Bahnsen on the Role of Reason
This article includes an excerpt from Greg Bahnsen's book Always Ready, in which he makes a case for using reason in our apologetics.
Reasons for Faith – Reasons of Faith
What is the relation between faith and reason? Through giving an answer to this and other questions, Oliphint wants to provide a biblical foundation for apologetics. A discussion of John Calvin’s understanding of the twofold knowledge of God (Lat. duplex cognitio Dei) and awareness of divinity (Lat.
Revelation and Reason – Resurrection, Proof, and Presuppositionalism: Acts 17:30-31
What is the relationship between revelation and reason in apologetics? What is the role of revelation when biblical veracity itself is under attack? These concerns are major aspects of this chapter. The basic argument of this chapter is that the apostle Paul’s gospel of the resurrection functions as proof of final judgment in Acts 17:31. Paul’s argument depends on revealed categories derived from redemptive history.
The Bible and the Authority of Reason
Humanism appeals to reason as its authority while Christianity appeals to Scripture as its authority. Can Christians appeals to reason? This article answers this question by looking at the authority of reason in religion, in Protestant theology, and in the Scriptures.
A Hamster Wheel Floating
This article discusses the objection raised against covenantal apologetics which states that covenantal apologetics does not describe reason as the foundation of knowledge. This is the third and final article discussing this objection.
How to Deal With Those Who Differ From Us (Part 3)
While the Bible calls us to contend for the faith, this article shows that disputing in a godly way is not easy, for we must show love and apply the golden rule to those who differ from us. Here focus is given to doing polemics in biblical way by being protective and constructive, taking into account reason, history and tradition.
Does a Christian Experience His Faith?
Some Apologetical Meanderings
Presuppositional Apologetics - Part 1
These articles on presuppositional apologetics looks at the use of reason and intellect in faith, the wisdom of man and the Word of God, the presuppositions of truth, the unbeliever and knowledge of God, neutral ground and defending the faith, and persuasion in apologetics.