The Basics of Christianity
This article considers Acts 17:22-31 with a view to discussing six elements of biblical faith.
Why Are Stories in the Bible?
The purpose of stories in the Bible is to point us to Christ, in whom our faith needs to reside. After giving a definition of faith, this article gives from Acts 17 three elements of the faith that acknowledges the existence of God.
The Speeches of Acts (Part 2): The Areopagus Address
This article is the second part of a two-part article. This article argues for the authenticity of the Areopagus speech in Acts 17 as Pauline rather than a reconstruction of Luke. It responds critically to the views of Dibelius.
On Introducing Gods to Athens: An Alternative Reading of Acts 17:18-20
This essay examines the Greek conventions surrounding a "herald’s" official introduction of a new god into the Pantheon in Athens. It wants to throw light on Paul's Areopagus address and suggest an alternative translation of Acts 17:19-20.
Implied Audiences in the Areopagus Narrative
This article gives close attention to the technique of Luke in his composition of Acts 17:16-34. This reveals the ways in which the Areopoagus narrative is not aimed at a Gentile audience but rather engages multiple implied readers or audiences. The way Paul is portrayed and the responses of the Athenians to his message are suggestive of how Luke answers for his readers the question, "What hath Athens to do with Jerusalem?"
Revelation and Reason – Resurrection, Proof, and Presuppositionalism: Acts 17:30-31
What is the relationship between revelation and reason in apologetics? What is the role of revelation when biblical veracity itself is under attack? These concerns are major aspects of this chapter. The basic argument of this chapter is that the apostle Paul’s gospel of the resurrection functions as proof of final judgment in Acts 17:31. Paul’s argument depends on revealed categories derived from redemptive history.
Paul's Apostolic Self-Consciousness at Athens
Paul in Athens (2)
God calls His church to do mission work. How can the church practice effective evangelism? This article looks at Paul's mission work in Athens (Acts 17), drawing implications for the church today.
Paul in Athens (1)
God calls His church to do mission work. How can the church practice effective evangelism? This article looks at Paul's mission work in Athens (Acts 17), drawing implications for the church today.
Acts 17:16-34 - Worship, Piccadilly Style in Ancient Greece or, "Jerusalem and Athens: What Do They Have In Common?"
This article is a Bible study on Acts 17:16-34.
Acts 17:10-15 - How to Listen to a Sermon
This article is a Bible study on Acts 17:10-15.
Acts 17:1-15 - The Resurrection: Is It Such a Big Deal?
This article is a Bible study on Acts 17:1-15.