Deconstructing...Musing on Some Modern Problems About Words
Surrounded by the Truth: Scripture, Community and the World
A Brief Reflection on Truth
What is the truth? How do you know that your knowledge of God is a true one? This article explains that truth is found in who Jesus declared himself to be, not in what you believe him to be.
The Truth Is Compelling
The Way, The Truth, The Life
Common Grace and Theological Scholarship
Should Christians make use of secular scholarship? Can Christians learn aspects of truth from non-Christians? This article gives reasons that can make Christians object to using knowledge from non-Christians, as well as reasons why Christians should use aspects of truth from non-Christians. This is linked with understanding common grace.
The Ninth Commandment The Ten Commandments Series: Part 9
Truth and Truth-Telling
What Is Truth? Truth must not only be known, but also Lived
Catch the 66 to Heaven The Books of the Bible are “Bus Truth” — they’ll get you there
What Is Truth? (On the Nature and Importance of Truth Today)
If truth is what corresponds to reality, what should be the Christian answer to the claims of postmodernism, relativism, and pragmatism?
Why Truthtelling Is Important
Should Christians always tell the truth? Truthtelling is not only based on God's character, but is important for the flourishing of society. The article explains that there are three other reasons why telling the truth important: authentic communication, trust and cooperation, and human dignity.
Truthtelling in the Bible
Should Christians always tell the truth at the workplace? This article explains the biblical view on telling the truth. It shows that truth is required because of God's character, but also that there are exceptions to truthtelling.
What Is Darwinism?
True and Truth in the Johannine Writings
1 John 4:4-6 – Truth's Victory over Error
Christian Discipleship in a Postmodern World
Wells reflects on Christian discipleship in our contemporary postmodern world. He first wants to characterize the present context of globalized postmodernity. Wells next considers three facets which are important to Christian discipleship: truth, authenticity, and a global vision.
Development and Diversity in Early Christianity
Recent studies have recast our understanding of Roman religion and led us to appreciate both its diversity and unity.
Knowing God’s Infinite, Eternal, and Unchangeable Truth
“What Is Truth?” Pilate's Question in Its Johannine and Larger Biblical Context
Kostenberger takes a fresh look at the significance of the question of Pilate in John 18:38, “What is truth?” in its immediate context of Jesus’ trial. He also considers the larger context of the passion narrative in John 18-John 19 and the farewell discourse in John 13-John 17.
Why Truth Matters Most: An Apologetic for Truth-Seeking in Postmodern Times
This article is an apology for the value of truth. Truth matters for Groothuis. He seeks honesty when dealing with truth for apologetic purposes. In this article he first explores the relationship of truth, self-deception, and personal virtue. He further considers the role of humility in the quest for truth and warns against the vice of intellectual apathy.
The Truth about Truth
The author's concern in this article is having a good understanding of truth and the nature of truth. He reminds his readers that a biblical concept of truth is a complex of faithfulness, firmness, reliability, honesty, integrity and consistency. In the process, he gives a defence of a biblical understanding of truth against the attacks of Friedrich Nietzsche.
The Challenge of Pluralism for the Contemporary Church
Churches are faced with the reality of pluralism. While the basic phenomenon is not new, the intellectual response to it is: the suggestion that plurality of beliefs is theoretically justified. The first casualty of the pluralist agenda is truth. McGrath's approach is to articulate some of the central presuppositions and methods of a pluralist ideology and intellectual pluralism.
The Nearness of God – Incarnation as Presence
In Chapter 1 Burns discusses the subject of the presence of God in John 1:1-18. The focus of the chapter is verse 14.
Inerrancy and Worldview – How Can Only One Religion Be Right?
Are all religions at heart the same? Can there be only one true religion? The author reflects upon these questions in Chapter 1. Part of this reflection explains the relevance of people’s assumptions about truth. People’s basic assumptions about the nature of the world fit together to form a worldview.
Life's Biggest Questions – What Does It Mean to Know and Love God?
A meaningful relationship with God is dependent on knowing God. Love for and knowledge of God go hand-in-hand. The emphasis of this chapter is that loving God means loving truth. It further explains a theological method and process that have as goal to explain how the Christian faith is relevant to different aspects of the Christian life.
Hearsay Religion and the Religion of Experience
'I Am the Truth'
Speaking the Truth From Your Heart
Survey Studies in Reformed Theology (1): Knowing the Truth
This article is part of a series that seeks to establish a basis for establishing what is right and true. Can we know truth? Truth begins with God, and only God can overcome the fallen condition of man to reveal the truth to him. The Bible reveals this truth.
How to Criticize Other Christians
How can one practice good criticism? Criticizing other Christians is not meant to destroy them, but to build them up. This article shows how one can exercise criticism that is based on loving the truth and defending it, while at the same time caring for the person being criticized.
John 17:17 - “Your Word is Truth”
Displaying Our Banner
Church Protection
John 14:16-17 - The Spirit of Truth is With Us Forever
The Ultimate Balance of the Attributes of Christ
Speaking the Truth
Acts 4:13, 18-20 - The Church Alive With the Spirit
Ephesians 6:11-14 - Spiritual Warfare
According to Ephesians 6:11-14, Christians are engaged in spiritual warfare. This article reminds Christians of the reality of this warfare by showing that we are faced by a real enemy, the devil, who is powerful, cunning and wicked. However, by the truth of God's word believers are able to stand against the devil.
