work of evangelism by the Netherlands churches.
Paul in Athens (2)
God calls His church to do mission work. How can the church practice effective evangelism? This article looks at Paul's mission work in Athens (Acts 17), drawing implications for the church today.
Paul in Athens (1)
God calls His church to do mission work. How can the church practice effective evangelism? This article looks at Paul's mission work in Athens (Acts 17), drawing implications for the church today.
Women and Missions (1)
Should women be involved in mission work? This article looks at what mission work involves, and maintains that women have a great responsibility to support the preaching of the gospel in mission work.
The Mission of a Mother
The Office of the Christian Believer in Missions
Divine Sovereignty and Human Responsibility
This article looks at the response of the Puritans to Arminianism when looking at salvation and its relationship with divine sovereignty and human responsibility. Does man act out of free will, or not? The author also discusses man's will and God's sovereignty in relation to mission work.
Clothed With Christ
This article gives the account of Nate Saint and his colleagues who evangelized to the Huaoranis in Ecuador. God used their death at the hands of the Huaorani men to open the door for mission work.
Joshua 5:13-6:5 - Worship and the Great Commission
Working from the scripture passage of Joshua 5:13 - Joshua 6:5 on the conquest of Jericho, this article shows the relationship between worship and evangelism, or mission work. Just as in worship God's people are led by Christ and are in His presence, so in evangelism Christ leads His church and His people go with His presence.
Alarming Trends in Christian Witness to Muslims
The Missionary Approach to Muslims: L. Blosser on "Contextualization"
Discipleship and Planting Churches
Discipleship is crucial for church growth. This article is a reflection on effective evangelism and how churches can do mission work.
Reformed Worship & Evangelism Against Practical Arminianism
A Statement of Missionary Concern
William Carey: Climbing the Rainbow
The Unitas Fratrum: Religious Pioneers
Looking at the history of the Unitas Fratrum, or Moravians, this article shows how this movement began under the influence of Jan Hus and the leadership of Nicholas Louis von Zinzendorf. The Moravian movement left a great heritage for the church, especially in the areas of communal prayer and zeal for mission work.
Reformed Missions
The Motives for Mission Work
Missionaries and the Local Church Partners in the Gospel
Acts 16:30-31 – Dynamic Christian Mission Work
Answers to Objections to Going into Missions
This is a response to possible obstacles that may prevent people from being more actively involved in mission work.
An Overview of the History of Missions
This article is a very broad overview of the history of Christian mission work up to the 16th century.
The Contribution of Henry Venn to Mission Thought
This article discusses the life of Henry Venn (1796-1873) and his contribution to mission thought. The heart of Venn's vision was the indigenous church as the goal of mission work.