Incorporating Both Grace and Truth in our Political Action
Thought Thinking Itself?: Christianity and Logic
A Lesson From Bunyan on Truth's Friends and Foes
The Church and the Confession
A Lie is an Abomination Unto the Lord, and a Very Present Help in Trouble
Looking at the Ninth Commandment, this article shows that though the God demands truth, He does not totally forbid lying. In fact, God Himself uses lies in the Bible. Based on this, the author shows there are times when Christians can lie too. When this happens, the issues of the goal, motives, and conscience should be taken into consideration.
Symphonic Theology: In Defense of Symphonic Theology
In seeking objective truth, human beings cannot rid themselves of their personal perspectives. Applying the theory of perspectivism to reading the Bible, the author of this article shows that perspectivism should not be equated to relativism. Perspectivism does not hold all perspectives to be equal, but instead upholds the principle of unity in diversity.
Symphonic Theology: Examples of Useful Biblical Perspectives
In seeking objective truth, human beings cannot rid themselves of their personal perspectives. The author of this article applies the theory of perspectivism in the Bible to show how different themes from the Bible can be expanded to cover the whole of scripture. This article looks at the following biblical themes: the Ten Commandments, God, God's attributes, ethical issues, and the three offices of the Old Testament.
Symphonic Theology: Perspectives in the Bible
In seeking objective truth, human beings cannot rid themselves of their personal perspectives. This article shows that biblical writers used different perspectives, and yet there is harmony. The Bible does not teach us different perspectives, but rather one worldview about God, the world and ourselves, making it possible to speak about a Christian perspective.
Symphonic Theology: Perspectives in Everyday Life
In seeking objective truth, human beings cannot rid themselves of their personal perspectives. The study of natural sciences and social sciences is also influenced by individual perspectives.
The Necessity of Christian Intolerance
Critique Of The Analytic / Synthetic Distinction
Looking at the division made in modern philosophy in the pursuit to discover truth, this article studies the relationship between analytical truth and synthetic truth. The author maintains that it is impossible to make a distinction between these two kinds of truth, and relates this to the topic of apologetics.
Cultural Barriers to Preaching
Attack on God
A Truly Liberal Education
The Confession of the Absolute Truth
Do We Need Creeds and Confessions If We Have the Bible?
A Certain Uncertainty
Calvin and The Church 1541-1991
White Lie
Love and Its Correlatives
From Generation to Generation We Will Recount Thy Praise
Tell Me No Lies
Learn to Discern
Do We Need Ministers?
Christ – Our Starting Point
Christian Education Foundation for Life and Citizenship
Standing as the Pillar
Invitation to Fellowship
The Importance of a Doctrinal Christianity
Why and How I teach Heresy
Church Membership in an Evil Age
These three articles looks at the importance and the responsibilities of church membership. The author also discusses the invisible church, membership of a denomination, the important place of truth in the church, and separation and apostasy from a church.
The Sign of Divorcing the Truth
1 Corinthians 8 - Digging Out Those Dug In
The Nowhere Man
When Orthodoxy is Not Enough
Biblical Inerrancy as a Practical Issue Today
Opinions, Robbery, and the Resurrection
The Vulnerability of True Religion
Rightly Dividing the Word of Truth
Worth Killing for or Worth Dying for?
Contending for the Faith
The Polemics of Love
2 Peter 3:5 - Robbing the Word of its Power
The Case for Creation Science: It Honours God
Studying Reality at the Secular University
Rightly Dividing the Truth
Acts 5:13-14 - A Dangerous yet Attractive Church
What is Truth?
Prophecy Today?
The Abolition of Truth
Science and Ideology
This article is about how ideologies can sometimes determine truth and evidence in science. Global warming and the dating of dinosaurs are given as examples.
Reformed Faith at the Crossroads
This article is about the future of the reformed faith, truth in theology and commitment in the church.
Common Misunderstandings of Van Til’s Apologetic 1
These articles are about Cornelis van Til's view of apologetics. Presuppositions and truth in apologetics are discussed, as well as theism, the autonomy of man, human reason and logic.
Reformed Life
This article is about the characteristics of the reformed life. The author also discusses truth, good works, and love.
Truth and Love
The Christian Mind
Presuppositional Apologetics - Part 1
These articles on presuppositional apologetics looks at the use of reason and intellect in faith, the wisdom of man and the Word of God, the presuppositions of truth, the unbeliever and knowledge of God, neutral ground and defending the faith, and persuasion in apologetics.
The Lost Art of Apologetics
This article is about apologetics and Scripture and philosophy. The author also looks at truth and the unbeliever, as well as apologetics (defending the faith) and evangelism.
The Art of Apologetics in the Twenty-First Century
Wilkinson argues for a form of Christian apologetics which is not merely confrontation or defense on the intellectual level. He emphasizes a personal and holistic method and one which takes contemporary culture seriously.